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How Long Have You Lived In Thailand?


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I'm in my early thirties and I've been here for the better part of 2.5 years now. I'd say that I don't and never did expect anything out of Thailand or its people and I try to be a good guest (having turned up here on a whim the first time) and so far it continues to pleasantly surprise me much more of the time than it disappoints. As with anywhere, I expect, life is what you make of it and there are upsides and downsides, but for my personal way of going about life it still gets really high marks. We'll see how I feel in 2.5 more years, but so far I'm still giving the answer "indefinitely" to the question of how long I plan to stay when everyone back home in Texas asks (I love Texas too, but in a different way).

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Been here 5 years now, will stay until company says I have to go to another assignment. Have about 6 years to retire, so probably at least one more country to go (we have lived in 4 now over 8 years). For a MNC expat, every country is pretty much the same, this one is certainly better for my wife since she is Thai. Not really wanting to live in the US anymore, I will probably retire in Thailand.


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I was sent here by my company 15 years ago for 3 months then went elsewhere for a year. I was 49 then. I came back in 1994 for another 3 months with the company and stayed nearly 4 years, At the end of that time I separated and was divorced from my UK wife and returned on holidays until 2001. I married my Thai lady in 2000. In 2001 I came back for another 3 months which lasted 16 months and I have lived here since then. Our son will be 4 in August and Thailand is our home. I intend to live here until I die and have no plans ever to leave other than work offshore.

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