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Home Security - What Have You Done To Your House?


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Just almost 3 months ago... there was a man broke into my house...

He cut the bar at the window.... but fortunately that he couldn't take anything but cable's remote control.... :o

That's because my brother watched soccer that night til 1.30am and my mom woke up around 4am.

He had quite a few time to go on stealing things......

Luckily that we didn't keep house keys in the 1st floor, so he couldn't take big things like TV or Computers.

and we didn't keep valuable things like gold, cash, jewelry at home..

I went to register this case to the police.... he couldn't help anything... so don't waste your time for the police...

Have learnt from this situation that

- a house with bars (metal) more interest the robber because he would think there were no any house-security thing but these bars.

If you don't have bars, he will feel hesitate to come in.

- Things, the robber tends to take mostly are cash, jewelry, laptops, mobiles and "shoes"

or something which are easily carried and take no attention much from others.

Big things like TV, Electronic-things, the robber will not interested if not necessary.

- Don't keep house keys or car keys in any easily seen places, otherwise this would help the robber easily do his job.

- Sound alarm, IMO is the best way to protect your house,

some models have the system which connect to your mobile to automatically call the police immediately.

Are you in Bangkok? If so, as I know..you can go buy it in MBK, 4th floor... but I am not sure which shop...

But the brand "fujiko" at about B.20,000 or so, would be fine....

- or if you love dog, feed the dog...but careful that the robber may steal your dog instead if it is so cute.. :D

- you may have a CCTV, no need to turn on, just set the cameras to show that you've got house-security.


for my house, since then... I haven't done anything....just fix that bar...

Someone just say, the robber will not come back again since he knew nothing to steal

and he realized that we will try to catch him... so better go others....

And it may be true.... that robber haven't come back again... :D

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- a perimeter wall and gate

- motion sensor lights around the outside of the house

- an alarm system connected to a central respond service

- a dog

- spray foam on underside of roof(mainly for insulation purposes but also makes it harder to lift the tiles)

If they really want to break in they will....so these are just detterents.

a few land mines here and there wont go amiss but if they step on 1 make sure they die, cos the hospital fees will make u wish hed got in and cleared ur house out :o

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Around 4am someone tried to jimmy his way into our back door of the new house. When I say new, we have been here just a few days and the bars on the walls were not all in place and the back door bar was not yet hung in the frame. "Tomorrow" we have been told for about 2 weeks now on this.

I was still awake and heard the noise, woke up and turned on the light. The noise stopped and 20 seconds later we heard a motobike start up and drive off. The police were called and of course as suspected were of no help at all.

My lady believes the crook was probably one of the boys who have delivered something to the house, the beds, desks, TV or what have you. She is probably right.

So my question is, besides the bars everywhere, which if you ask me are just monkey bars that help them to climb over, what are you doing to protect your home?

A second question is, what happens legally if a Thai gets injured breaking into your home, be it on his own or per something I put there to help protect my property?

Thanks all.

Added a Smith & Wesson back up

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I like the feeling of free spirit living. :D So I always leave the patio door open wide, lift up all the windows around the house. I feel very safe since I live in a gated-community, plus having 2 dogs, and I also had ADT security firm that connects the alarm to the police station.

Before going to bed, I would set the security device to 'ARM Motion Sensors'. :o

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I have an old police truncheon beside my bed. The secret is to not turn the light on, that lets them know that you have heard them, then batter the grandmother out of the thieving shites

Edited by Brigante7
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Heng, surely with ppl present all the time you don't need so much security. I've noticed Bangkokians seem to live in fear, always locking gates and looking nervous. They also don't look out for each others homes, neighbourhood watch programs have proved very effective, but my neighbors won't even say hello to each other.

I have 3 dogs, two look mean and have mean barks, but wouldn't actually hurt anyone (unless an intruder got violent). I also have few things of value because I'd rather not have the worry.

