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Lumbar Tractuion Devices


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A Cambodian friend suffers from lumbar problems and I am trying to find a home device for lumbar traction for her.

I know there are many back sufferers out there so am hoping someone can tell me where in LOS I might buy one or,

lacking that - an online source that doesn't require a doctors prescriotion (not practical for someone living in Cambodia) and willing to ship abroad?

Thanks in advance...

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  • 4 weeks later...
A Cambodian friend suffers from lumbar problems and I am trying to find a home device for lumbar traction for her.

I know there are many back sufferers out there so am hoping someone can tell me where in LOS I might buy one or,

lacking that - an online source that doesn't require a doctors prescriotion (not practical for someone living in Cambodia) and willing to ship abroad?

Thanks in advance...


Sorry but I dont usually read the medical postings but as no one has replied I thought I should offer some advice albeit very late in the day.

I have one of those huge inflatable exercise balls which my Physio advised I sit on the floor with my back to this ball and rest my neck on the ball whlst at the same time aowing the ball to roll gently backward with my neck then back being supported by the exercise ball and rolling backwards and forwards for a few minutes gently streching the spine.

In addition I have to sit on the ball with back straight and feet apart about a 12 inches and then gently raising one knee off the ground as far as I can with the back still firmly kept straight and hold that position as long as possible and then repeat this with the other knee.

Sounds a bit nuts I know but it does stretch the spine without causing further damage and the sitting and leg raising which sounds very easy but in practice is quite hard to maintain the position initially has the benefit of strengthening the stomach and lower back muscles.

I also try to do a few Yoga stretches each day which does take time but after some time gets easier and personally I found eases the pain.

I used to take anything up to 8 tramadol pain killers and now I only use them maybe once a month, thats not to say the back pain has disapeared I an afraid I dont think that will ever happen but I think the sitting excercise in particular increases he support for the back and makes me think about how I position my back during the day.

Sorry no quick cure I am afraid but I hope it will help your friend out by at least limit further deterioration and hopefully ease things up a bit for them, these inflatable exercise cost around 360Baht in the uk and they should be available at almost every large sports store in Thailand.

Best of luck

Roy Gsd

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Thanks, Roy. I know the balls you mean.

As it happens she has since the post undergone surgery on the cervical spine as there was nerve root compression, lumbar problem remains but due to the recent cervical spine op any type of traction that would stretch the neck needs to be avoided for some months. I'm sure there are still things she could do with the ball that wouldn't pull on the neck.

On another thread someone indicated that Amway sells a type of hoem traction devide, from the looks of it it would be out for her right now as it uses gravity and thus would exert a pull on the neck. Stuill hoping to find a device where she can lie flat and gat some pull on her feet to stretch only the lumbar spine. I have found them online but all are from US and require a prescription...

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