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Stupid Neighbour And His Dogs

Tony Clifton

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:D kerosene is what I use. Direct shot and no more dog. :D

Other solutions might be found at BarkingDogs.net

Just trying to be civil. :D


If the dogs come across the street and attacks you.... Well you have a bat use it... 1 time upside the head and problem solved.. :D . But please refrain from the poison :o , I hate seeing an animal made to suffer. But that said the best option for everyone involved would be to go to the authorities.....

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I too have suffered the same kind of problems on my Moo Baan.

3 months ago my dog and maid were attacked by three dogs (one a Rotweiller) while my dog was being walked on her lead.

The dogs are owned buy a University Lecturer....he stumped up the money for the vets bills and injections for our maid and the dogs were kept in, but now 3 months has passed and he has started to let them out again to terrorise the neighborhood.

We have to check carefully now before we take our dog for a walk as to wheather they are around or not.

I really don't know what else to do. We have e-mailed the owner of our Moo Baan but he is not interested, so if things get out of hand then we will have no choice but to take matters into our own hands.

I feel like killing them....but I won't.

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I'm a big dog lover. Grew up with in my country with a series of incredible canines. Also had it instilled that it was ethical and moral to be a very responsible dog owner for the sake of community safety - your dog needed to be healthy, confined to your house, ona leash when outside...

Thus when i arrived in Thailand 5 years ago i was really shocked to see that so many Thai dog owners just have no sense of dog care at thee xpense of community. I saw the only few responsible owners attempting to walk their mutts peacefully, but how can you when the 90% let their mongrels roam?

There does need to be an aggressive education project run by government to turn dog oners around here plus better laws that should be enforced. But this is Thailand and probably won't happen for the next 100 years.

I've learnt that one can't argue with a neighbour as it gets nowhere. I've had some limited laughable success in getting owners to control their animals - when the dog is out and being a right nuisance I pop into the neighbours, put on a sad face after wai-ing him, and then plead very nicely for him to gate his dog(s) - and he does for the rest of the day. but then its back to square one the next day. ....

Village leaders do talk to wayward anmal owners, but nothing really happens. Once my wife translated a village announcement - basically pleading owners to look after their dogs other wise thry will be confiscated. No action took place....

One village i lived at had regular dog fights, but the locals did nothing as it was just part of life!

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ammonia in a squirt gun.

My dad used this when jogging, many years ago....said it worked wonders...dogs ran away from him when they saw him coming.

Buy a couple of dozen squirt guns and pass them along to the neighbors as well.

The dogs will soon change their tune.

TOTALLY SPOT ON! The Ammonia in the Squirt Gun! Dogs are not stupid!The ones with bad owners have BAD HABITS!Therefore need to be trained, Quickly! You will find that it works a charm.Soon the dogs will be running the other way at just the sight of you even with a cell phone pointed at them! :D

Dogs are territorial.If no other animal challenges this they "Own It All"!Usually We owners teach them where their power ends but.......

Bleach is too extreme and hatred? For what? It's not the dogs fault.And the owners obviously pickled his last two braincells.So He "Kow Jai Mai".(Pity-full!)

You'll soon have the "Puppies" Sitting,speaking yes even jumping through hoops for You! :o

Happy AmoniaKrahn!!!

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Dogs are almost like human. You can make friends with them. Buy some dog cokkie and give them, try to be nice with them. Talk with them. You'll see they will nice with you too after that. but if you carry sticks and trowing things in their direction, they only get more an more mad. So why not just try to good way? after 2 or 3 week the dogs will be your best friends and finally if you will understand them, you will love them. I my self never have problem with dogs. I'm friendly with them and they know. Dogs can feel if somebody likes them or not.

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Dogs can certainly be a real pain if not properly cared for (and controlled). I resorted to poisoning 3 or 4 of them in the village where I was living- kept it low key though, for obvious reasons. Results- a quiet and safer soi and no one was upset least of all me.

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Bleach in a squrity bottle.......they soon learn!.....can't see very well afterwards though.

I undestand the dogs are worse than nuisance, but they are just being dogs.

Instead of ammonia or bleach, which can cause blindess , please try vinegar instead in that squirt gun, aim for their nose..

I also thought you were leaving, often thought, jealously that you had.

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I don't like the dogs in Thailand at all, most are "garbage" race.. and carry much desieses.

But handling a dog how big or mean what so ever.... It's al about the game how's boss. If you show fear..the dog knows <<--

Like for instance..in my country. There was a house in the neighbourhoud thad had a big mean Rotweiller. Everyone spoke scare shit of it. But I had to be there once, to pick something up from the owner inside. The dog was waiting outside, gardening the terrain. I showed no fear and looked the dog in his eyes, with a warning... like " Just try" He didn't do a thing to me. Just follow me over the terrain. :o

But in general, if you want to get ridd of a dog here, please feel free to p.m me. Killing the dog will cost you a few bugs.

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I propose a spin-off to the popular show "the dog whisperer". it should be an angry 180-kilo east-european transvestite with a beard and a 3-foot cast-iron dildo to hit people with when they are stupid. call it "the idiot whisperer". then we take him and the dog whisperer (both) to the guy described in the original post, and make a double episode.

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