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Night Venues Threaten Indefinite Closure

fatter than harry

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So I have a questions that maybe someone can answer ... if those guys out there in Phuket can start a rally and a concentrated protest, then why don't these Bankokians do this?  I have to assume that the local bars and such here must be losing a lot of money right now, as well as taxi drivers, etc.  Well, actually, I don't assume ... I have asked many taxi drivers, bar owners, workers, etc, and the opinion has been unanimous.  1:00 AM is bad for business. 

Oops, sorry, correction ... it has significantly improved business for the street side "bars" late at night, as well as for the underage (looking?) prostitutes roaming around the Sukhumvit area.  Hmph, good thing the cops are checking the IDs of those little girls roaming around at 4:00 AM ... oh, wait, I have never seen an ID check going on there ...

But seriously, why has something like this not happened here?  Is the heavy hand of the government so strong here?  Is there a large section of the population here in favor of the new closing times?  Or should they be taking down the Democracy Monument?  Not trying to be rude, just very, very curious.

one very big reason is- It's not a holiday town, Phuket and Pattaya are.

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I just came back from bali. although the tourists numbers have not improved in the past 2 years the bars/discos close at 4 am, ( hard rock included) and although their are a few hookers around their are NO bars that are full of them like Pattaya, phuket, Samui.

Maybe if they, ( the bars and owners in Phuket/Pattaya/Samui changed the way things operate the goverment will also change their view.

I have lived in Phuket for 15 years and back then it was much nicer than it is now.

If this is progress than progress be damed.

Get rid of the girl bars. make the tourists areas suitable for familes and people looking for fun not cheap romances. Can anyone really say that Patong is a nice place? or that it gives Thailand a good face?

If Phuket intends on really being a tourist destination it must change or die.

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The problem with early closing may be far more serious than I originally thought. I have just returned from Europe, where I visited three countries - Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In all of these countries, bars are open until 4am. I also know that in Spain and Italy people often do not go out for dinner until 11pm and, again, bars are open until the small hours. FOR THOSE THAT WANT THEM.

Why would anyone want to save up and travel 10-12 hours to spend a holiday in a place where they are forced to return to their hotel and go to bed hours earlier than they would do at home. I met four people who were intending to come to Thailand, but the word is going around already and they have decided they’d rather go somewhere else.

That’s my own small experience talking to people who knew I live in Thailand and asked why this is happening. What could I tell them? For the most part, only the places that foreigners frequent are being targeted, and that sends a very clear message. You are not wanted.

If I understand the rules, now no pub can open until 6pm. So tourists come to a tropical country and cannot get a drink in the middle of a hot afternoon. Unless they go to a 7/11 and drink it in the street, I suppose. Is that what the government wants? Tell tourists they can’t buy a drink in this climate, while they can at home, and they’ll just laugh and go somewhere they can. Simple. There are a lot of countries that have the same attractions as Thailand, some of them are cheaper, and most of them have a government that is encouraging tourism rather than trying to kill it.

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TAT has another view:

Thailand’s southern resort islands crowded with tourists

BANGKOK: -- Visitors to the resort islands in the Gulf of Thailand have been steadily rising this year despite the rainy season, according to the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT).

Hotel occupancy, in one of Thailand's most popular tourist destinations -- Koh Samui – was over 70 percent during September and October.

Most of the tourists were from Germany, England, Australia and Japan.

Many tourists now opt to reserve their hotel rooms through the Internet, a local tourist offical told TNA.

Scuba diving and golf are among the favourite activities of tourists during their stay on the Samui Island.

Visiting the local spas now appears to have become a major attraction for the high end of the tourist market.

Improved public transport services, including bus and taxis services, on the Samui island have also led to the increase in the number of visitors.

More than half-a-million tourists visited Koh Samui in the first six months of this year -- an increase of 22 percent, compared with the same period last year.

More than 130,000 visited Koh Pha-ngan during the first half of 2004.

Tourists normally come to the island in October and November to attend the Full Moon Party, according to local tourist officials.

Both Koh Pha-ngan and Koh Tao are also popular diving sites.

More than 55,000 tourists visited the Tao island in the first six months of this year.

--TNA 2004-10-27

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Rode around Patong last night just to take a look.

Soi Bangla was completely shut down inclding all beer bars, go-go bars and discos. Tai Pan, Tiger everything. The lights were out too in Soi Paradise and nobody was home.

All the shops selling usual tourist tat were open and the restaurants who were serving drinks did appear busier than usual. Along the beach road a few of the high end open air bars were open and were completely packed.

I suspect a lot of Thai people might have appreciated the day off as there were a lot of young Thai lads and girls riding around together having fun.

All in all Patong did have something of the blitz spirit with people determined to have fun regardless. The scab bars on the beach road will not help keep unity among the Soi Bangla bars.


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Just sitting in a bar which has been closed down by about 30 thugs.  One had a pistol, one had , what looked like from my Army days 35 years ago, an M79 grenade.  It should be unstable by now.......

Things are getting worse.....

Mental note:

Stay away from Patong. Hand grenades and alcohol do not mix. This country is on the verge of chaos. Is anyone noticing the signs?

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As we all know this is theatrics on the part of the government to be hard on the

'illict sex trade" in thailand. World opinion is forcing the government to look like it is doing something against this. All the "do gooders" that come to Thailnd who are hired and

paid by these "moral" religious churches and organization have been pressuiring the government to act against the "sex trade". As we all know these people make a living from this activity and give not one baht personally to these young women they are pretending to save. I alone have given thousands of dollars to them. We all have. The government I think wants to take this to this very situation so that they "the world" can see that they tried. It is obvious and evident that the true powers that be understand the important economic function of

"the sex trade" in thailand at this present moment in its economic development. Thanks to this trade millions of billions of dollars have entered Thailand since the early sixties. What is the alternativ? "national economic collapse" To do what? To please the uptight moral minority outside of thailand?

