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Stupid Neighbour And His Dogs

Tony Clifton

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And I respectfully ask, who are you to say "who belongs, or, does not belong" in Thailand?

A god.

not to add fuel to the fire, but I can come up with several appropriate acronyms from the letters G, O, & D. :o I think Sir Burr would concur..

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Lighten up for <deleted>'s sake.

Didn't you know the best thing to do when an idiot asks you a stupid question is to reply with an equally stupid answer.

Any chance you might enlighten us as to where that was directed?

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Congratulations ShiteVersionBollox on winning the Thai Visa "Last Word in the Thread" contest. Sorry it wasn't the coveted TV "quote of the day" that had you up all night penning some infantile limerick.

Well done nonce. Medal is in the post.

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I have a small problem with a few dogs that have just moved in. I am going back to the UK soon and plan on getting on of these ultasonic devices. Any experience of them?


Same idea as the ultrasonic gadgets to repel insects, rodents, etc. Useless and a complete waste of money.

A friend told me that he had good results in the Uk with one of these. It's got to be worth a try.

What about dog whistles? Are they likley to be any use?

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I have a small problem with a few dogs that have just moved in. I am going back to the UK soon and plan on getting on of these ultasonic devices. Any experience of them?


Same idea as the ultrasonic gadgets to repel insects, rodents, etc. Useless and a complete waste of money.

A friend told me that he had good results in the Uk with one of these. It's got to be worth a try.

A mix of Tabasco sauce and water in a squirt gun (you decide strength of mix) doggies definitely do not like this.

Spray on surfaces where you do not want dogs/cats or directly at the mutts' nose for instant results.

What about dog whistles? Are they likley to be any use?

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We have this moron in the moo ban here with three unleashed dogs that terrorize everything that rolls or walk by at the busiest street corner within the village. He can't say he doesn't know what his dogs are doing as he sits inside watching tv and the whole side of his house is made of glass and he can clearly see and hear what goes on outside. There is also a speed bump right there and the dogs charge at people as they slow down on bikes and m'cycles. I've seen countless attacks, some people don't even know they were almost bit from behind. :D I'm not sure if anyone has been bitten yet.

First time was late in the evening, I went to get smokes and slowed down at the speed bump, heard a noise next to me and saw the red dog trying to take a bite out of my leg, he brushed it but did not break the skin, I shouted at it and honked my horn, he stepped back, I dropped the motorcycle and chased him onto the guys side lawn where he keeps a pile of metal scrap. The dog was hiding under so I banged on a metal table as loudly as I could to scared the sh!t out of the dog. Owner walks out drunk and asks what's going on. Told him and left.

Multiple times, the same red dog charged at me only to turn back when he recognized the guy who now chases him on the m'cycle. The same can't be said when on foot and that goes for everyone.

Stupid guy gets two more dogs, they look like labradors but are aggressive. Two weeks ago, I went for my morning m'cycle ride and one of the new dogs tried to take a bit out of my leg as I slowed down at the speed bump. I shouted again and honked, dropped the m'cycle and chased the dog to a dead end on the side of his house, all made of concrete and ceramic tiles, I grabbed scrap metal and threw it in the dogs direction, it was scared sh!tless and jumping about 4 feet high with nothing but a 12 ft high roof for escape. I did not hurt it, only wanted to scare it. Went back to pick up the m'cycle and out comes the proud owner asking what happened. :D This is the second time we meet and I ask him to tie up his dogs, he laughs in my face. I was insulted and I just lost it and started shouting that I'd cut his dog's head off if they tried biting again with a motion of fingers across my throat and left.

Next day, I meet one neighbour looking for the dogs with his slingshot, mad as hel_l, don't know what happened exactly.

This evening, wife and I decide to walk to the local market, take the baby along in the stroller as we often do but I now have to carry a stick about the size of a baseball bat . On the way there, one of his dogs spots us , barks and the other two come out. We were able to walk away because of traffic keeping the dogs from crossing the street. On the way back was a different story, it was dark but they were waiting, as soon as we turned the corner they came charging but stopped when I whacked the street with the wooden bat and started screaming at them ready to beat the crap out of all three when magically, moron walks out of his house and asks me with a stupid smile "Wat appin?" :o (This is our 3rd confrontation) I can't remember exactly what insults I threw at him but I've never shouted at anyone like this, his wife came out and so did his front door neighbour. At one point he was clearly trying to insinuate that I wanted to hit him with the stick so I threw it away in the other direction. My wife stepped in front of him when he started walking towards me trying to explain what was going on and how long and often it goes on, but I doubt he thought she was right.

I told him I'd call the police tomorrow and he laughed in my face again ( so did I inside, police, pffff).

We're going to see the village headman tomorrow and see what will happen.

