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Stupid Neighbour And His Dogs

Tony Clifton

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Tony, what do you think you will do?

Wait it out, see what the village counsel does now that they've been told and use the truck in the meantime.

I don't want to risk the safety of my family any further, especially not INSIDE our home as well.

How easy is it to plant yaba onto a foreigner's property when he complains about your dogs? I can easily imagine a thousand other similar setups, he probably knows more policemen than I do.

you need Taksin's police to deal with this chappy...... 555

Feel for you Tony, we dont agree on much, me being a dog lover doesnt help, but I do hate dog owners that dont take care of there mutts. I for one have my pooch locked away inside my yard all day and in the house at night(to keep the Thai's away from him!!!!), gets a bath every night and gets scolded any time he barks before 8am, after 8pm or for some stupid reason (an he's a sheep dog, so barking and chasing cars or motorbikes comes real natural).

Dogs will respond to the pack leader. One way to deal with these mongrels is to catch them and bring them down to your house for an afternoon. Should be fun, "picnic at Tony's" we could call it!! At the moment they have their pack and your an outsider. Short of pissing around there yard here is a way to deal with it. Catch them all, I mean get them all a leash. Take them down to your house. Feed them some good meat, wait 2 or three hours, feed them some milk. Get close to them. Once a little friendly, put them on a collar, walk them a bit and carry that stick. Give them a light jab it they horse around. 20 minutes of this and you will find them licking at your feet........

I know you wont want to be bothered with all this, but it is the way. Dogs will only bow to the pack leader. The drunkard has got one up on you here as he's the pack leader. The only way to beat him (the drunkard) is to trump him with his own dogs..... you know he's never going to keep his dogs under house rule!

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So, the idea is to film a problem dog gnawing your leg off, or whilst it is attacking your child. The film can then be used as evidence against the owner.

Brilliant idea! Why didn't I think of that?

actually, i don't think he would be capable of filming a dog while it was gnawing his leg off, and i would hope he wouldn't just stand there and film while it was attacking a kid. silly post, in my opinion.

Whoooooosh! Something just flew over your head, mate.

Edited by Sir Burr
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I've not read the entire thread, but here's my take on dogs: I absolutely HATE them, and don't use that word lightly. They are anti-social, annoying and downright dangerous. I would honestly prefer to come face to face with a tiger than a rottweiler. There is very little difference in their physical stature anyway, and cats are creatures who are easy to understand - they'll either ignore you or charm you, depending on how hungry they are (ok, maybe not the tiger!).

Dogs, on the other hand, are entirely unpredictable - how on earth do you know whether the dog barking at you is doing so because it is angry, aggressive or just wanting a bit of a play? It drives me mad to see dog owners blithely looking on as their pet pooch jumps out at me barking - "isn't he just adorable?" they say? No it f&*king well isn't. What's adorable about being made to jump out of your skin?

Dog owners remind me of the NRA - they like what they have and don't give a dam_n about the consequences, which are often severe. The NRA will defend to the death the right to bear arms. I will defend to the death the right to protect myself against aggressive and dangerous dogs, by whatever method. <deleted> to the consquences, <deleted> to the dog and <deleted> to the dog owner's feelings.

Dogs are the number one worst thing about asia IMO.

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Actually, as I'm coming back to Thailand for a couple of months soon and am undecided where to go, which of the major areas is the most dog free? I liked Chiang Mai, except for the dogs. Phi Phi has cats, but is too small. I don't remember Krabi having many dogs. Phuket has too many.

Is there an area in Thailand where dogs aren't really a presence?

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I've not read the entire thread, but here's my take on dogs: I absolutely HATE them, and don't use that word lightly. They are anti-social, ann ...........blah blah blah di blah di blah blah di blah di blah kap....


See Tony, problem solved mate!

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Dog owners remind me of the NRA - they like what they have and don't give a dam_n about the consequences, which are often severe. The NRA will defend to the death the right to bear arms. I will defend to the death the right to protect myself against aggressive and dangerous dogs, by whatever method.

