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Stupid Neighbour And His Dogs

Tony Clifton

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Poisonning the dogs, what a good idea.

Some idiot was upset with my neighbours 3 dogs barking and laid down poison near our house.

Mine was first to die in my hands.

How appalling...

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What gives a dog more right to life than a tic, mouse or rat for that matter?

Sure some are cute cudly etc, but when they have no use and are a threat to me and my family.... I really don't have much sympathy. Really, on the scale of things.... what matters more, your family or some mangy mongrel?


Edited by Dakhar
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A dog that has been poisened does not have a pretty end to there life, I think that's what most people are saying it is an extremly cruel way to fix your problem.

i'm assuming it probably depends on what poison is used? If they use just some household substance (drain cleaner or something), then yes it probably is painful and takes a long time. But if you used a high dose of actual medication, surely they would just fall asleep and die?

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^then it's time for a strychnine-laced doggie treat.

make sure you use the strychnine in the right dose.

The two seperate posts both list rat poison as an option this is an awfull way to kill a dog, that is what I was referring to my friend no one has mentioned another method of poison.

Edited by rick75
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i did have a friend once that got around the problem by getting himself a pit bull that ripped the guts out of most of the dogs where he lived and hence the only dog running around was his but i dont think that would work with a lot of thai dogs and the owners not wanting to know about it '


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yep, sounds like dog lovers all over, make sure you use the strychnine in the right dose, try it out on yourself first, just to make sure.

Or I could just wait until the dog bites and the infection kills me, how ya like that? :D

On many occasions I could have simply run them over late at night with the truck while they slept in the middle of the street and now regret not doing so one by one.

Is it too late?

Yes, the owner will know it's me by now.

You've been saying for months now that you are leaving Thailand. I thought you would have left by now.

Could you get a Tasar? Or what about an ultra-sound device.

We are still waiting for documents before the move and selling the house, although that may be done even after we've left. Believe me, if I could fly out of here today I would.

Should the entire village population get a taser or deal with ONE owner?

I am very sorry to read of the problems with the dogs and agree with Spee - unfortunately so many dogs are owned by Thais who have no idea how to look after them.

It is possible in Thailand to take out what in UK we would call a restraining order or injunction to prevent someone acting unreasonably. If your chat with the village headman does not come to anything I suggest that you find a solicitor to act on your behalf to get the nuisance stopped.

This is a very interesting option rather than action that will only escalate and maybe lead to violence as nearly happened last evening.

Aggressive dogs are usually the products of environments where they are cruelly treated. Aggression is a manifestation of fear. Therefore, engaging in confrontational actions only reinforces the defensive and fearful behaviour. There are easier and more effective methods such as the use of a spray bottle containing a pungent yet harmless liquid. Think of the skunk. Once animals experience skunk spray, they steer clear.

You have stated several times you are leaving Thailand without delay. If that is the case, what is another week or so? Or is this more about exacting vengeance on a neighbour that you feel has wronged you? Are you protecting yourself from the dogs or are you intent upon teaching the neighbour a lesson to show him who's boss?

For someone that harps about responsibility and says that Thais need to be told to take responsibiltiy, are you afraid of going to this fellow and telling him that if you are attacked by his dogs, that you will hold him responsible and will share the pain of injury?

Or is poisoning the dogs your way of avoiding the difficulty of practicing what you preach?

Three incidents followed with face to face confrontations, I don't think I'm afraid of going to this fellow, he knows by now.I've done my share, what has he done so far? Nothing, totally careless and irresponsible.

Would you be proud of giving a mistreated dog a long painful death? Is this the kind of moral quality you wish to teach your child? Would you tell him hey Daddy poisoned some dogs and they really took a long time to die, hahaha. Could you look your co-workers in the eye and tell them what you did? If you would hesitate to tell people what you did or afraid to take responsibility for your actions, which is the theme of all of your posts, then what does that say about you?

I've already seen their young daughter whacking the dogs with a stick, I don't want to hear about me inflicting pain on the dogs. Maybe when she gets disfigured or killed the owner will take care of that THEN, or maybe some other parent in the village when their kids gets mauled, disfigured or killed, only a matter of time and I won't wait until Thais decide to take matter in their own hands which happens mostly AFTER a bad incident.

All that will happen once you poison the dogs is that the bozo will go out and get new ones and the same thing will occur again. Step up and be a man and deal with the bozo, not the dogs.

I have dealt with the man and he laughs in my face.

