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thats not always the case,

what about the ones that are constantly under pressure from their families for money, what other job can provide enough money to supply their father/ brother etc with whiskey so they don't have to lift a finger.

also what about the thai boyfriend that sends them out to <deleted> people to feed his habits.

believe me there are some that have to do this.

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I agree with you Davethailand. Maybe my 99% was exagerated, but you must admit that most bargirls are quite content with the ease at which they can extract

money from a green Farang. They then feel comfortable with this lifestyle and scoff at working as a hairdresser, office worker, bank teller, secretary, even a civil servant.

My point is that a lot of them are making a heck of a lot more money than many of the posters on this forum. The intelligent ones save all their money and then start legitimate businesses. Others may abstain from drugs alcohol and cigarettes and get married happily. I have heard from bargirls that there are bargirls working in Tania Plaza (Japanese soi Patpong) that drive new cars to work and make 100,000-150,000 Baht per month from their various Japanese customers. Once a lady is making that kind of money, I doubt she'll ask for her old job back at Foodland.

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I agree with you Davethailand. Maybe my 99% was exagerated, but you must admit that most bargirls are quite content with the ease at which they can extract

money from a green Farang. They then feel comfortable with this lifestyle and scoff at working as a hairdresser, office worker, bank teller, secretary, even a civil servant.

My point is that a lot of them are making a heck of a lot more money than many of the posters on this forum. The intelligent ones save all their money and then start legitimate businesses. Others may abstain from drugs alcohol and cigarettes and get married happily. I have heard from bargirls that there are bargirls working in Tania Plaza (Japanese soi Patpong) that drive new cars to work and make 100,000-150,000 Baht per month from their various Japanese customers. Once a lady is making that kind of money, I doubt she'll ask for her old job back at Foodland.

agreed, i know girls that are earning upwards of 60k a month, one girl i've met has over a million in her savings account, and shes not even one of the really sexy ones.

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agreed, i know girls that are earning upwards of 60k a month

Dave, she would have to have "sponsors" to earn this much wouldn't she?

I am far from being an expert. (My GF won't allow me to do the research)...

But my impression is this:

In Pattaya the norm is 1,000 Baht per night "long time". So even with her wage of a couple of Gs per month, she would have to be bar fined every night to to scrape past 30,00 per month.

Could make it doing short times I suppose, but I thought that most of the BGs in Pattaya usually go LT.

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agreed, i know girls that are earning upwards of 60k a month

Dave, she would have to have "sponsors" to earn this much wouldn't she?

I am far from being an expert. (My GF won't allow me to do the research)...

But my impression is this:

In Pattaya the norm is 1,000 Baht per night "long time". So even with her wage of a couple of Gs per month, she would have to be bar fined every night to to scrape past 30,00 per month.

Could make it doing short times I suppose, but I thought that most of the BGs in Pattaya usually go LT.

1000 Lt for an oldie , but the younger ladies ( 20-25) that won't cut it. Gogo girls will be 2000 Lt and that mid season...

Yes I am an Expert


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i know girls that command at least 2000 per night and get it.

of course there are guys out there that give them alot more, one example a friend of ours has a regular customer, 4000 maybe 5000 for one night, and yes your right some do have alot of sponsers.

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You're all talking about the chump change they make at night. I'm talking about the hundreds of thousands of Baht that is wired from say 3 or 4 different men in foreign countries to the same girl every month or so. They have several baskets to keep their eggs in. They're just as smart as the analyst in a finance company; they just get the money a little differently.

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You're all talking about the chump change they make at night. I'm talking about the hundreds of thousands of Baht that is wired from say 3 or 4 different men in foreign countries to the same girl every month or so. They have several baskets to keep their eggs in. They're just as smart as the analyst in a finance company; they just get the money a little differently.

Aye , sponsors............... :o

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But my impression is this:

In Pattaya the norm is 1,000 Baht per night "long time". So even with her wage of a couple of Gs per month, she would have to be bar fined every night to to scrape past 30,00 per month.

