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Last Time You Strolled Beach Road In The Evening?


Last time you strolled Beach Road in the evening?  

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You can just count yourself lucky because you've broken your own golden rule, i.e. Play with fire, you're gonna get burned.

You walked along Beach Road drunk...so drunk you would have fallen off a moto-taxi.

That's just plain stupid.

You know, it is possible that one day I could get burned. It's also possible I could win the lottery, get killed by a piece of falling space junk, or get married and settle down. (OK, the last one is pretty far fetched). :o

But then again, even when I'm drunk, I don't do the things that it appears a lot of these "victims" do. I don't wander around with gold dripping off me. I don't talk to/flirt/try to pick up any of the people lined up there. I don't get rude and obnoxious if approached by any of them. I don't stroll through there leisurely eyeing up the merchandise, hoping to find a "gem in the rough" at discount price.

I feel far safer walking along Beach Road drunk at any time of the night or day, than I would walking around sober in parts of downtown Toronto or Vancouver in the daytime. That downtown area of Vancouver I mentioned before was bad enough in the middle of the day, let alone after dark.

If Beach Road was populated with hundreds and hundreds of coke and crack addicts, stoned hookers, petty thugs, pimps and pushers that have little if any fear of the law, then it would be a different story. I wouldn't walk through there unless I had to, and never when drunk. I hope Beach Road, or any other part of Pattaya never gets to that point.

Have I been lucky (so far) ? Or is it just that there are so many ID-10-Ts wandering around that appear to be much easier prey than I ? A little of both ? A little luck and a lot of ID-10-Ts lessens the chance of poor little me getting approached/groped/fondled in a way that might make me uncomfortable ! :D

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I used to a lot when barhopping late evening, I find it more easy to walk on the beach side, more space and not so many people, never had any problems but I know that there is quite a lot of incidents, haven't been i think since the new year 2006-2007, sitting here writing about it make me miss the sights and sounds, think i will go and visit some of the old bars again soon :o

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You can just count yourself lucky because you've broken your own golden rule, i.e. Play with fire, you're gonna get burned.

You walked along Beach Road drunk...so drunk you would have fallen off a moto-taxi.

That's just plain stupid.

You know, it is possible that one day I could get burned. It's also possible I could win the lottery, get killed by a piece of falling space junk, or get married and settle down. (OK, the last one is pretty far fetched). :o

But then again, even when I'm drunk, I don't do the things that it appears a lot of these "victims" do. I don't wander around with gold dripping off me. I don't talk to/flirt/try to pick up any of the people lined up there. I don't get rude and obnoxious if approached by any of them. I don't stroll through there leisurely eyeing up the merchandise, hoping to find a "gem in the rough" at discount price.

I feel far safer walking along Beach Road drunk at any time of the night or day, than I would walking around sober in parts of downtown Toronto or Vancouver in the daytime. That downtown area of Vancouver I mentioned before was bad enough in the middle of the day, let alone after dark.

If Beach Road was populated with hundreds and hundreds of coke and crack addicts, stoned hookers, petty thugs, pimps and pushers that have little if any fear of the law, then it would be a different story. I wouldn't walk through there unless I had to, and never when drunk. I hope Beach Road, or any other part of Pattaya never gets to that point.

Have I been lucky (so far) ? Or is it just that there are so many ID-10-Ts wandering around that appear to be much easier prey than I ? A little of both ? A little luck and a lot of ID-10-Ts lessens the chance of poor little me getting approached/groped/fondled in a way that might make me uncomfortable ! :D

Nice explanations, but at the end of the day, walking around anywhere ALONE in the dead of night in Pattaya while drunk is not smart.

You said you were drunk, which indicates you are not in full control of your faculties. Your comments remind me of drunk drivers who still insist they can drive perfectly well....9 times out of 10 they probably make it home safely. That other 1 time out of 10 could be the last...for more than just the driver.

You suffer from over confidence. You're advice is not sound.

Edited by tropo
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I've never had a problem I can remember. Walked many many times on Beach Road at night as recently as last month.

More plain clothes cops on Beach Road between Mikes and Soi 6, from about 8pm to midnight, than I've ever seen b/4.

