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Anyone Knows How To Cure A Blacklisted Ip In Mirc?


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Mirc has blacklisted my IP without any reason and I can't use it again.I formatted my hard disk and installed again but no use.Can someone let me know the process to change an IP in order to use MIRC again?

Usually I play only one server . irc.webmaster.com. This is thailand's channels server.And this server has blacklisted my IP. :o

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are you on adsl?

if yes do you have a permanent IP? or an IP that change everyday?

are you on dial-up?

if yes it's not a question of IP ...

you must have left some trace that makes you easily recognizable ...

sorry, but I don't think it's a question of IP, whatever the reason the server gives you ...

did you try to go through proxy?

and one more question, are you running Linux or Windows?

some more details could help :o


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Francois,I am on Dialup.I always use the same nick on mirc. irc.webmaster.com has blacklisted my ip several times,I don't know why.They blacklisted my IP for serveral months.So i didn't play mirc.A few days ago i entered mirc again and glad to see it worked,But my happiness could stay only 2 days as the 3rd day It blacklisted me again.I use mirc on My WindowsXP computer (Pirch98) and on My Pocket PC windows mobile 2003 (Pocketirc).I can't use on both.

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you got banned by the Ops - maybe by nick and IP. Is your nick registered? And maybe your IP is similar to some spammers as spammers are known to use proxy now.

Try to enter with a different nick or try to enter from a different connection with a different nick, and ask the Ops or IRCops about your problem. Just remember your IP number when they ask for it.

Explorer :o

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you may make a try ...

first clean all cookies ... all trace of connection (previous ones) ...

are you firewalled? ... would be better :o

change nickname and change ISP ... take another one (a few hours pack) and try to connect, never mention any of previous contact, act like being a newbie ...

do you know any admin in there?

you'll never know, but may be you walked on someone else path ...

IRC is not really cool someday :D


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irc ( internet relay chat ) , I have tried mirc as a client and hardcore irc junkies swear by it, I used Pirch for many years , but now I just use the irc client that is part of trillian.

If you need to by pass a ban because they have banned a range of IP addresses rather than just one you will need to go it via a socks proxy server, though I think some IRC clients will work via a HTTP proxy.

Some irc servers will auto ban you if you are using an insecure proxy server so if you are running thru your home network make sure you have secured your proxy. i.e. configure the secure interfaces and set it not to accept connections from insecure interfaces or clients.

have a search on the google for free socks proxy servers, configure your client to the correct asddress and ports( you might want to resolve the proxy address yourself first with ping or something and enter a straight IP address )


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