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How Many Hours Do You Sleep Per Day ?


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More important is going to sleep at the same time each night. After 40 minutes of sleep there us a large release of Growth Hormone,GH, from the pituatory gland in the brain, followed by smaller releases through the night. If you go to sleep 40 minutes later than your normal sleep time, and then still sleep 8 hours, you will wake up tired. The body has missed the large GH release it needed for repair work.

If the GH is released 40 minutes after you go to sleep why does it matter what time that is?

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I always need plenty of sleep. Most people need a usual 7-8 hrs. I try to do that but I find out that I'm easily cranky. So sleeping up to 10 hrs is fine with my body. :D

I used to feel guilty :o for sleeping too much until I found an article about our human sleeping habits. It said each individule needs a very varies hours of sleep. Some only need a few hours of sleep a night, while others need more. Vivien Leigh, the famed starlet from ' Gone With The Wind '. The story goes.......during eight months of shooting this great movie, everyone who was working along with her at the MGM studio, was taken by her sleeping habit, all she needed was 2-3 hrs, she felt fresh, full with energy and ready for a shooting the next screen.

Long time ago, this Thai famouse actor and writer 'SOR ASSANAJINDA', was seen as a workaholic, he was always either acting (on a stage or in a movie) and writing (screen play or novel). He could go on for weeks wthout sleeping. When a family or friend tried to tell him to take a break, his famouse word is ......." There is always plenty of times to sleep in the coffin.."

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More important is going to sleep at the same time each night. After 40 minutes of sleep there us a large release of Growth Hormone,GH, from the pituatory gland in the brain, followed by smaller releases through the night. If you go to sleep 40 minutes later than your normal sleep time, and then still sleep 8 hours, you will wake up tired. The body has missed the large GH release it needed for repair work.

If the GH is released 40 minutes after you go to sleep why does it matter what time that is?

I have an extreme case of insomnia since maybe 17.

And finally after 3 or 4 days I would finally close my eyes and 1 hr later be awake again for the next run.

I do how ever get to sleep 1nce a week during the day time if truly relaxed. I don’t drink coffee, I drink lots of soy milk and sprite.

On the 3erd day of no sleep everything will just echo my eyes will start to see things that r not really there. It really sucks.

Today I sleep a few hrs during the day and feel quite fresh and fine but bored as hel_l.

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I also used to be an insomniac, couldn't sleep for days, then maybe 5-6 hours, and awake for days again. Now I go for a minimum of 6. That's my average, any more and I feel like I'm wasting time. 8 is impossible even to contimplate! I'd say 6 is perfect for everyone if you train your body and mind and get quality sleep!

Edited by suegha
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