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Work Permit Any Easier For A Resident?

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Hello guys,

I am a bachelor with a Thai resident permit (not requiring visa runs anymore).

I work for a BOI promoted company which obtained a work permit for me and I pay around B18,000+ a year in tax.

Can anyone advice me the following:

1. If I were to leave this job and work as a freelance technological consultant (contract) for another IT company, how do I go about applying for a work permit?

2. Can I use my new contract and resident certificate as a basis for applying without requiring the new company to have B2 million registered captial, 4+ Thai staff rule, etc?

3. What forms/letters do I need to obtain from my current employer in order to submit to the labour department and when do I have to inform the labour dept?

4. Is it possible for me to change my employment details on my existing work permit and have it extended as soon as I leave my current job?

Thank you in advance,


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