Your impression is right, even a bit over the norm but - for only certain segment of the market.

Most of Pattaya girls won't be let to sweep floors the daytime in those Soi Tania Japanese karaoke bars.

White skin, long nose, tiny lips...kind of girls you rarely see in the farang oriented market. Sometimes you may ..when they get kicked out due to drug/alcohol abuse.

One night with a Japanese customer would set him back 25-30K baht. The girl walks out with 15-20K, the rest are drinks.

(Those prices of the drinks are the reason they would not let you and me into those bars. When the bill comes, we shout, complain, our dick bigger than Japnese...but, it's a wallet time, not dick time.

Some bars would let us in but only if we are being escorted by a Japanese person).

So, if the girl gets one customer per week on 20K...many get them every day, some even have trouble coordinating current and arriving customers.

My gf was attending a course in Japanese. Her and 9 other girls. All 9 were from Soi Tania, 5 of them had their own cars.

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Issan girls exude friendliness, charm, humor and warmth not to mention beauty.

What more could one ask for?

I am not asking for more, I am fine with them.

It's the girls wo's asking for - more than 1000B....20K B per night. And can't get that. But, some can and bar owners know how to size them up.

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Issan girls exude friendliness, charm, humor and warmth not to mention beauty.

What more could one ask for?

yep really not much to complain about there

You really cant fault most of these ladies for trying to make a living. and they bring a little joy into the lives of some jaded foreigners.

It aint no bed of roses petals but what in life is.

Sounds like some of those girls have it better than alot of us.

There are casualities of course but "c'est la guerre", some one has to feed the worms. Buddhists know that well enough. Lets spare Thailand the christian moralizing. :o

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Bar girls, do me a favour, I have more respect for the girls that work in Starbucks or slave away in Mcdonalds for 8000 baht per month.

These girls have a choice people, and they have chosen to take an easy way to earn a living, a way of life that involves no effort or no thought.

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Bar girls, do me a favour, I have more respect for the girls that work in Starbucks or slave away in Mcdonalds for 8000 baht per month.

These girls have a choice people, and they have chosen to take an easy way to earn a living, a way of life that involves no effort or no thought.

if its their choice and their decision, good for them and keep up the good work,

who are we to judge.

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Here's a complete abridged history of a bar girl.

I lived in Thailand for 7 years in the late 80's, early 90's. I was (and still am) married to a Thai woman. We were visiting my wife's sister's farm near Rayong. I was talking to a neighber of theirs - a pretty 25 year old girl, Daeng. Daeng lived on a nearby farm with her brother and her 2 young sons. They were in truly dire financial staights - were about to lose the farm, due to bad luck (Daeng's 2 boyfriends deserting her leaving behind a kid each), 2 real bad years for tapioca, and some medical expenses.

Daeng basically said this to my wife and I: "I'm tired of being poor, we're about to lose our land, I like sex 'a lot', I'm attracted to farang men. Would you take me to Bangok and help me get started in prostitution." Daeng was a smart, charming woman with nine years of schooling, and she was determined to do this whether we helped or not.

My wife had to stay with her sick grandmother for a few weeks, so she decided to keep our son there, and asked me to take Daeng back to Bangkok and get her "set up". I, reluctantly, did this. And looking back on this (14 years later), it was hilarious. The 2nd night back I took her to the Beer Garden - we went there for a few nights, but she was WAY too shy to talk to anybody. I'd bring guys over to meet her, but she'd just look at her shoes and tremble and they'd lose interest. She said: "I'm really really afraid, and excited, and horney, and ashamed of my feelings." She also didn't like the place because she said the other girls were unfriendly to her because: "they're all jealous I'm Thai and they'er Lao."

