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A Question About Work Permits

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I'm just wondering...recently I took up a new teaching position (mid-Sept) and my employers informed me that they would (I do believe they will) sort out the WP and teaching license for me. I have a non-O visa valid until July 2005. I asked them last week whether they had set the wheels in motion and the reply was "not yet" and I was told not to worry about it as I have a valid visa :o ..

I know the processing takes a bit of time but I am working there and I guess because they have not applied for it yet, that makes me illegal, right? So, what is the allowed or right time frame for getting the work permit sorted?

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I know the processing takes a bit of time but I am working there and I guess because they have not applied for it yet, that makes me illegal, right?


If by now you have not been asked to sign any application papers for your WP or teachers license there is a high chance your employer has no intention to file one.

Insist on the filing NOW or do it yourself - not too difficult.


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Related question, or I'll start a separate thread for it, but it's also about a teacher without a WP who wants to get one.

She lives in Chiang Rai, and teaches at a govt. prathom school more than 10 km from CRai. Canadian, a BS degree, no 'education' degree, and she has a one-year non-immigrant B visa that's about half-done. She teaches English and science, and has some kind of TEFL cert, so she should meet enough of the criteria to get a WP.

Like some schools I've taught in, this schoolmarm's employer is clueless. They say they don't know how to even get started, even though she's provided them with a fairly authentic looking list. They swear that teachers at govt. schools like theirs don't need a teacher's license. They seem unconcerned that this lady is obviously working - for THEM - illegally.

What's a girl to do in a case like that? I told her to ignore it, but she says, "Hey, I don't like being a 'wetback'."

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Teachers at goverment schools (I don't know if it's all of them, but I'd guess so) don't need a teachers licence mate!

Tell her to print out the list of requirements from that superb ajarn Visa FAQ and tell her to take it in and demand they do it (oops I see she's done this kind of). Or I can give you our WP ladies' number and they can speak to her Thai to Thai! Or you could tell her to casually mention that she's thinking of contacting the MoE or maybe the Labor Department to see what should be done :o

Tricky one to be fair, maybe moving on is the best option for her?

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