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I feel that if there is a big age difference then the couple often looks mismatched. Has anyone else noticed that there are a lot of young westerners in Thailand at the moment who are dating older Thai women?

Hey... This is I really want to know.. :o

What if young westerners in Thailand date with OLDER THAI WOMEN?

(Just older but not much older like 20years up difference..)

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Honestly, I feel mismatched with a caucasian, I'm a white dude. My last relationship, this past year, was with a stunning Fillapina. I'm now dating this hot young Mexican chika. WOO HOO.

I was married to a Thai for 8 years prior. In fact I haven't been with a white chick for 16 years.

When I was married one of my patients asked me how it was to be in an interacial marriage.

I stopped for a minute and said, "You know I never thought of it in those terms but she is a different race."

I just don't like white bread... :o

I'll probably get hammered into the ground for saying this.......but I'm saying it anyway :D

I think Foreign men with Thai girls look odd together, kind of mismatched. Whenever I see Foreign couples together they look so right and comfortable and ease with each other and the same when I see Thai couples together.

There, I've said it :o:D:D


been here long mate?? i think not...sounds like the rant of a loser/deadbeat border runner....is the immigration permit stamp you got at the border still wet perhaps ???...i think so.... <deleted> like you are are dime a dozen.... believe it or not, arse face. but there are highly educated and experienced foreigners in thailand working here in a professional position with thai wives that are of equal socio-economic status and n many cases also hold the citizenship /passport of their husband and are financially independent by their own means.........who the hel_l are who ?

Obviously you're not one of them. And for the record, I've been here almost 20 years.

Also I think your comments are flaming.

McGinty, please post a photo of your significant other so we may ascertain what matching criteria you espouse.

But if I did then I would have to post a photo of myself :o and as we are all incognito here I am unable to do this. :D

I think Foreign men with Thai girls look odd together, kind of mismatched.

it so happens that some people's brain cells are mismatched. that's the reason why they come up with all kind of bullsh*t theories and thoughts to compensate for their boredom and frustration :o

disclaimer: the lady i am married to since nearly 29 years is not Thai.



believe it or not, arse face. but there are highly educated and experienced foreigners in thailand working here in a professional position with thai wives that are of equal socio-economic status and n many cases also hold the citizenship /passport of their husband and are financially independent by their own means.........who the hel_l are who ?

Highly educated and professional eh ? yet still finds the time to go ranting on forums over a simple comment from a poster ?? :o hope your not in the hospitality business the way you treat the poster just cause he may be on a tourist visa !

well i guess if you see a 50 + guy with a - 25 year old woman of any race/color they look mismatched...

I quite agree, and I think this is where McGinty is coming from, as here in Thailand it's in your face all the time.

I'll probably get hammered into the ground for saying this.......but I'm saying it anyway :D

I think Foreign men with Thai girls look odd together, kind of mismatched. Whenever I see Foreign couples together they look so right and comfortable and ease with each other and the same when I see Thai couples together.

There, I've said it :o:D:D


Don't know about mixed race couples looking odd. Lots of couples look odd for one reason or another. I'm 100% Farang and married to my 100% Asian wife for 36 years. Maybe we look odd together. I don't know, but when I see other older mixed race couples, where the ages look similar, I do look at them and think "I wonder what their life experience is. What brought them together? Where did they raise their children?" etc. Maybe mixed race couples look "odd" together because they're just more interesting.


All those with a TGF have experienced the looks on the street from people like you, or any asian for that matter. You are making a judgement based on skin color only I suggest, and that is dangerous. If a white guy was to walk the street with a Russian or Italian, this would not offend 'cause they are closer to white?? In my travels to Thailand pre-move here, my Japanese wife had the same stares. You just don't know what you are looking at half the time, its notorious that 'white guys' cant tell the difference between asian races.


I think foreign couples who look like they can't stand being with each other (even on vacation) are far more funny looking (mismatched if you like) than any combination of genders or races that enjoy being with each other.

My Thai GF is 25 years younger than me. I don't let her hold my hand or touch me in any way when we're out. If anyone asks, I tell them she's my niece and I've taken her to Bangkok on school holiday. She's only allowed to hold on to my shirt sleeve. I don't want to offend anyone's sensitivity, especially people like the OP.