Actually we take that into consideration, thus we go without armed guards. The only "guard" we have are the guys (2 shifts) who push the button to open the automatic gate just in case someone forgets to take their remote. There are those who live in fear, but I wouldn't count us in that group, no more than any bank manager in his/her bank branch, or any president of a country or ceo of a company in his/her office. If anything, the only folks living in fear around here are our neighbors (we never have any issues with them, no littering problems, any minor complaint about leaves and the offending tree in their yard is chopped down or seriously trimmed for us the next day, and I don't even think they've ever even thrown a party or turned up a stereo... we can't even hear them most of the time; that's the direct opposite to what most people have to deal with IMO). I'd be quite open to a neighborhood watch type program, but we don't really live in a neighborhood... but sure, we do keep an informal watch and do exchange Brand's baskets and small gifts from time to time and if we ever saw intruders on their property (at some points we can see into the yards of both of our neighbors on either side), we'd certainly alert them and the authorities. We don't really expect them to do the same because they can't really see into our property.

And yes, we do happen to be Thai from Texas, where we kept a similar setup, just change see through chain link fence and happy German Shepards for concrete walls and happy German Shepards -when they are inside enjoying the air con- here.


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As has been stated, no matter what you do, if someone is really determined they will get in. The trick is to recognize human nature and address who is likely to be coming to you. People are lazy, Yabba heads and petty robbers no different, so visible deterrents the key. Far better to have high walls and dogs which keep the lazy out by making somewhere else more attractive, than silent alarms or unseen cameras, which may help with the robbers capture, but do noting to keep the lazy ( 85% of robbers ) b@#$&ds out.

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Actually we take that into consideration, thus we go without armed guards. The only "guard" we have are the guys (2 shifts) who push the button to open the automatic gate just in case someone forgets to take their remote. There are those who live in fear, but I wouldn't count us in that group, no more than any bank manager in his/her bank branch, or any president of a country or ceo of a company in his/her office.

You may not be living in fear, but I think you have a bit of a siege mentality. With the gate being watched 24/7, CCTV, panic buttons and so many ppl living on the property why do you feel the need for so many guns and firearm training? Statistically you are more likely to have a family member shot.

If the guns aren't kept under lock and key then kids can find them, as we did when I was young. If they are locked away then do you think intruders will wait for you to get them?

Seems like a lot of ppl are just dying to kill intruders. If someone does come in the house best thing is to make some noise so they leave, not confront them. I think ppl have been watching too many movies.

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Bigger the gun, the more scared the robbers. I thought about putting pictures of my biceps around to scare people off. But the problem with that is, it will actually attract female robbers.

The bigger your gun, the bigger theirs!

USA cowboy language Don!

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tough one.

My cousins family has a place down in Hua hin, right on the beach, and basically any passer by can walk in off the beach. It would very easy to break into.

Their solution? Build a small house on the property and have a family live there for free, looking after the place when they are away.

I go down there a couple of times a year, nothing ever seems to be taken.....

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Around 4am someone tried to jimmy his way into our back door of the new house. When I say new, we have been here just a few days and the bars on the walls were not all in place and the back door bar was not yet hung in the frame. "Tomorrow" we have been told for about 2 weeks now on this.

I was still awake and heard the noise, woke up and turned on the light. The noise stopped and 20 seconds later we heard a motobike start up and drive off. The police were called and of course as suspected were of no help at all.

My lady believes the crook was probably one of the boys who have delivered something to the house, the beds, desks, TV or what have you. She is probably right.

So my question is, besides the bars everywhere, which if you ask me are just monkey bars that help them to climb over, what are you doing to protect your home?

A second question is, what happens legally if a Thai gets injured breaking into your home, be it on his own or per something I put there to help protect my property?

Thanks all.

we have an alarm system on all doors and windows,with signs in thai ,english and a picture on the house,its only gone of twice once when our son forgot the alarm code and once when i opened a window at night by accident without turning off the dam thing ,oh there is a motion sensor in the living room .the blooming thing is so loud that when my son set it off we had people from bangkok standing by the gates.

the other thing is we have a copper next door ,the unlucky burgular who broke into his house was escorted out at gunpoint .the guy came on a motorbike .funny thing is its still next door,wonder why?