I was chased again this morning. :D

I thought of dropping the m'cycle and killing the two labs on the spot with anything I could lay my hands on in the pile of junk he keeps on the sidewalk, quick and painless as some of you desire, then I thought of letting them bite me and then sue his sorry and stupid ass. Instead, I headed for the project's sales office in the village next door and got a phone number, they told me it's the obotor but ends up it's the corner store owner with whom we are friends. My wife had a long discussion with him and he will bring another witness from the village committee along to deal with the dog owner. They know that we almost had a fight last night and that I will personally kill the dogs if nothing is done. Strangely enough, everyone was smiling and waving at me in the village today. :D My blood boils at the mere thought of the owner's face. I will stay awayfrom him from now on as long as it's taken care of by a third party.

I can only see two things coming from him when they go see him:

1- I'm the only one who complained :D

2- He will reverse the situation and say I tried attacking him with a piece of wood (the bat we carry under the stroller), I threw it away when he mentioned this last night.

Don't think I hate dogs, last week I have found a new home for my dog with my in-laws since we are moving soon.

We got a phone a few days ago that she has died days later atr the vet's from what I was told is a dog's version of the chickenpox. Not two years old, she had been neudered and had all of her shots since she was a pup from the local vet who I found out recently is not a vet. :o

Edited by Tony Clifton
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I'm glad that you are seeking a "reasonable" resolution to your dilemma. Escalating problems between this man & yourself is exactly what George W. would do.

On the other hand, a dog that is unruly (& old) is a dog whose ways may not be able to be changed. In this situation, extermination may be the only answer. If extermination is the only answer, I would suggest building some dog traps. Once a dog has been captured, you have some choices:

1] return the dog to its' owner with a "please explain".

2] if the dog is young, keep it & train it to be less aggressive.

3] take the dog to the local vet & have it put down (if the vet will do it).

4] as a last resort, exterminate the dog with Carbon Monoxide (exhaust gases from a petroleum powered vehicle). Carbon Monoxide poisoning will first put the victim to sleep & then they will die without apparently being traumatised. Exhaust gases from a diesel powered vehicle will not work.

The use of other chemicals is inhumane, unless you can get your hands on some Sodium Pentothal. Even then, you must know exactly how much of this substance must be used to humanely kill the victim & how to administer it. The vet is the answer here.

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We have this moron in the moo ban here with three unleashed dogs that terrorize everything that rolls or walk by at the busiest street corner within the village. He can't say he doesn't know what his dogs are doing as he sits inside watching tv and the whole side of his house is made of glass and he can clearly see and hear what goes on outside. There is also a speed bump right there and the dogs charge at people as they slow down on bikes and m'cycles. I've seen countless attacks, some people don't even know they were almost bit from behind. :D I'm not sure if anyone has been bitten yet.

First time was late in the evening, I went to get smokes and slowed down at the speed bump, heard a noise next to me and saw the red dog trying to take a bite out of my leg, he brushed it but did not break the skin, I shouted at it and honked my horn, he stepped back, I dropped the motorcycle and chased him onto the guys side lawn where he keeps a pile of metal scrap. The dog was hiding under so I banged on a metal table as loudly as I could to scared the sh!t out of the dog. Owner walks out drunk and asks what's going on. Told him and left.

Multiple times, the same red dog charged at me only to turn back when he recognized the guy who now chases him on the m'cycle. The same can't be said when on foot and that goes for everyone.

Stupid guy gets two more dogs, they look like labradors but are aggressive. Two weeks ago, I went for my morning m'cycle ride and one of the new dogs tried to take a bit out of my leg as I slowed down at the speed bump. I shouted again and honked, dropped the m'cycle and chased the dog to a dead end on the side of his house, all made of concrete and ceramic tiles, I grabbed scrap metal and threw it in the dogs direction, it was scared sh!tless and jumping about 4 feet high with nothing but a 12 ft high roof for escape. I did not hurt it, only wanted to scare it. Went back to pick up the m'cycle and out comes the proud owner asking what happened. :D This is the second time we meet and I ask him to tie up his dogs, he laughs in my face. I was insulted and I just lost it and started shouting that I'd cut his dog's head off if they tried biting again with a motion of fingers across my throat and left.

Next day, I meet one neighbour looking for the dogs with his slingshot, mad as hel_l, don't know what happened exactly.