After 4 nights of no business, I brought her to a Patpong bar where they made her a waitress. This was just what she needed, a cute little uniform, something to do (clean ashtrays), and an excuse to talk to men: "which one do you like, sir?" She actually stayed at my apartment for 3 weeks, and I was worried sick the first night she didn't come home. (And strangely jealous - even though there was nothing sexual going on between us.)

Anyway, Daeng did this for about 2 years and really did send almost all of the money home. She met a German guy who married her and took her and her 2 sons to Germany. After 8 years they got divorced, and Daeng moved back to her farm in Rayong, but her kids are staying with their step-dad in Germany. The reason for the divorce is her husband fell in love with a younger bar girl!

I saw Daeng this year for the first time since she moved to Germany. She seems pretty happy with her choices. Her kids have a better chance for a good future in Germany than the did on the farm, she still has the farm, she's fat and sassy, and looking for another Farang boyfriend.

The reason I posted this isn't because Daeng's story is typical, or that special either. It's simply a story of one person. I'm reading these posts and the amount of generalization bothers me. It's a subtle form of racism. There are 6 million stories in the Naked City, and Daeng's is just one.

I have a feeling that the people with the strongest opinions don't speak very good Thai, and haven't actually spent much time talking (shagging doesn't count) with these girls.

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Here's a complete abridged history of a bar girl.

I lived in Thailand for 7 years in the late 80's, early 90's. I was (and still am) married to a Thai woman. We were visiting my wife's sister's farm near Rayong. I was talking to a neighber of theirs - a pretty 25 year old girl, Daeng. Daeng lived on a nearby farm with her brother and her 2 young sons. They were in truly dire financial staights - were about to lose the farm, due to bad luck (Daeng's 2 boyfriends deserting her leaving behind a kid each), 2 real bad years for tapioca, and some medical expenses.

Daeng basically said this to my wife and I: "I'm tired of being poor, we're about to lose our land, I like sex 'a lot', I'm attracted to farang men. Would you take me to Bangok and help me get started in prostitution." Daeng was a smart, charming woman with nine years of schooling, and she was determined to do this whether we helped or not.

My wife had to stay with her sick grandmother for a few weeks, so she decided to keep our son there, and asked me to take Daeng back to Bangkok and get her "set up". I, reluctantly, did this. And looking back on this (14 years later), it was hilarious. The 2nd night back I took her to the Beer Garden - we went there for a few nights, but she was WAY too shy to talk to anybody. I'd bring guys over to meet her, but she'd just look at her shoes and tremble and they'd lose interest. She said: "I'm really really afraid, and excited, and horney, and ashamed of my feelings." She also didn't like the place because she said the other girls were unfriendly to her because: "they're all jealous I'm Thai and they'er Lao."

After 4 nights of no business, I brought her to a Patpong bar where they made her a waitress. This was just what she needed, a cute little uniform, something to do (clean ashtrays), and an excuse to talk to men: "which one do you like, sir?" She actually stayed at my apartment for 3 weeks, and I was worried sick the first night she didn't come home. (And strangely jealous - even though there was nothing sexual going on between us.)

Anyway, Daeng did this for about 2 years and really did send almost all of the money home. She met a German guy who married her and took her and her 2 sons to Germany. After 8 years they got divorced, and Daeng moved back to her farm in Rayong, but her kids are staying with their step-dad in Germany. The reason for the divorce is her husband fell in love with a younger bar girl!

I saw Daeng this year for the first time since she moved to Germany. She seems pretty happy with her choices. Her kids have a better chance for a good future in Germany than the did on the farm, she still has the farm, she's fat and sassy, and looking for another Farang boyfriend.

The reason I posted this isn't because Daeng's story is typical, or that special either. It's simply a story of one person. I'm reading these posts and the amount of generalization bothers me. It's a subtle form of racism. There are 6 million stories in the Naked City, and Daeng's is just one.

I have a feeling that the people with the strongest opinions don't speak very good Thai, and haven't actually spent much time talking (shagging doesn't count) with these girls.