Eh? Who is it that's like the NRA again? :o

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Dog owners remind me of the NRA - they like what they have and don't give a dam_n about the consequences, which are often severe. The NRA will defend to the death the right to bear arms. I will defend to the death the right to protect myself against aggressive and dangerous dogs, by whatever method.

Eh? Who is it that's like the NRA again? :o

I am merely suggesting it is legitimate to fight fire with fire.

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So, the idea is to film a problem dog gnawing your leg off, or whilst it is attacking your child. The film can then be used as evidence against the owner.

Brilliant idea! Why didn't I think of that?

actually, i don't think he would be capable of filming a dog while it was gnawing his leg off, and i would hope he wouldn't just stand there and film while it was attacking a kid. silly post, in my opinion.

Whoooooosh! Something just flew over your head, mate.

:o Captain Pedantic rushing to fight Irony, wherever it shows its evil face.

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Dogs will respond to the pack leader. One way to deal with these mongrels is to catch them and bring them down to your house for an afternoon. Should be fun, "picnic at Tony's" we could call it!! At the moment they have their pack and your an outsider. Short of pissing around there yard here is a way to deal with it. Catch them all, I mean get them all a leash. Take them down to your house. Feed them some good meat, wait 2 or three hours, feed them some milk. Get close to them. Once a little friendly, put them on a collar, walk them a bit and carry that stick. Give them a light jab it they horse around. 20 minutes of this and you will find them licking at your feet........

I think he is more concerned with them biting his feet instead of licking them. I doubt very much that this would change a dog's long term behavior unless it was regularly practiced. Plus I imagine he would be ripped to shreds while trying to teach this pack of dogs how to behave.

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Actually, as I'm coming back to Thailand for a couple of months soon and am undecided where to go, which of the major areas is the most dog free? I liked Chiang Mai, except for the dogs. Phi Phi has cats, but is too small. I don't remember Krabi having many dogs. Phuket has too many.

Is there an area in Thailand where dogs aren't really a presence?

Narathiwat, Pattani, Yala

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Actually, as I'm coming back to Thailand for a couple of months soon and am undecided where to go, which of the major areas is the most dog free? I liked Chiang Mai, except for the dogs. Phi Phi has cats, but is too small. I don't remember Krabi having many dogs. Phuket has too many.

Is there an area in Thailand where dogs aren't really a presence?

Narathiwat, Pattani, Yala

Isaan, most of the doggies there go on holiday to Vietnam and Cambodia

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Dog owners remind me of the NRA - they like what they have and don't give a dam_n about the consequences, which are often severe. The NRA will defend to the death the right to bear arms. I will defend to the death the right to protect myself against aggressive and dangerous dogs, by whatever method.

Eh? Who is it that's like the NRA again? :o

I am merely suggesting it is legitimate to fight fire with fire.

Then the thing to do is fight dog with dog.

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Actually, as I'm coming back to Thailand for a couple of months soon and am undecided where to go, which of the major areas is the most dog free? I liked Chiang Mai, except for the dogs. Phi Phi has cats, but is too small. I don't remember Krabi having many dogs. Phuket has too many.

Is there an area in Thailand where dogs aren't really a presence?

Probably not, have you thought to try Vietnam instead.....555

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Actually, as I'm coming back to Thailand for a couple of months soon and am undecided where to go, which of the major areas is the most dog free? I liked Chiang Mai, except for the dogs. Phi Phi has cats, but is too small. I don't remember Krabi having many dogs. Phuket has too many.

Is there an area in Thailand where dogs aren't really a presence?

You just don't belong in Thailand Sucker Hans. May I respectfully recommend your next vacation be in Baghdad. I understand there are very few dogs there.

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You just don't belong in Thailand Sucker Hans. May I respectfully recommend your next vacation be in Baghdad. I understand there are very few dogs there.

And I respectfully ask, who are you to say "who belongs, or, does not belong" in Thailand?

I also think there a far too many strays, especially in Phuket. When the dog-catchers used to come around and collect them all, there wasn't such a problem. Now that this isn't done anymore and we have to rely on under-funded neutering centres, the problem is out of hand. People getting bitten and more accidents on the roads caused by strays.

If you don't agree with this, should I start packing my bags?