This evening, wife and I decide to walk to the local market, take the baby along in the stroller as we often do but I now have to carry a stick about the size of a baseball bat . On the way there, one of his dogs spots us , barks and the other two come out. We were able to walk away because of traffic keeping the dogs from crossing the street. On the way back was a different story, it was dark but they were waiting, as soon as we turned the corner they came charging but stopped when I whacked the street with the wooden bat and started screaming at them ready to beat the crap out of all three when magically, moron walks out of his house and asks me with a stupid smile "Wat appin?" :o (This is our 3rd confrontation) I can't remember exactly what insults I threw at him but I've never shouted at anyone like this, his wife came out and so did his front door neighbour. At one point he was clearly trying to insinuate that I wanted to hit him with the stick so I threw it away in the other direction. My wife stepped in front of him when he started walking towards me trying to explain what was going on and how long and often it goes on, but I doubt he thought she was right.

I told him I'd call the police tomorrow and he laughed in my face again ( so did I inside, police, pffff).

We're going to see the village headman tomorrow and see what will happen.

If nothing is done I'll take matters in my own hands the day we move out soon and feed his dogs, my version of a happy meal. On many occasions I could have simply run them over late at night with the truck while they slept in the middle of the street and now regret not doing so one by one.

I like that; selectively read and highlight only certain parts in order to manipulate the story to fit your absurd response.

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Had a soi dog on our soi once who was the same...d@mn thing live with a bunch of squatters near the entrance to our pigbaan. One nite, I left a few of my "special" meatballs out where I knew he would find them. Never saw that mongrel again :o However, I do see, on occasion, a big cockroach around my house with a face that bears an uncanny resemblance to him :D

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Tony, what do you think you will do?

Wait it out, see what the village counsel does now that they've been told and use the truck in the meantime.

I don't want to risk the safety of my family any further, especially not INSIDE our home as well.

How easy is it to plant yaba onto a foreigner's property when he complains about your dogs? I can easily imagine a thousand other similar setups, he probably knows more policemen than I do.

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Tony, what do you think you will do?

Wait it out, see what the village counsel does now that they've been told and use the truck in the meantime.

I don't want to risk the safety of my family any further, especially not INSIDE our home as well.

How easy is it to plant yaba onto a foreigner's property when he complains about your dogs? I can easily imagine a thousand other similar setups, he probably knows more policemen than I do.

I reckon you've got the right idea. The dogs are one thing but the humans who "control" these dogs (or in your case, DON"T CONTROL THEM) are another.

As we all know, TIT...& if the result is NOT in your favour, there are "other" alternatives (much to the dislike of some TV members).

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Had the same problem. 50 kilo dog attacking me whenever I walked or rode my bike by this guys house, my only way out of my soi. they used to laugh at me. when i had my dog with me, and was attacked, the bad dog never approached again after the beating he took. this was true whenever i had my dog. this didnt help with the bad dog when i was alone or on the bike. once i let him get right up to my leg and i laid him out cold with a rather large stick. the thai lady owner was screaming at me. the dog continued this till they eventually locked him up. the dog would never quit and put several people in the hospital.

in another area a smaller dog threatened attack on my dog every day for a year while the thai owner looked on. never did attack but approached and barked consistently. once a farang rang up and pepper sprayed the bad dog. he never approached or barked again, just sat on the sidelines.

my point being that hitting the one large dog with a stick on more than one occasion never stopped him. the dog that got pepper sprayed stopped immediatly so that would be my choice. dog lives but stops

just my 2 cents

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When I was 14, I had to ride 5km to school everyday. For some time, a dog in my street used to "charge" us (my friends & myself) every time we rode past his/her house. In no way did we provoke the dog. At first, we tried stopping...yes, the dog gave up & went away but returned as soon as we started to ride away. This was not a small dog & Rabies was not a problem (Australia). Nonetheless, the dog had caused a casualty...my mate Ian Harley, was taking some empty bottles to the shop for a refund. This particular dog attacked him & his bike. He hit the dog & as a result, was thrown forward...along with all the glass bottles. You guessed it...18 stitches in his hands. The dog was still free. A "nice old lady" was the dogs owner but strangely, she was deaf when it came to talking about her dog, even though she was seen talking to neighbours all the time.

One day, all of us carried large rocks/bricks & when the hound attacked, we fought back. Even though every rock/brick hit the hound with great affect, it continued to attack us each & every morning (I guess it would after such an attack). What was the solution? Sadly & unfortunately, it was DEATH for the dog. It died quickly but the old "deaf" lady was miserable. Needless to say that nobody else suffered "stitches" as a result of a renegade dog & even more strangely, all other dogs in the street seemed to be "not around" at certain hours (school start & finish).