I will say many of the farang/thai "couples" you see here look mismatched, not on merit of their race, but on merit of other features like insane age gaps, one is hideous while the other is attractive, or mabey the girl is dressed like a hoe and is walking around with some guy that looks like he ran straight down to Nana after leaving the office and barfined her like 20 min ago.

Exactly. I'm also struck by the mismatch when I see a farang/Thai couple (usually trying to have a romantic dinner) who are totally unable to communicate with each other ... staring, silence interrupted occasionally by monosylabic conversation. ... It should take at least 20 years of marriage to get to that point. but then the choice of words would be different :o

I will say many of the farang/thai "couples" you see here look mismatched, not on merit of their race, but on merit of other features like insane age gaps, one is hideous while the other is attractive, or mabey the girl is dressed like a hoe and is walking around with some guy that looks like he ran straight down to Nana after leaving the office and barfined her like 20 min ago.

Exactly. I'm also struck by the mismatch when I see a farang/Thai couple (usually trying to have a romantic dinner) who are totally unable to communicate with each other ... staring, silence interrupted occasionally by monosylabic conversation. ... It should take at least 20 years of marriage to get to that point. but then the choice of words would be different :o


Honestly, I feel mismatched with a caucasian, I'm a white dude. My last relationship, this past year, was with a stunning Fillapina. I'm now dating this hot young Mexican chika. WOO HOO.

I was married to a Thai for 8 years prior. In fact I haven't been with a white chick for 16 years.

When I was married one of my patients asked me how it was to be in an interacial marriage.

I stopped for a minute and said, "You know I never thought of it in those terms but she is a different race."

I just don't like white bread... :o

My life experience is very similar. First relationship was with a Jewish person (I am caucasian/gentile), then a French-Canadian, then a Cuban, then a Mexican, then another Mexican-American, and now a Thai.

One relationship was for 17 years, another for 12, two at around 7 years........all ended amicably.

I just don't like white bread either. I have had a rich life living with the "other".

I'll probably get hammered into the ground for saying this.......but I'm saying it anyway :D

I think Foreign men with Thai girls look odd together, kind of mismatched. Whenever I see Foreign couples together they look so right and comfortable and ease with each other and the same when I see Thai couples together.

There, I've said it :o:D:D


I can follow you. For sure GF and I look mismatched and on many levels we are.

But then again, she's nuts and so am I


Rarely these days do i bother these days to read many of Thaivisa threads/posts, choosing to read only those posts specifically asking for help/advice or asking for help/advice myself, mainly because of threads like this one (ie: the threads which seem to invite comments that can be a bit prejudiced, and often leans towards being sexist, mainly it just seems to be a tad boring and rehashed (only im my opinion of course) etc.) But well, I chose to read this one, i guess curiosity got the better of me. Anyway, for those happily in a mixed culture relationship, peoples petty narrow-minded viewpoints are not worth consideration (unless you really feel you have the time and energy to re-educated them.) Who are they to you anyway? ..Nothing. :D

I will say many of the farang/thai "couples" you see here look mismatched, not on merit of their race, but on merit of other features like insane age gaps, one is hideous while the other is attractive, or mabey the girl is dressed like a hoe and is walking around with some guy that looks like he ran straight down to Nana after leaving the office and barfined her like 20 min ago.

Exactly. I'm also struck by the mismatch when I see a farang/Thai couple (usually trying to have a romantic dinner) who are totally unable to communicate with each other ... staring, silence interrupted occasionally by monosylabic conversation. ... It should take at least 20 years of marriage to get to that point. but then the choice of words would be different :o

Um, Ithailian, maybe consider that some people actually enjoy eating their food quietly together. Some people enjoy savoring the food and dont feel the need to chit-chat. This doesnt necessarily mean they are unable to communicate. Although I dont go out my way to people-watch, sometimes other diners conversations can intrude a bit on my own dining experience, thus drawing my attention to them involuntary. Im sometimes struck by how much people feel the need to share their thoughts with others, sometimes often seems mundane and unnecessary ,sometimes also seem like one person is talking at the other rather than a shared conversation. But well, each to their own. Not my business anyway. Maybe focus on your own food/date rather than querying others eating/talking habits :D


I'm not sure if it's really the subject of this thread, but I have these questions in my mind for quite some time now. It's about table manners in a restaurant.