If nothing is done I'll take matters in my own hands the day we move out soon and feed his dogs, my version of a happy meal. On many occasions I could have simply run them over late at night with the truck while they slept in the middle of the street and now regret not doing so one by one.

Tabasco sauce and water mixin a squirt gun, apply directly to dogs' nose or surfaces where you don't want them. You decide on the mix but it doesnt take much Tabasco to get their attention.

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I had a similar experience with my delightful next door neighboors. Their son or daughter was working in Bangkok and had the nice looking showy dog. Only problem was that it barked so the solution was send the dog back home cos no one cares back in the village. now because this is a 'pedigree' mutt they wont let it run free so they tie it up on a rope just the other side of my wall. The dog barks all day about every 30 seconds so you can imaging the sort of state I get myself worked up into. I even got to the stage of lobbing rocks over the wall at it. After about a week I am round at the outlaws place with the missus on the other side of the village and we are talking about this bloody dog. I says I am going to kill it somehow cos I am at the end of my patience. Next day mother in law goes round to see the owner and low and behold, dog gets moved. Then I hear through the missus that the guys wife and all the nieghbours were really pissed off by the barking but no-one would say anything.

After that it was a couple of years of peace and quiet til his next 'business' idea is one of these huge speaker setups. Now this guy lives with whole family in a run down wooden house, kids in rags etc and he blows a load of money on this speaker system. Of course then he has to test it all day long at max volume, so loud that my place is vibrating from the bass. Again I let it go for about a week before again blowing my top round at the outlaws. Mother in law again went and spoke to them and its been nice and quiet for 6 months. I dread to think what the next idea will be.

i think a lot of the problem here is that Thai people will really be anti something but because of their upbringing and society pressure they will not speak out. This has got to be my only complaint against their upbringing. i am raising kids here and I am so glad that they are here and not back in the UK but I will insist that they question everything and also to speak up if somethings wrong.

Acting hastily and when pissed off will backfire here. We are all guests here, no matter how much we like to think otherwise. Thai verses Falang will always go against us on something like that. Much better to try and use someone in the village to sort problems.

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I had a similar experience with my delightful next door neighboors. Their son or daughter was working in Bangkok and had the nice looking showy dog. Only problem was that it barked so the solution was send the dog back home cos no one cares back in the village. now because this is a 'pedigree' mutt they wont let it run free so they tie it up on a rope just the other side of my wall. The dog barks all day about every 30 seconds so you can imaging the sort of state I get myself worked up into. I even got to the stage of lobbing rocks over the wall at it. After about a week I am round at the outlaws place with the missus on the other side of the village and we are talking about this bloody dog. I says I am going to kill it somehow cos I am at the end of my patience. Next day mother in law goes round to see the owner and low and behold, dog gets moved. Then I hear through the missus that the guys wife and all the nieghbours were really pissed off by the barking but no-one would say anything.

After that it was a couple of years of peace and quiet til his next 'business' idea is one of these huge speaker setups. Now this guy lives with whole family in a run down wooden house, kids in rags etc and he blows a load of money on this speaker system. Of course then he has to test it all day long at max volume, so loud that my place is vibrating from the bass. Again I let it go for about a week before again blowing my top round at the outlaws. Mother in law again went and spoke to them and its been nice and quiet for 6 months. I dread to think what the next idea will be.

i think a lot of the problem here is that Thai people will really be anti something but because of their upbringing and society pressure they will not speak out. This has got to be my only complaint against their upbringing. i am raising kids here and I am so glad that they are here and not back in the UK but I will insist that they question everything and also to speak up if somethings wrong.

Acting hastily and when pissed off will backfire here. We are all guests here, no matter how much we like to think otherwise. Thai verses Falang will always go against us on something like that. Much better to try and use someone in the village to sort problems.

We had a similar problem with the barking dogs on our Soi. My wife spoke to the other neighbors and they were all sick of the noise and the disturbed quite ambience. They agreed to complain to the estate management with my wife. This my wife did, twice, but none of the neighbors did or could be persuaded to complain or voice their unhappiness. I agree that the mix of the Thais lack of consideration for others and their unwillingness to complain leads to a lot of noise and unpleasantness.

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  • 1 month later...

If nothing is done I'll take matters in my own hands the day we move out soon and feed his dogs, my version of a happy meal.

Think about what you are saying, doing something when you move out? If you are not prepared to do something now you obviously dont see the dogs as that dangerous.

Killing the dogs when you move out is just cowardice on your part, you problem is with theowner not the dogs, grow some balls and sort your problem with the owner now.

Dogs should be kept under conrol and certainly not allowed to roam and terrorise the neighbours, for a few quid I am sure the police wll resolve your problem with this guy.

If you think this guy will not connect your moving out to is dogs being poinsioned you are dreaming, lossing face to you is not going to sit well with him, you dont keep dogs by the sound of it so give some thought of how this guy might choose to get his revenge.