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tough one.

My cousins family has a place down in Hua hin, right on the beach, and basically any passer by can walk in off the beach. It would very easy to break into.

Their solution? Build a small house on the property and have a family live there for free, looking after the place when they are away.

I go down there a couple of times a year, nothing ever seems to be taken.....

Sounds like what a lot of ppl do. Making sure there is someone around at all times prevents fires also.

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You may not be living in fear, but I think you have a bit of a siege mentality. With the gate being watched 24/7, CCTV, panic buttons and so many ppl living on the property why do you feel the need for so many guns and firearm training? Statistically you are more likely to have a family member shot.

If the guns aren't kept under lock and key then kids can find them, as we did when I was young. If they are locked away then do you think intruders will wait for you to get them?

Seems like a lot of ppl are just dying to kill intruders. If someone does come in the house best thing is to make some noise so they leave, not confront them. I think ppl have been watching too many movies.

The seige mentality we have is our main home as a seige tower and the rest of the city, district, province, and country as a place we'd like to take over or at least marginally control. :o The firearms training is a sports activity, with the benefits of home/personal defense as an incidental by-product. Statistically we prefer controlling our own destiny rather than by going by others' statistics. :D

I'm not going to go into too much detail on our gun storage methods, but they are definitely child AND unauthorized adult proof and at the same time easy access. I'd rather not have to kill anyone, but I believe in taking care of problems by nipping them in the bud.


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Like others, I have CCTV, a big dog and staff full time on the property. When we do have workers fixing stuff, the dog is always paraded around and he hates Thai people and will often launch himself at them to the end of his leash. Scares the bejesus out of them. We also have external signs warning of the dog.

I had motion sensor lights, but they went off with trees moving in the wind and scared the wife when I wasnt there.

When the wife did get the handgun, the Police chief said that if we do shoot anyone inside the house, first make sure he is dead, and second put a few rounds into the ceiling and say you tried to warn him first. I did ask what would happen if shot him, as I have no license. He said thats the reason to make sure he was dead. I've watched too many movies, but I'd wipe it down and put my wifes prints on it - just to be sure.

Lastly, regardless of who they are, police included, my staff will not let anyone in the property without my ok.

Never had an issue.

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Bigger the gun, the more scared the robbers. I thought about putting pictures of my biceps around to scare people off. But the problem with that is, it will actually attract female robbers.

I don't think robbers will be interested (neither scared) in pornography whilst they are already "inside" your house.. :o

Maybe you should start using your other hand for your sexual exploits Don, to even your biceps up a bit :D

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You may not be living in fear, but I think you have a bit of a siege mentality. With the gate being watched 24/7, CCTV, panic buttons and so many ppl living on the property why do you feel the need for so many guns and firearm training? Statistically you are more likely to have a family member shot.

If the guns aren't kept under lock and key then kids can find them, as we did when I was young. If they are locked away then do you think intruders will wait for you to get them?

Seems like a lot of ppl are just dying to kill intruders. If someone does come in the house best thing is to make some noise so they leave, not confront them. I think ppl have been watching too many movies.

The seige mentality we have is our main home as a seige tower and the rest of the city, district, province, and country as a place we'd like to take over or at least marginally control. :o

Nothing like a bit of honesty, but are you sure marginal control would be enough? :D

I'm trying to imagine a situation where someone could enter your property over the iron bars, make it past the security guards without alerting the 1/2 dozen dogs or setting of the motion sensors or being seen by other employees. If they did manage to do this, the person inside would have to be very alert in order to set off the panic button and be armed and waiting.

Anybody who's seen a James Bond movie will know this is possible, however extremely unlikely. Excuse the pun, but I'd have to say having so many guns is 'overkill'.

