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Amazing Or Giant Insect Sightings

The Gentleman Scamp

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My second night in Phuket I saw what I thought was light reflecting off a blade of grass - a closer glance revealed the scource to be fireflies!

I had never seen a firefly in real life and I promised myself that when I had a job I would be in a position to mention such a frivilous topic on the forum.

Also, the other day at Ranong bus station, there was a huge scarab beetle on the floor the size of my hand.

Thinking it could only be plastic, like the ones I used to buy from toy shops in Portsmouth as a kid, I went to pick it up and it reared up and showed me it's pincers.

'What a huge son of a bitch' I recall saying to myself... The thing was so big it just sat there on the floor of the bus station, so I scooped him up on my passport and put him in a bin full of pineapple skin around the corner, out of harms way.

From my seat on the bus, I could see it labouriously climbing the brick wall the bin was against, occasionally slipping and regaining it's grip.

I sat on the stationary bus for a good fifteen minutes watching it slowly get to the top of the wall, and when the bus pulled out of the station, just before I was out of sight, the poor #### slipped and fell back into the bin...

On it's back probably if it's luck is anything close to mine.

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you should see the spiders that are being exported by the hundreds coming out of all forests in thailand. Huge as well. I talked to the lady who catches them and she said she had been all over thailand.

Let's rip out the last spots of jungle, we sure will profit from it as a civilazation :o

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you should see the spiders that are being exported by the hundreds coming out of all forests in thailand. Huge as well. I talked to the lady who catches them and she said she had been all over thailand.

Let's rip out the last spots of jungle, we sure will profit from it as a civilazation :D

Don't worry Darknight when the human race is extinct something even more scary will come from the ashes :o

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Also, the other day at Ranong bus station, there was a huge scarab beetle on the floor the size of my hand.

Thinking it could only be plastic, like the ones I used to buy from toy shops in Portsmouth as a kid, I went to pick it up and it reared up and showed me it's pincers.

'What a huge son of a bitch' I recall saying to myself... The thing was so big it just sat there on the floor of the bus station, so I scooped him up on my passport and put him in a bin full of pineapple skin around the corner, out of harms way.

Unfortunately you have selaed it's fate Scampy.

They are allergic to Pineapples.

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I'll post the pic when its developed,

A huge fly in the cameroon highlands in malaysia last week.

It was dead so i took a picture with it next to my hand just to show how big it was. (the size of a fist)

Thank god it was dead, heart attack time.

Now that's a big fly :o

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Unfortunately you have selaed it's fate Scampy.

They are allergic to Pineapples.

I don't care, I'm busy ogling your new avatar. :D

The biggest insects I've seen have all been in Scampy's bedroom.

That sounds a bit gay, shouldn't we explain that comment?

Scamp it's only an avatar :o

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My second night in Phuket I saw what I thought was light reflecting off a blade of grass - a closer glance revealed the scource to be fireflies!

I had never seen a firefly in real life and I promised myself that when I had a job I would be in a position to mention such a frivilous topic on the forum.

What? They don't have fireflys in England? :D:o

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don't know much about large insects in thailand but I got a two meter brain damaged monitor lizard rustling about in the bull rushes behind our house in Suphan Buri...


Out of my office window on Saturday noon a few years back, in Bangkok, off Rama 9 Road……Rushes then about 6 foot talk. -_-


One of my favorites – Ahh sooo Grasshopper :(


And this won the “Moth of the Month” competition :o


joking only !!!!! :D

And for a bigger picture click below. Many more on:- :)

Animals and Insects

Kan Win (win13) :D

Edited by Kan Win
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don't know much about large insects in thailand but I got a two meter brain damaged monitor lizard rustling about in the bull rushes behind our house in Suphan Buri...

I remember you telling that story. I laughed my assoff .

Where on this site can we dig that up again ?

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don't know much about large insects in thailand but I got a two meter brain damaged monitor lizard rustling about in the bull rushes behind our house in Suphan Buri...

Wow, that's big also, Komodo Dragon?? :o

If its 2 meters its probably a dtua heear (can be called "dtua ngun dtua tong") I dont know about supan but I've seen them over in Chinat.

Thery usually live in the lower rice growing areas, places with plenty of water.

Have'nt a clue what the english is for them but they look exactly like a Komodo Dragon

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This thing nearly dropped onto my head outside a 7-11, but it landed on the roof rack. When I got home it was still there, and proceeded to crawl its way around the pick-up. Eventually I put it on a bush near the garden fence because I remembered when I was a kid, I used to keep "stick insects" in a box and feed them with Privet bush leaves. Probably sealed its fate too... :o:D:D


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While camel spiders exist they don't actually get as big as that, it's a trick photo!


It's not really a trick photo. You can see the cuff of the guy holding it on the right hand side. Just doing a quick search and I see that they grow to the size of an adults hand. Which is how it looks in the photo once you realize the distance of the guy holding it.

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don't know much about large insects in thailand but I got a two meter brain damaged monitor lizard rustling about in the bull rushes behind our house in Suphan Buri...

Wow, that's big also, Komodo Dragon?? :o

If its 2 meters its probably a dtua heear (can be called "dtua ngun dtua tong") I dont know about supan but I've seen them over in Chinat.

Thery usually live in the lower rice growing areas, places with plenty of water.

Apparently 'dtua heear' (ตัว เหี้ย) is best avoided in polite company - keep to the 'หรสอำพ and gold' name ตัว เงิน ตัว ทอง. The English name is simple 'water monitor'. The scientific name is Varanus salvator salvator. It's supposed to be good for keeping down rats (they will also eat snakes) and disposing of uncremated corpses (an official role in some places), and are encouraged in some parts of the world. Tame ones are generally docile indoors, but they are not considered suitable pets for most people. As with dogs, their bite can be lethal, so be careful when tickling them under the chin. See Salvator for more titbits.

Have'nt a clue what the English is for them but they look exactly like a Komodo Dragon

The komodo dragon, Varanus komodoensis, is no longer considered a particularly close relative.

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Here's a tip: Never blindly reach for the 'phone when it rings... :D


I've seen alot of these Giant Millipedes in Thailand... Saw one crawling around in the ruins outside of Si Satchcanalai, pointed it out to the Tour guide, and she totally freaked out!

But When I was in Thanton, in Northern Thailand , The little daughter of the manager of The Guesthouse where I was staying had a giant millipede similar to this as a pet(!) :D . She was feeding it bits of fruit.....

I guess not all Thai females are 'fraid of bugs! :o

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While camel spiders exist they don't actually get as big as that, it's a trick photo!


It's not really a trick photo. You can see the cuff of the guy holding it on the right hand side. Just doing a quick search and I see that they grow to the size of an adults hand. Which is how it looks in the photo once you realize the distance of the guy holding it.

Go the the link I posted and you'll see that YES IT IS a trick photo mate!

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