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E-mail Clients


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I am currently running Eudora as my e-mail client in a Windows environment.

I have a large amount of archived info in the mail boxes that I do not want to loose.

Migrating to Thunderbird in the Windows environment gives me the option to import

my mail settings from Eudora.

Will I get the same option if I install Thunderbird in the Linux side?

If I go to T'bird in the Windows env first, can I transfer all my mail and settings later

to a version in Linux?


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I thought one of the gurus would reply, but I guess they didn't so I will even though I am about as far as one can get from being a guru.

I successfully transfered all of my important archived emails from my windows computer, where I was using outlook express, to my linux computer where I am now using t-bird. The emails in oe were in eml format, so I just installed a t-bird add on called import/export tools and i imported them with no problems. The only settings I remember was just setting up t-bird for my gmail account. I also transfered my address book, which was a wab file, but that took some manipulating to get the home/business addresses, phone numbers, etc in the right places.

I don''t think you will have any problems.

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Migrating to Thunderbird in the Windows environment gives me the option to import

my mail settings from Eudora.

Will I get the same option if I install Thunderbird in the Linux side?

not in my experience with many installs of Thunderbird under Ubuntu and Fedora with a Win2k partition on the same drive, but that may have changed with recent editions

If I go to T'bird in the Windows env first, can I transfer all my mail and settings later

to a version in Linux?

from my experience a few years ago trying to convert almost 10 years of archived emails under Eudora there are many strange quirks in the Eudora mailbox format so importing large quantities of emails is not for the faint-hearted - but there are workarounds for most problems and again this may have improved by now, or IMAP may well be a better option to transfer emails.

importing settings etc under Windows then copying the config files etc across to Linux will carry across lots of fixed Windows pathnames in settings etc. TB does not seem to choke on these and ignores or uses defaults instead but you end up needing to reset many options to get everything back to normal. unless your mail setup is very complex I would not recommend going down this path - I use three mail servers, have a few add-ons and have changed many default settings bit found it was easier and cleaner to use IMAP and set up the new version manually, but many people on the forums claim it works perfectly (though I doubt they look too closely at the results!!)


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there are many strange quirks in the Eudora mailbox format so importing large quantities of emails is not for the faint-hearted

I know what you mean.

I have mail folders in my Eudora setup, with boxes inside for each year.

All the folders seemed to get lost in the transfer to T'bird and I end

up with lots of boxes called 2005, 2006 etc.

So I am back in Eudora for the moment renaming my mail boxes and eliminating the folders.

Thanks for your input will research further and may come back to you later, if I may? :o

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I would really like to help but I use Fedora 8, and my email client is Evolution (which can reads all backups from any Windows computer). It is maybe a shame I never used Thunderbird on a Linux computer. Evolution is also free and seems to be more supported by the several distribution builders....

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Thanks for your input will research further and may come back to you later, if I may? :o

my convert was years ago so don't know have many of the issues are now better handled by the standard import but I ended up using Eudora2Mbox.py a python script that cleaned up a lot of issues and created mail files ready to be copied directly to a T'Bird directory

but also think about IMAP if you have access to an IMAP mail account (and a reasonable speed connection!)


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