I dont want to sound to dramatic but TIT and you know that you could be endangering you wife and kids, deal with the situation now, or just move and let his thai neighbours deal with it.

Roy gsd

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I have a small problem with a few dogs that have just moved in. I am going back to the UK soon and plan on getting on of these ultasonic devices. Any experience of them?


Same idea as the ultrasonic gadgets to repel insects, rodents, etc. Useless and a complete waste of money.

A friend told me that he had good results in the Uk with one of these. It's got to be worth a try.

What about dog whistles? Are they likley to be any use?

I think the dog whistles are used to attract the dog, not repel them.

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I have a small problem with a few dogs that have just moved in. I am going back to the UK soon and plan on getting on of these ultasonic devices. Any experience of them?


Same idea as the ultrasonic gadgets to repel insects, rodents, etc. Useless and a complete waste of money.

A friend told me that he had good results in the Uk with one of these. It's got to be worth a try.

What about dog whistles? Are they likley to be any use?

I think the dog whistles are used to attract the dog, not repel them.

Dog whistles give off sounds too high for the human ear and are used in the control of dogs that are trained for sheep herding etc , if the sound were at the correct level , it could possibly cause the animal great discomfort and thus repel it .

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Both Bangkok and Pattaya City now have rules about dogs. Rules may exist in other parts of the country but I'm not sure. Anyway Bangkok and Pattaya require that all dogs must be leashed when on public land. That leash should be no more than 50cm, and the person holding the leash must be between 15 and 65 years old. The dog must also have its rabies tag on the collar. All poop etc made by the dog must be cleaned up by the owner and properly disposed off. The dog must be registered with the city vetinarian and in Bangkok should be microchipped. Failure to comply with any of these rules results in a fine of baht 500.

In Pattaya lots of very large signs in Thai and English were all over the city confirming this until recently. Any dog owner who didn't see them must be either blind or illiterate. Ignorance of the law is no excuse in any case.

Policing of these rules fall in the hands of the local authority not the regular police. In case of trouble with neighbours dogs first point of call would be the city vet. He should be able to make a visit to the owner of the offending dogs and inform him what he's doing wrong. You might also get from him the phone number of the dog catcher who you could ring to come and collect these unrully dogs. I'm pretty sure that the owner of the dogs will start to comply with the rules once he has paid a few fines. He might also decide to get rid of the dogs himself if he is forced to keep them on his property all the time. I've seen very few Thai dog owners taking thier dogs for a walk. Mostly they let them run in the street to get excercise. If people were forced to excercise their dogs I think a lot of people would think twice about having one. And failure to properly excercise your dog amounts to mistreatment/cruelty and in those cases dogs should be removed from the owner. Thailand could do well with something on the line of the British RSPCA. Pattaya has PAWS (Pattaya Animal Welfare Society) but I have no idea how to contact them. They don't reply to emails so are a complete waste of time.

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"In Pattaya lots of very large signs in Thai and English were all over the city confirming this until recently. Any dog owner who didn't see them must be either blind or illiterate. Ignorance of the law is no excuse in any case."

I have a dog and have lived in pattaya for 2+ years, and have never seen the signs. I am not blind nor illiterate so maybe I am just ............... " clueless?"

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"In Pattaya lots of very large signs in Thai and English were all over the city confirming this until recently. Any dog owner who didn't see them must be either blind or illiterate. Ignorance of the law is no excuse in any case."

I have a dog and have lived in pattaya for 2+ years, and have never seen the signs. I am not blind nor illiterate so maybe I am just ............... " clueless?"

I can assure you they were there. And large they were too about 20 feet square in bright yellow. The first one I saw was on Pattaya 3rd road at the junction with central. There was some confusion about where to register your dog however as the English and Thai wording did not agree. The Thai won out in the end with it being at the city vets office in the soi that runs through the Fire station between Bua Khao and 3rd road.

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  • 2 months later...

Lots of bad experiences with dogs, expensive painful tooth replacement for one.Very expensive glasses destroyed.

One time a pack of dogs really p***ed me off, in the boonies. I went to the police box, blowing hard, woke the guy on duty, and explained in my fluent Thai, which for some reason, Thais don't understand. Jakayan. mah, jai rawn, mai di etc made little effect.

I then produced a Baht1000 note, and tapped the map on his wall. He buckled on his gun, took a can of mace and we were off.

No problem again with the dogs, BUT..a week later, the Thai technicians at my factory told me that THEY had heard of my fracas and had killed and ate the dogs.

I kept running into dogs, and when passing a farang Kennels, I went in and explained my problem to the owner, he outlined a number of solutions, the best was HE HAD A DOG THAT ATE DOGS..a real monster.

The noise is also a problem I could not live without my Boots Ear Plugs (WAX) not obtainable here, or with great difficulty.

If you want to poison local dogs always make a pretence of being a dog lover, and being distraught when they die.

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