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How Do You Get Police Protection


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I have just received frantic calls from a freind in Kanchanaburi (UK), he has a restaurant with a Thai lady partner, she has just finished with her useless hanger on of a boyfreind (Thai). The boyfreind ran off with the restaurant car and is now back looking for money from his ex. The short of it all is the UK partner will not give the Thai partner any money to pay off her boyfreind, boyfreind comes to restaurant with sledgehammer breaks up a few things, threatens everyone, phones the UK partner threatening to kill him. Uk partner goes to Tourist Police, they take him to Ordinary police, who smile and say they can do nothing until UK partner is attacked, I tell UK partner to call UK Embassy, they say they can do nothing and have to go as its now closing time.

Surely there has to be some thing someone can do legally, the UK partner is now asking for "special" help, as he can get nowhere from legal channels

Any of you guys got any advice?


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Go with the g/f to the local cop shop. Ask to speak to someone in authority. Get the g/f to explain to him the SP and then wack 7,000 Baht on the table. Chances are it wont sit there long and the ex b/f problem will be sorted

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Hey guys that was a load of pretty crappy responses, what IS interesting however is that the police have now sprung into action, the reason? BECAUSE THEY WERE SHOWN THE LETTER I SENT TO THIS FORUM. Now that brings up another point, If this indeed is an effective avenue to right some wrongs perhaps just perhaps, us guys on this forum might have redress from such wrongs if someone knowlegable and eloquent enough could be our representative in addressing certain subjects and if everyone stuck together something might be acheived, yeh/no?. (Scouse and The UK embassy spring to mind as an example)

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sorry palusa

i was in the old 'thai bashing' groove


you may be onto something here

strong consensus from 'outside' that the bib are incompetent and corrupt

'evidence' that its not done this way in the real world may just force an about face, save face, response

perhaps an entry from 'my learned friend' on all matters legal in the us or europe,

quoted at length, might have effect.

i rest my case

right hon. happyending

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Hey guys that was a load of pretty crappy responses, what IS interesting however is that the police have now sprung into action, the reason? BECAUSE THEY WERE SHOWN THE LETTER I SENT TO THIS FORUM. Now that brings up another point, If this indeed is an effective avenue to right some wrongs perhaps just perhaps, us guys on this forum might have redress from such wrongs if someone knowlegable and eloquent enough could be our representative in addressing certain subjects and if everyone stuck together something might be acheived, yeh/no?. (Scouse and The UK embassy spring to mind as an example)

You're absolutely right, and I wish to meet more people like you.

Buit don't forget, here you have to fight on two fronts : local "sabai sabai" attitude ... and the B.V. trolls !

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I believe you have your answer in the first part of the post: "The boyfriend ran off with the restaurant car." I'm sure even in Thailand that is considered a crime. Why don't you get him on Grand Theft Auto (if they term it like that). Certainly worth a try if he really did steal/take the car without permission from the owner.

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I have just received frantic calls from a freind in Kanchanaburi (UK), he has a restaurant with a Thai lady partner, she has just finished with her useless hanger on of a boyfreind (Thai). The boyfreind ran off with the restaurant car and is now back looking for money from his ex. The short of it all is the UK partner will not give the Thai partner any money to pay off her boyfreind, boyfreind comes to restaurant with sledgehammer breaks up a few things, threatens everyone, phones the UK partner threatening to kill him. Uk partner goes to Tourist Police, they take him to Ordinary police, who smile and say they can do nothing until UK partner is attacked, I tell UK partner to call UK Embassy, they say they can do nothing and have to go as its now closing time.

Surely there has to be some thing someone can do legally, the UK partner is now asking for "special" help, as he can get nowhere from legal channels

Any of you guys got any advice?


Go to the normal police and file a report of broken or damaged property and if the car is not his then report it stolen. Police will and always do take reports. If he needs or wants additional protection for the period he feels threatened, one of the regular police is likely to be happy to do after hours protection. ie, in his of duty time he can be employed privately to stay at the restaurant to make the guy feel safer. It's piece of mind for the short term until the bf gets over it!

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Here is what to do:

It appears that the English guy has gotten involved with the wrong crowd. It is possible that the Thai partner is in with the boyfriend and the whole thing is a scam. Even if not a scam, this setup doesnt seem it is going to work.

Disolve the partnership with the Thai partner, terminate the company and either sell or close down the restaurant if rented. Get rid of this problem before the UK guy is in too deep.

Once ended, put it down to experience and start again.

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