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Shaving Cream


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  • 4 months later...
Get out much?

the morning shave is as much a time of contemplation and peace as it is a time of ritual.

it's a ten minute period of calm and meditation , when nothing should break the concentration and application needed to achieve a smooth and blood free result.

along with a succesful and easy early morning bowel evacuation , the perfectly executed morning shave is one of those tasks that when performed properly can make your day sink or swim.

stubble , nasal hair and hairs sprouting from the ears , badly trimmed moustaches and food encrusted beards are for neanderthals only , make no mistake , real men do shave , and shave properly.

goatees are acceptable , but only for the seriously overweight , those with poor or no fashion sense or for homosexuals.

Indeed. Taking care of morning bowels first, avoids untimely discomfort while shaving. I don't have a problem with nasal hair, but ear hair is becoming more of a hassle, around the edge of the ears, the lobes, in the ear, etc. Those battery powered ear trimmers are pretty useless and tend to rip the hair out rather than trim it out. Tiny scissors can be helpful, but not always. Sure can't shave 'em out in some spots.

I remember on a flight sitting next to a guy who spent nearly the entire trip plucking out his facial hair one by one, then wiping them on a napkin. Kinda gross. He said once finished, he's shave-free for a couple of months. Um, no thanks.

As for facial shaving, if 4 or 5 blades are better than one, why not a 50-blade cartridge? Bonus advantage: good exercise just lifting it.

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...nasal hair...
A razor.
... but ear hair. ...edge of the ears, the lobes, in the ear, etc.
A soft Thai lap, bright overhead light and tweezers.

If nose hair ever becomes a problem, I'll be sure to consider shoving a razor up my nose for a good scraping, then skip that plan altogether.

Tweezers for ear hair? Soft lap or not... Ouch! Lemme know how it works out for you. Why not just sear it off with a lighter?

I think I'll stick with the scissors for the inside stuff and razor for the edges, etc.


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Padthaiguy...if only it was that easy...

Are we talking shaving cream or some exotic import you are trying to locate?

When I want shaving cream, I go to the supermarket and buy it. It's there.

No, that ain't shaving CREAM, you see. That's brushless shaving FOAM and GEL, the fast-food equivalents that, along with the Fusions, the Mach 3s etc, now monopolize this particular market segment thanks to the Gillette cartel. Very different. The fact that you and PeaceBlondie mistakenly believe that foam or gel is actually cream attests to the effectiveness of marketing doublespeak.

Shaving can be just another boring routine task to finish as quickly as possible, or it can be a enjoyable little ritual to which one may even look forward. The latter uses cream or shaving soap, a brush, and most likely a traditional safety razor.

I could not agree with you more; shaving is an experience, not something to rush through.

I have a well balanced safety razor, a badger brush and use shaving cream from Taylor of Old Bond St. I stock up when I go back the US every year, as what's available here is limited - even the replacement blades are of poor quality.

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I could not agree with you more; shaving is an experience, not something to rush through.

I have a well balanced safety razor, a badger brush and use shaving cream from Taylor of Old Bond St. I stock up when I go back the US every year, as what's available here is limited - even the replacement blades are of poor quality.

I would like to disagree - in my view shaving is a daily, or twice daily, TASK. It is something that I HAVE to do after showering in the morning and something I HAVE to do before going out in the evening.

I put it on par with bowel movements - although these are often more satisfying :o

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I could not agree with you more; shaving is an experience, not something to rush through.

I have a well balanced safety razor, a badger brush and use shaving cream from Taylor of Old Bond St. I stock up when I go back the US every year, as what's available here is limited - even the replacement blades are of poor quality.

I would like to disagree - in my view shaving is a daily, or twice daily, TASK. It is something that I HAVE to do after showering in the morning and something I HAVE to do before going out in the evening.

I put it on par with bowel movements - although these are often more satisfying :o

That's merely because you don't have the right stuff for an enjoyable shaving experience--which we're trying to tell you. As for bowel movements, many of our members have succeeded in improving those by posting to our forums whilst sitting on the toilet. Or have you tried that already? Not sure how they do that, but I assume a wireless notebook computer will do the trick.

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I could not agree with you more; shaving is an experience, not something to rush through.

I have a well balanced safety razor, a badger brush and use shaving cream from Taylor of Old Bond St. I stock up when I go back the US every year, as what's available here is limited - even the replacement blades are of poor quality.

I would like to disagree - in my view shaving is a daily, or twice daily, TASK. It is something that I HAVE to do after showering in the morning and something I HAVE to do before going out in the evening.

I put it on par with bowel movements - although these are often more satisfying :o

To each his own. My dad loves changing the oil on his car. I would rather pay some oily guy in a pair of overalls to do it. You get more satisfaction from a good bowel movement, while I prefer grooming. It takes all kinds.

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