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(not so) Simple solution to Thailand's dog problems. Sharks and Cats!

Round up the dogs and take them on a one-way sea voyage .. replace them with cats .. preferably, neutered cats.

What - so they can start killing off the native birds ..

Nah .. they're plenty busy with rats, jingjokes and tookays. Besides, Thai cats are like white men .. they can't jump.

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Actually, as I'm coming back to Thailand for a couple of months soon and am undecided where to go, which of the major areas is the most dog free? I liked Chiang Mai, except for the dogs. Phi Phi has cats, but is too small. I don't remember Krabi having many dogs. Phuket has too many.

Is there an area in Thailand where dogs aren't really a presence?

Probably not, have you thought to try Vietnam instead.....555

I'm actually in vietnam now, though haven't succombed to temptation as yet, mainly as I fear I'll be tempting fate. Dogs are evil and know who's been a munching on em. Don't want to give them any more reason to launch themselves in my direction.

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Dog owners remind me of the NRA - they like what they have and don't give a dam_n about the consequences, which are often severe. The NRA will defend to the death the right to bear arms. I will defend to the death the right to protect myself against aggressive and dangerous dogs, by whatever method.

Eh? Who is it that's like the NRA again? :o

I am merely suggesting it is legitimate to fight fire with fire.

Then the thing to do is fight dog with dog.

Which just doubles the problem.

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Good dogs vs Bad owners is nonsense. It is different to the "guns don't kill, people do" argument. Dogs can act on their own.

I like dogs as much as the next man that has bred dogs and lived with trained animals all their lives.

We are talking about vermin with wagging tails here.

I was chased by 3 dogs a couple of years ago and felt it was their heads V's my legs. I beat the crap out out of the leader and would have happily killed the three of them if I had a better weapon.

My soi now is populated with the usual vermin. Most of them are too diseased or lazy to stand up, but I would happily put them down. Dogs are only nice when they are pets, when they are dumped at a temple they become vermin.

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Dog owners remind me of the NRA - they like what they have and don't give a dam_n about the consequences, which are often severe. The NRA will defend to the death the right to bear arms. I will defend to the death the right to protect myself against aggressive and dangerous dogs, by whatever method.

Eh? Who is it that's like the NRA again? :o

I am merely suggesting it is legitimate to fight fire with fire.

Then the thing to do is fight dog with dog.

Which just doubles the problem.

Are you suggesting to fight dog with fire?

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Just always try to keep your cool that your neighbors don't know it is you and feed them some meatballs a la antifreeze. People eat pigs, cows and chicken and before they are eaten they got to get killed as well. Why is a dog any different?

I was contemplating killing our neighbors dogs for some time, it is amazing how ignorant some people here are. Poor dogs kept by stupid owners. If such a dog makes your life miserable get rid of it and if possible do it in a way that the owners don't know who it was but know that the dog got killed by someone.

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A well-looked after, and trained dog can be your companion, guardian and part of the family. All it takes is a little time and patience to train it properly. Regardless of its breed or pedigree.

Sadly, the total ignorance and neglect of many owners here means that their dogs are just pests. The "fashionable" breeds, like "pooden" or "go-den" have a price tag attached that makes them some sort of pissant status symbol. Rather symptomatic of a society that knows the price of everything, but the actual value of very little.

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Dogs & children do not mix & I don't care what breed it is.

Agreed. There was a tragic case in New Zealand around '99 or 2000. An 8 year old boy was attacked by the family pet, an Alsatian. He survived, but needed around 70 stitches all over his body.

Yet if you go to www.dog-breed-facts.com you'll see they say "Alsatians are good with children".


"Alsatian for sale - eats anyting...loves children"

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The behaviour of a dog is 100% the responsability and result of its owner. The problem in Thailand is that the bond between humans and dogs is nowhere near as intimate as in the west......even if a dog becomes a pet the general understanding of a dogs needs are more than often minimal....clouded by old wifes tales and ideas of transmorgification.

to own a dog and not treat it correctly is in my opinion quite unforgivable, whether the dogis brutalised or loved to death, it all amounts to animal cruelty

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