Always manage a couple of late nights out on Soi 6, 7 and 8 and have walked home to Soi 13 at 2-5am and haven't had a problem (knock on wood)...I've had to break into a jog a few times, but never been in a situation where I thought I was going to get robbed or beat up.

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between 8 and midnight would not feel a problem for me but after that i would be very certain,drunk or not drunk,that i would not walk on beach rd side,both pattaya and jomtien.

i would not walk alone at 4am in the morning in certain areas of stoke on trent neither.its called being sensible,and i dont wear jewelry,the same as i didnt do it in the late 70s in spain.it seems certain johny rambos on the site think they can be invincible,but that type of thinking could get you killed here.

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Don't think it's being a "Rambo" as you say...at 4am...not many baht bus'z running...few and far between at that time of the morning.

Moto-taxi'z?....Unless down on Walking Street, I wouldn't take a moto-taxi at 4am....few and far between again, any where other than W/S... plus, at that time of night/morning...you don't know what condition the driver is in.

The alternative is to walk.


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I've never had a problem I can remember. Walked many many times on Beach Road at night as recently as last month.

Indicating that you've never had a problem is certainly no endorsement that it's safe. It is not.

All you're saying is that you've been lucky until now. You guys can be heros, but I wouldn't walk there myself after midnight, and I'm 240 lbs and built...and never drunk. Over confidence will get people into trouble.

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Tropo - well risk in anything you do, and I've actually been legless and made my way back to 13/2 from Berts near Soi6. Buddha knows how I managed to make it back in once piece with all my gear on me and not have smth evil happen. This was around 1-2AM. Any rate I was extremely lucky, and I try not to get that way unless I have mates with me or just don't get that way. Far as beach road, there has been dubious sorts running a muck that time of the night and I avoid or be polite and move past them walking at a deliberate pace. Like you I am a big lad who puts fear in others, however I'm smart enough to know if an entire gaggle of katoeys or other dubious types come out in force, once stands little chance and this is when you need all your senses about you, so you can dodge, duck, and leg it. If you are legless - u are at a seriosu disadvantage. Any rate I do feel safer in Patters than some spots in the world where I have been out late at night walking the streets after a good piss session.

Edited by britmaveric
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Tropo - well risk in anything you do,

Quite true, but it comes down to minimizing risk and avoiding foolish activities as much as possible.

When people ask me about the risks in Pattaya and previously the Philippines I've always given the advice to stay away from dark, quiet places and NEVER walk around drunk at night - especially alone.

A cursory glance at the Pattaya News Clippings section of this forum should demonstrate how dangerous this place can be.

The fact that certain members have tempted fate many times and survived is no guarantee of future safety. These people have been lulled into a dangerous sense of false security.

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Every time I am back in Pattaya I go down to Walking Street mainly to remind myself why I don't go down there any more. Usually I walk down from around soi 13/1 around 10pm and back again 01-02am. I don't get staggering drunk, but do have a fair few scoops, and walk fairly quickly and am polite with my refusals of "services". 12 years living in Pattaya and 4 years frequent visitor and I've never had a problem. Did get dipped (pickpocketted) once but as I was on my way home the wallet they got was virtually empty.

Rule #1 : when going out on the p1ss anywhere in the world only take the cash you estimate you need, plus a bit extra, and leave everything else at home.

Rule #2 : distribute that money around three or four pockets (could even put some down your sock but that is a bit extreme).

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I know the area in Canada (Main & Hastings) that Kerryd is talking about very well and believe me it makes Beach Rd. at 2 am look like a church choir group convention. Hastings St. in Vancouver’s East side is one of the worst places I have ever been and I grew up in Windsor and Detroit and have traveled extensively.

I myself have walked Beach Rd. late at night many times, and have never had a problem. Again I am not looking to pick up a street walker, score drugs, and am polite and go about my business.

Could I get mugged, robbed, attacked, etc? Of course I could, but I would hazard a guess that getting on the back of a moto for my trip home has a far higher degree of risk statistically to my personal safety then walking on beach road late at night.

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I often walk on the beach side as, as already said, it is less crowded.

I have only been approached once and that was when I was with a friend who was in town on holiday.

It was the first and only time I have had someone offering me "pharmacuticals" of the illeagal variety.

Maybe its just because I show absolutley no interest in the people hanging around there and just walk a steady pace.

Whatever the reasons, I have never felt particularly worried walking down there.