Once bitten, twice shy.

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Had the same problem. 50 kilo dog attacking me whenever I walked or rode my bike by this guys house, my only way out of my soi. they used to laugh at me. when i had my dog with me, and was attacked, the bad dog never approached again after the beating he took. this was true whenever i had my dog. this didnt help with the bad dog when i was alone or on the bike. once i let him get right up to my leg and i laid him out cold with a rather large stick. the thai lady owner was screaming at me. the dog continued this till they eventually locked him up. the dog would never quit and put several people in the hospital.

in another area a smaller dog threatened attack on my dog every day for a year while the thai owner looked on. never did attack but approached and barked consistently. once a farang rang up and pepper sprayed the bad dog. he never approached or barked again, just sat on the sidelines.

my point being that hitting the one large dog with a stick on more than one occasion never stopped him. the dog that got pepper sprayed stopped immediatly so that would be my choice. dog lives but stops

just my 2 cents

I agree 100% that if you seriously want a humane, effective, tried and proven way to solve your problem then use pepper spray on the dog. I have used pepper spray on two occasions when I had problem of a dog trying to attact me any my dog as we walked by and both times were totally effective. Using pepper spray on the problem dog will not only stop the dog in his tracks but also can also can have a very good side benefit since the pepper stays on the dogs coat for some time after it is sprayed. If the owner of the dog, pets or touches the dog not knowing it has been sprayed, the spray residue will get on his hands which because they are tough will not feel the pepper however when he touches his face or any other sensitive part of his body like his privates, the pepper spray residue will again transfer and begin to burn like hel_l. I know because after I had sprayed one of the problem dogs in my neighborhood-I found out later that the owner later that day could not figure out why parts of his body suddenly felt like they were on fire.

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get out of there and check out the next place for dogs some places dont have them .

Some places don't have them? What part of the country is that? Dogs are everywhere 24/7, from rural locations to gated communities. A hi-rise condo might not have any, but the instant you step foot outside.... you're back in dog territory.

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Tony, what do you think you will do? We await with "baited" breath. Couldn't help myself...sorry.

Sounds like an episode from The Sopranos,

"Tony, what you gonna do? You gonna whack 'em?"

(Sorry a bit off topic but couldn't resist!). :o


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A dog that has been poisened does not have a pretty end to there life, I think that's what most people are saying it is an extremly cruel way to fix your problem.

And having to take one's self or child to the hospital from rabies shots due to a completely preventable encouter is any less cruel? Sorry, if it's a call between dog or human then the dog should lose 100% of the time.

Don't get me wrong. It isn't the dog's fault. The dog is doing something that its instinct tells it to do. It is the owner's responsibility to correct bad behaviour. Obviously the owner in this case doesn't care and that does appear to be the rule more than the exception in my experience.

I will concede to others' suggestions that pepper spray or bleach in the squirt gun is a non-lethal alternative, but whether or not it is any less cruel is just an opinion.

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I had the same problem with some soi dogs on my street. I bought some doggy treats/chews (very cheap). I would then ride by, and when the dogs came out, I tossed them a doggy treat/chew (doggy baht as I called it). After about a week they looked at me as a friend. They no longer bark or chase me, other than wanting a treat. I still do tip the dogs for not chasing or barking at me. The baht I spend on doggy baht or treats is well worth it, as nobody gets mad at the farang (including the dogs) and no potential legal problems. :o

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if you even think about killing this dog tony i will see to it that you are prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Well he's already "thought" about it, that's what this discussion's about.

So calm down Cupcake, maybe we can "rescue " the dogs and send them to your Endangered Soi Dogs Sanctuary,

but I'm afraid Vinnie and Sal are going to handle it differently. :o

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I had the same problem with some soi dogs on my street. I bought some doggy treats/chews (very cheap). I would then ride by, and when the dogs came out, I tossed them a doggy treat/chew (doggy baht as I called it). After about a week they looked at me as a friend. They no longer bark or chase me, other than wanting a treat. I still do tip the dogs for not chasing or barking at me. The baht I spend on doggy baht or treats is well worth it, as nobody gets mad at the farang (including the dogs) and no potential legal problems. :o

Now that's what I call the definition of thinking outside the box. Good idea and good result.

Tony, to summarise:

1. See what the headman does

2. Pretend to be friends (doggy chews), if that doesn't work...

3. Pepper spray

4. carry the spray until you move

5. Check out the new location several times before you move in to make sure no angry dogs reside there

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