The story is "complete"?

There could be a story like this but I have never heard one.

Sounds more like a write-up.

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Here's a complete abridged history of a bar girl.

I lived in Thailand for 7 years in the late 80's, early 90's. I was (and still am) married to a Thai woman. We were visiting my wife's sister's farm near Rayong. I was talking to a neighber of theirs - a pretty 25 year old girl, Daeng. Daeng lived on a nearby farm with her brother and her 2 young sons. They were in truly dire financial staights - were about to lose the farm, due to bad luck (Daeng's 2 boyfriends deserting her leaving behind a kid each), 2 real bad years for tapioca, and some medical expenses.

Daeng basically said this to my wife and I: "I'm tired of being poor, we're about to lose our land, I like sex 'a lot', I'm attracted to farang men. Would you take me to Bangok and help me get started in prostitution." Daeng was a smart, charming woman with nine years of schooling, and she was determined to do this whether we helped or not.

My wife had to stay with her sick grandmother for a few weeks, so she decided to keep our son there, and asked me to take Daeng back to Bangkok and get her "set up". I, reluctantly, did this. And looking back on this (14 years later), it was hilarious. The 2nd night back I took her to the Beer Garden - we went there for a few nights, but she was WAY too shy to talk to anybody. I'd bring guys over to meet her, but she'd just look at her shoes and tremble and they'd lose interest. She said: "I'm really really afraid, and excited, and horney, and ashamed of my feelings." She also didn't like the place because she said the other girls were unfriendly to her because: "they're all jealous I'm Thai and they'er Lao."

After 4 nights of no business, I brought her to a Patpong bar where they made her a waitress. This was just what she needed, a cute little uniform, something to do (clean ashtrays), and an excuse to talk to men: "which one do you like, sir?" She actually stayed at my apartment for 3 weeks, and I was worried sick the first night she didn't come home. (And strangely jealous - even though there was nothing sexual going on between us.)

Anyway, Daeng did this for about 2 years and really did send almost all of the money home. She met a German guy who married her and took her and her 2 sons to Germany. After 8 years they got divorced, and Daeng moved back to her farm in Rayong, but her kids are staying with their step-dad in Germany. The reason for the divorce is her husband fell in love with a younger bar girl!

I saw Daeng this year for the first time since she moved to Germany. She seems pretty happy with her choices. Her kids have a better chance for a good future in Germany than the did on the farm, she still has the farm, she's fat and sassy, and looking for another Farang boyfriend.

The reason I posted this isn't because Daeng's story is typical, or that special either. It's simply a story of one person. I'm reading these posts and the amount of generalization bothers me. It's a subtle form of racism. There are 6 million stories in the Naked City, and Daeng's is just one.

I have a feeling that the people with the strongest opinions don't speak very good Thai, and haven't actually spent much time talking (shagging doesn't count) with these girls.

The story is "complete"?

There could be a story like this but I have never heard one.

Sounds more like a write-up.

You have never heard one perhaps because you weren't listening , or didn't want to hear it? :o

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Here's a complete abridged history of a bar girl.

I lived in Thailand for 7 years in the late 80's, early 90's. I was (and still am) married to a Thai woman. We were visiting my wife's sister's farm near Rayong. I was talking to a neighber of theirs - a pretty 25 year old girl, Daeng. Daeng lived on a nearby farm with her brother and her 2 young sons. They were in truly dire financial staights - were about to lose the farm, due to bad luck (Daeng's 2 boyfriends deserting her leaving behind a kid each), 2 real bad years for tapioca, and some medical expenses.

Daeng basically said this to my wife and I: "I'm tired of being poor, we're about to lose our land, I like sex 'a lot', I'm attracted to farang men. Would you take me to Bangok and help me get started in prostitution." Daeng was a smart, charming woman with nine years of schooling, and she was determined to do this whether we helped or not.