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I've never had a problem I can remember. Walked many many times on Beach Road at night as recently as last month.

More plain clothes cops on Beach Road between Mikes and Soi 6, from about 8pm to midnight, than I've ever seen b/4.

Always manage a couple of late nights out on Soi 6, 7 and 8 and have walked home to Soi 13 at 2-5am and haven't had a problem (knock on wood)...I've had to break into a jog a few times, but never been in a situation where I thought I was going to get robbed or beat up.


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I used to go down there early in the morning for a little exercise walk, 05:30-6ish. The street cleaners come

out just before 5am so there are some people down there. Many Thais doing the same thing but of course,

nobody bothers them. I'm a smaller farang, 5'9" maybe 170lbs. If I get approached I usually start off with

a low, growling "kkaattuuhhyy" with obvious venom dripping from the corners of my mouth. This usually

inevitably progresses to "kkaattuuhhyy ddttaaii". Until lately, this strategy worked fairly well, but I have to

admit, often they start yelling for their friends to come help beat-up the farang. Maybe I should re-think this? :o

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Yep....you do have to know how to handle the different situations that arise on the sois or you may run into trouble.

To be able to identify potential trouble ahead and have a plan for evasive action.... is/has been part of this game that many of us play....for decades.

Not for the inexperienced or the faint of heart....but for most of us, compared to where we have been,.... Beach Road late at night is a piece of cake.

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I don't live in Pattaya but go there once a month either on business or for a couple of days R&R. I always stay on the Beach Road whether alone or with my wife. It never occured to me not to walk on the Beach side as the pavement the otherside gets so crowded. I have walked alone and with my wife at all times up to two in the morning and never had any hassle. When I am alone I occassionally get a hello from some of the working girls but that is it.

I am not big or scary but I am confident or maybe I am just lucky. My motto has always been, " Nothing bad will happen to me" and, so far, nothing bad has. Maybe I give off signals as I don't get hustled by sellers of stuff anywhere in the world. Or maybe my halitosis helps!!!

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I don't live in Pattaya but go there once a month either on business or for a couple of days R&R. I always stay on the Beach Road whether alone or with my wife. It never occured to me not to walk on the Beach side as the pavement the otherside gets so crowded. I have walked alone and with my wife at all times up to two in the morning and never had any hassle. When I am alone I occassionally get a hello from some of the working girls but that is it.

I am not big or scary but I am confident or maybe I am just lucky. My motto has always been, " Nothing bad will happen to me" and, so far, nothing bad has. Maybe I give off signals as I don't get hustled by sellers of stuff anywhere in the world. Or maybe my halitosis helps!!!

That wil be the one :D:o:D

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The Phillipines is WAY more dangerous than walking street. They aren't even in the same league. :o

That's a meaningless comment, because it depends on where you go. There are plenty of safe places to stroll in the Philippines - you should get around more.

In this thread we are talking about Beach Road in Pattaya after midnight. I've never been to any tourist resort in the Philippines with as much crime as in Pattaya.

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I'm with the posts made by Sweetchariot # 7 & KerryD # 24

Walked it many times, early evening (before 10pm) & in 2004 (before the lighting was improved) i stayed for almost 2 months in soi 1. I would often walk home from Walking st at 3 or 4am. There's usually very few people (& hookers) about then. Never any trouble, but then i do walk puposefully. Loiter with intent and your inviting interest.

Was once walking on 2nd rd not so late at night. Had 2 katoey pull up along side on a motorbike. I didn't like the look, so i whipped of my body belt containing 2nd (old) phoned & camera etc. Its quite heavy & a whack on the side of the head would be more than just felt.. I began to swing it around. They zoomed off!

Did leave me feeling rather unnerved though.

Edited by Lancashirelad
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Believe what you want about the relative safety of the promenade. As a beach resort area most

folks do want to at least walk down there and take in the views or the breezes and in the early

evening it certainly is enjoyable. You can't deny however, that in the last year every couple of

weeks somebody gets mugged/assaulted down there, usually by a group of ladymen. Were they

drunk or antagonizing them or somehow otherwise deserved what they got, I can't say. :o

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I'm with the posts made by Sweetchariot # 7 & KerryD # 24

Walked it many times, early evening (before 10pm) & in 2004 (before the lighting was improved) i stayed for almost 2 months in soi 1. I would often walk home from Walking st at 3 or 4am. There's usually very few people (& hookers) about then. Never any trouble, but then i do walk puposefully. Loiter with intent and your inviting interest.