Is it really acceptable in Thailand that one person spend half of his/her time during the meal talking on the phone with someone else? Is it ok to take a magazine and read it ? (In Hk where I leave it's fairly common, but what about Thailand?)

For me it's clear, if a person doesn't enjoy my company, I leave. But what is the local attitude in this case?


Interesting question Pierrot (and imo, a nice diversion from the original Opening :o ). I think it depends on the person and situation. Personally I am not offended if a close friend or partner that I share A LOT of time with opens up a mag or newspaper to read. If, however, I have a 'catch up' lunch/dinner with a friend I havent seen in a while then I would feel a bit put out by them doing that (unless they included me saying something like "Oh I have this important thing i need to check" or, "look at this!" etc).

As for mobile phone conversations whilst at dinner, I just consider that rude. If the call is received and quick (or explained that it is important) then I understand. But making a call just to chat to a friend (or receiving), i would take as a snub and be quite offended.

But I really just think it depends on the person and situation.


To whom it may concern.

Should you be stumbling along the meandering pathway of life and come across a couple or two that offends or amazes you because they appear to be so sadly mismatched in your not-so-humble opinion, be happy - ignorance is bliss. Tiny minds are low-maintenance.

.. I feel that if there is a big age difference then the couple often looks mismatched...
Agreed, a large disparity in age is likely to draw more attention than an ethnic mismatch. :o


My new Mexican girlfriend is 22 years younger and it seems to be a perfect fit... :D


You want mismatch?

Try marrying a Scottish woman with a drinking problem!

I did once - it left a lasting impression on me and many people we came in contact with.

I will say many of the farang/thai "couples" you see here look mismatched, not on merit of their race, but on merit of other features like insane age gaps, one is hideous while the other is attractive, or mabey the girl is dressed like a hoe and is walking around with some guy that looks like he ran straight down to Nana after leaving the office and barfined her like 20 min ago.

Exactly. I'm also struck by the mismatch when I see a farang/Thai couple (usually trying to have a romantic dinner) who are totally unable to communicate with each other ... staring, silence interrupted occasionally by monosylabic conversation. ... It should take at least 20 years of marriage to get to that point. but then the choice of words would be different :o

Um, Ithailian, maybe consider that some people actually enjoy eating their food quietly together. Some people enjoy savoring the food and dont feel the need to chit-chat. This doesnt necessarily mean they are unable to communicate. Although I dont go out my way to people-watch, sometimes other diners conversations can intrude a bit on my own dining experience, thus drawing my attention to them involuntary. Im sometimes struck by how much people feel the need to share their thoughts with others, sometimes often seems mundane and unnecessary ,sometimes also seem like one person is talking at the other rather than a shared conversation. But well, each to their own. Not my business anyway. Maybe focus on your own food/date rather than querying others eating/talking habits :D

gotta say, you do see quite a bit of the 'unable to communicate' 'silences' around in lower Sukhumvit, either that, or uninterested, or a combination of the two. Case in point, last saturday sitting at the Landmark with my daughter and mother, two US retirees with their GF's were next to our table meeting up for lunch. The old fellas started talking about getting visas to get married here, or getting visa's to get their 'gals' to go live with them in the US. The two 'gals' then started talk to each other in Thai about how they were going to both get work visas to go to...wait for it....Australia.

Comment from one of the old blokes was "I'm too old to learn Thai". I nearly blurted out to him "you better mate!"

My mother and I both stopped talking to zone in on the girls. Who clearly weren't interested in Arm-mel-ic-car, but rather, Ot-day-li-ya. With or without their men, well your guess is as good as mine.....


One thing that never ceases to amaze me when this kind of topic raises its head, is people who feel, for God knows what reason, that we should somehow value their opinion, who the hel_l are they?

One thing that never ceases to amaze me when this kind of topic raises its head, is people who feel, for God knows what reason, that we should somehow value their opinion, who the hel_l are they?

Nobody forces them to reply.......and we are all entitled to an opinion.

As for mobile phone conversations whilst at dinner, I just consider that rude.

Not practicable I suppose, but it'd be nice if there were phone-free zones in coffee shops and restaurants. I don't really want to listen to other people's telephone conversations, especially the serial ones where they make one call after after another. I'm there for a quiet coffee and a bit of a read - not disturbing anyone.

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