My wife had to stay with her sick grandmother for a few weeks, so she decided to keep our son there, and asked me to take Daeng back to Bangkok and get her "set up". I, reluctantly, did this. And looking back on this (14 years later), it was hilarious. The 2nd night back I took her to the Beer Garden - we went there for a few nights, but she was WAY too shy to talk to anybody. I'd bring guys over to meet her, but she'd just look at her shoes and tremble and they'd lose interest. She said: "I'm really really afraid, and excited, and horney, and ashamed of my feelings." She also didn't like the place because she said the other girls were unfriendly to her because: "they're all jealous I'm Thai and they'er Lao."

After 4 nights of no business, I brought her to a Patpong bar where they made her a waitress. This was just what she needed, a cute little uniform, something to do (clean ashtrays), and an excuse to talk to men: "which one do you like, sir?" She actually stayed at my apartment for 3 weeks, and I was worried sick the first night she didn't come home. (And strangely jealous - even though there was nothing sexual going on between us.)

Anyway, Daeng did this for about 2 years and really did send almost all of the money home. She met a German guy who married her and took her and her 2 sons to Germany. After 8 years they got divorced, and Daeng moved back to her farm in Rayong, but her kids are staying with their step-dad in Germany. The reason for the divorce is her husband fell in love with a younger bar girl!

I saw Daeng this year for the first time since she moved to Germany. She seems pretty happy with her choices. Her kids have a better chance for a good future in Germany than the did on the farm, she still has the farm, she's fat and sassy, and looking for another Farang boyfriend.

The reason I posted this isn't because Daeng's story is typical, or that special either. It's simply a story of one person. I'm reading these posts and the amount of generalization bothers me. It's a subtle form of racism. There are 6 million stories in the Naked City, and Daeng's is just one.

I have a feeling that the people with the strongest opinions don't speak very good Thai, and haven't actually spent much time talking (shagging doesn't count) with these girls.

The story is "complete"?

There could be a story like this but I have never heard one.

Sounds more like a write-up.

You have never heard one perhaps because you weren't listening , or didn't want to hear it? :o

2 chonabot:

>You have never heard one perhaps because you weren't listening , or didn't want to hear it?

Heard enough of them. No need for attempts in literature. Maybe when I hear all the possible stories and organize a referendum I will have a complete picture.

Until then, i have to rely on something.

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The story is "complete"?

There could be a story like this but I have never heard one.

Sounds more like a write-up.

I don't get it - you've never heard of village girls with kids and no man who don't have enough money so they go to Bangkok, leave the kids with relatives, work at bars, send money home, and get married to foreigners?

What the ###### kind of story have you heard?

Because my Thai wife was involved in the restaraunt business in San Francisco (and because we went to Thai temples regularly), I've met more than 100 Thai/American couples, and that story is VERY VERY common - trust me.

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Well, the reason I bothered to write it is it's a bit unusual. I guess it must be hard to believe, because I posted it in 2 places and 5 people have called me a liar so far!

On the other hand, it can't be that unusual because something similar happened to me again. My wife was studying English at AUA and befriended one of the Thai teachers there. This college educated girl was looking for a Farang husband, but wasn't opposed to making a few Baht while looking. She also was picking my brain for advise on how to start a pro-am career.

This girl ended up getting pregnant and marrying a Thai cop.

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This college educated girl was looking for a Farang husband, but wasn't opposed to making a few Baht while looking. She also was picking my brain for advise on how to start a pro-am career. This girl ended up getting pregnant and marrying a Thai cop.

That's better.

A "college educated girl" is not a dirt poor single mother from Isaan with children to feed and oldies to support and no options of her own.

The "new" girl jou just came up with has nothing to do with the original story nor with board members' disbilef in it.

And the cop she "ended up with", although officialy on 7K baht per month, is not a bad choice either. They have many double bottoms in their bags, probably more than pilots.

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