So you're saying that it's probably safe if a person walks fast and confident with intent after midnight.

What about a tourist who wants to take a leisurely stroll along the seashore?

The fact that certain people have done it safely for months or years without incident doesn't indicate that it's safe.

The problem with Pattaya and it's seashore is it tends to lead people into a false sense of security - on the surface it appears safe and serene. It did the same for me when I arrived, but I don't intend to test out the "walk after midnight with confidence and intent for safety" theory.

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The problem with Pattaya and it's seashore is it tends to lead people into a false sense of security - on the surface it appears safe and serene. It did the same for me when I arrived, but I don't intend to test out the "walk after midnight with confidence and intent for safety" theory.

This can't be the same tropo who once challenged me to a race around the beach road/second road circle to prove his biker skills are better than my monster truck driving ones?

The same tropo who declines to go into restaurants if there are no other farangs inside because that indicates that the owner probably doesn't like farangs?

Oh wait, on second thoughts, maybe it is the same one.

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So you're saying that it's probably safe if a person walks fast and confident with intent after midnight.

Well, so far it seems most of the respondents that have done that seem to have made it safely enough.

What about a tourist who wants to take a leisurely stroll along the seashore?

A leisurely stroll along Beach Road after midnight ? :D

With only innocent intent of course. :o

Not "checking out" the available companionship (or making ones self appear to be on the prowl). Just a slow, meandering stroll along a stretch of beach known more for its "after dark" attractions than it's daylight ones. Yeah, right.

Of course, these leisurely strolling tourists would never be rude or obnoxious to any of the locals in the area, even if approached by those not of the desired "type". These tourists would never flirt, fondle and haggle prices with any of those locals, or do anything else which would put them in a possibly compromising position.

From what I've seen, the farangs down there that are "leisurely strolling" are there for a reason, and it's not their (long) legs they are looking to stretch. They are there scoping out what is available. Often enough they are as drunk as a skunk, staggering from gaggle to gaggle of "girls", trying to find one (or more) to complete their nights entertainment. More than a few tend to be quite rude (though I've never seen any of them get attacked/robbed/mugged or anything else.)

These are not tourists out looking for a "leisurely stroll" on their way back to their hotel. For what ever reason (to cheap to pay a bar fine, looking for a little something "extra", or just trying to avoid paying anymore than they absolutely have to), a lot of those "strolling" along Beach Road know exactly what is going on.

Like I've said before though, whenever they get into trouble, none of these people that "just happened to be out for a stroll" ever admit that the real reason they were there in the first place was that they were trying to score (whatever). :D

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Of course, these leisurely strolling tourists would never be rude or obnoxious to any of the locals in the area, even if approached by those not of the desired "type". These tourists would never flirt, fondle and haggle prices with any of those locals, or do anything else which would put them in a possibly compromising position.

I witnessed 'rude & obnoxious' a couple years back. It was around 9pm and I was headed north from Walking Street, beach side on beach road with my sweet eye-candy 19 y-o girlfriend (I am +50 and my body looks 'lived in'), when some youngish farang twerp in singlet and shorts headed the opposite way, moved real close, leering at my squeeze and just as he was passing, looked at me quickly and loudly said, "It's only because you're paying her mate."

I thought, 'You sad <deleted>, young, pissed, penniless and only a snowballs chance in hel_l of getting laid... not worth the agro.'

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I'm with the posts made by Sweetchariot # 7 & KerryD # 24

Walked it many times, early evening (before 10pm) & in 2004 (before the lighting was improved) i stayed for almost 2 months in soi 1. I would often walk home from Walking st at 3 or 4am. There's usually very few people (& hookers) about then. Never any trouble, but then i do walk puposefully. Loiter with intent and your inviting interest.

The problem with Pattaya and it's seashore is it tends to lead people into a false sense of security

Yep, and the slew of volunteer tourist police add to this false sense of security also.

btw, i've walked the beach road late at night numerous times in the last 5 years without ever having a problem, but I am not a tourist. i would advise, however, that tourists take caution.

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