I don't think so.



"The world is our oyster"

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Just how stupid can the government be, the excuse to close early is to protect young Thai's, how many young Thai's do have the money to visit those bars, it's only farang tourists coming there, and they want their money, but are they really so stupid to beæieve that tourists will fly half ways around the world at a great cost, to be put to bed at midnight.

This will hurt the tourist industry badly, shooting yourself in the foot. :o

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im cancelling my stay if this goes on thro december (33 nights booked  in phucket) :o

thats a bit harsh mate, it won't be that bad. :D

If he going to stay there for 33 days,it might be a good idea if he learned how to spell Phuket

oh my god ..... A Living Spellingschecker :D:D:wub: National Geographic beware :D

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And so the closing time saga continues. Opinions for and against abound, and not one of them will make the slightest bit of difference. :o

The government will continue to do whatever it wants with it's usual disregard of farang opinions. The Philippines and Cambodia must be loving this, not to mention Singapore and Hong Kong. :D

As long as a percentage of sex tourists continue to act in a drunken, loud-mouthed boorish manner, the pressure to shut down this aspect of Thailand nightlife will continue. Owners of entertainment venues would get far more respect and attention from the authorities if they clamped down on the drunks, and made more effort to eliminate drug taking in their establishments and in keeping out underage drinkers.

A little bit of responibility by both the entertainment providers AND their customers would go much further than useless protests and constant whining. :D:D

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Just sitting in a bar which has been closed down by about 30 thugs.  One had a pistol, one had , what looked like from my Army days 35 years ago, an M79 grenade.  It should be unstable by now.......

Things are getting worse.....

Please... Can you expound on this horrific incident??

Dear, dear, John! Sounds like you might not actually believe him :o:D

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As of 4:30 pm bars in Phuket have been notified they can open til 3 am pending a review of regulations. They have closed bars for the last 3 days and have threatened to block ingoing and outgoing roads to Patong tomorrow.

Went to the rally last night as it was one of the few places you could buy a drink - irony or what!!

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Yes, I can expand. I was sitting in a bar in Phisit Karanee. I won't name it, when the thugs came in. The licensee, a charming Thai lady, spoke to them and agreed to close. The thugs, who were doing their very best to look menacing, then became very happy and went around shaking hands with everyone, some wai's and also some salutes were given. If you are going to be menaced by armed thugs I recommend armed Thai thugs are they are extremely polite.

If any does not believe me, put up your money and I will take you to the bar for independent confirmation.

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Night venues win ‘unofficial’ 2 am reprieve

PATONG: -- Entertainment venues in Patong and Kata-Karon this evening won an interim "unofficial” reprieve from the Governor, who has said they may stay open until 2 am.

In return, they have agreed to call off their protest at the football field on Thaweewong Rd.

After meeting with Phuket Governor Udomsak Usawarangkura early this evening, Sompetch Moosophon, President of the Patong Entertainment Business Association (PEBA), told the Gazette that entertainment venues in Patong are now "unofficially” allowed to stay open until 2 am.

He said that Gov Udomsak had asked for the protest at the football field on Thaweewong Rd to disband, and for entertainment venue owners to wait "one or two weeks” for the Cabinet to come to a decision on the matter.

"The Governor has asked the Cabinet to extend the closing time to 3 am, which I believe they will approve,” he said.

"But that’s not enough. It’s not what we want; we need [to trade until] 4 am.”

PEBA Secretary Pratheep Rerksomroj told the Gazette, "The Governor seemed to be very worried about the situation in Narathiwat, and concerned that the protest [in Patong] might give the impression of violence. He asked us to stop [the protest] because it might affect tourism, and we accepted that.

"We will open tonight as usual,” he added.

The reprieve applies only to venues in the entertainment zones in Patong and Kata-Karon.

--Phuket Gazette 2004-10-28

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As of 4:30 pm bars in Phuket have been notified they can open til 3 am pending a review of regulations. They have closed bars for the last 3 days and have threatened to block ingoing and outgoing roads to Patong tomorrow.

Went to the rally last night as it was one of the few places you could buy a drink - irony or what!!


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Did the Hotel Bars stay open during the strike. I stay at a family run and family oriented hotel who "said" the would continue their policy of serving hotel guests only. They have a policy, not totally enforced, that make having guests financially prohibitive. I am exempt fomr the charges. <deleted> (I rent the best room for about 50 days total a year).

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Yes, I can expand. I was sitting in a bar in Phisit Karanee. I won't name it, when the thugs came in.  The licensee, a charming Thai lady, spoke to them and agreed to close.  The thugs, who were doing their very best to look menacing, then became very happy and went around shaking hands with everyone, some wai's and also some salutes were given.  If you are going to be menaced by armed thugs I recommend armed Thai thugs are they are extremely polite.

If any does not believe me, put up your money and I will take you to the bar for independent confirmation.

Thank you... and it was so nice of the thugs to remember to be polite... :o

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Just read in Pattaya Today that Pattaya bar owners seems to not have the guts of Phuket and go on strike. Too bad. Would be nice to get Pattaya back to the old days of rock-around-the-clock (limited to the zoned area of course, not that it makes any difference. The Thai-karaoke places are still rocking aroudn the clock as it is).

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