Edited by Smithson
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You may not be living in fear, but I think you have a bit of a siege mentality. With the gate being watched 24/7, CCTV, panic buttons and so many ppl living on the property why do you feel the need for so many guns and firearm training? Statistically you are more likely to have a family member shot.

If the guns aren't kept under lock and key then kids can find them, as we did when I was young. If they are locked away then do you think intruders will wait for you to get them?

Seems like a lot of ppl are just dying to kill intruders. If someone does come in the house best thing is to make some noise so they leave, not confront them. I think ppl have been watching too many movies.

The seige mentality we have is our main home as a seige tower and the rest of the city, district, province, and country as a place we'd like to take over or at least marginally control. :o

Nothing like a bit of honesty, but are you sure marginal control would be enough? :D

I'm trying to imagine a situation where someone could enter your property over the iron bars, make it past the security guards without alerting the 1/2 dozen dogs or setting of the motion sensors or being seen by other employees. If they did manage to do this, the person inside would have to be very alert in order to set off the panic button and be armed and waiting.

Anybody who's seen a James Bond movie will know this is possible, however extremely unlikely. Excuse the pun, but I'd have to say having so many guns is 'overkill'.


I have no doubt that there are situations in this world beyond our control, and that we can endlessly offer scenarios where any particular opinion could be made true or untrue (you might want to join me in the fuel price increase thread over in the Thailand News Clippings section for an example of this)... but that's the beauty of our seige tower mentality, there is plenty of free time, and you can do anything you want with it.

In addition to your scenario above, I've found that we are also vulnerable to people travelling through time from the future or from the past and changing our security setup, rendering it ineffective. There are also situations where my mega set of Stanley and Makita power tools in my garage could not take care of the DIY or construction job needed to be done. It doesn't mean I'm going to get rid of them though, as there are plenty of situations where they have been and would indeed be effective tools to use... no different from any buzzer, K-9, siren, deadbolt, or Glock 26.


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As another poster has mentioned, in Thailand, you're within your rights to kill an intruder & rightly so.

Yeah right, kill them all! I mean, what's the life of a poor guy compared to the value of your laptop? Extra judicial killing has a long tradition here.

But seriously, I live in a "Moo Baan" with plenty of guards patrolling all night, except when I come home late at night and they are sleeping. And they also have a strict control over who comes in and goes out (except the motorbikes, but thieves never use motorbikes), and they even control what's in the car leaving the Moo Baan. That's why they wouldn't let me out, even with a resident's sticker on the windshield, when I used my BIL's pickup. After all, I could have stolen my own goods, right?

That's why I have 2 cats and they fight all night. As soon as it gets quiet, I am alarmed.

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Actually we take that into consideration, thus we go without armed guards. The only "guard" we have are the guys (2 shifts) who push the button to open the automatic gate just in case someone forgets to take their remote. There are those who live in fear, but I wouldn't count us in that group, no more than any bank manager in his/her bank branch, or any president of a country or ceo of a company in his/her office.

You may not be living in fear, but I think you have a bit of a siege mentality. With the gate being watched 24/7, CCTV, panic buttons and so many ppl living on the property why do you feel the need for so many guns and firearm training? Statistically you are more likely to have a family member shot.

If the guns aren't kept under lock and key then kids can find them, as we did when I was young. If they are locked away then do you think intruders will wait for you to get them?

Seems like a lot of ppl are just dying to kill intruders. If someone does come in the house best thing is to make some noise so they leave, not confront them. I think ppl have been watching too many movies.

People have a right to defend themselves,,,,,,,,,,,,you speak from your perspective and opinion,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the folks that keep guns, swords, knives, clubs or whatever choose their method of "deterrence", just because you don't like guns or violence won't stop an intruder from killing you,,,,,,,,,,,,and maybe you read too many statistics,,,,,,,,,,,,,,proper training and education about protection and the use of force will prevent that "statistic" you mention.. Here in Thailand in most cases you do not have the option of hiding in the bedroom and calling "911" and having some operator tell you to be calm and the police are "on the way"! Your only salvation is protecting yourself.

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