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I was outside the house and saw the below in one of our trees overhanging into the yard of an empty house next door. Don't know who put it there but it was very recent. A few hours later it was gone. Wondering if it is a bird cage or trap. If a trap, does that type of bird make for a good house bird and perhaps being sold? Also, can anyone identify it. It is a rather pretty bird but has a very loud whistle which I wouldn't want in the house with me. :o


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I've seen them more too often in small cages. I think they are kept for their singing. Poor birds. :o

Thanks for the links. Agree about the "poor birds" comment, I wasn't happy at all seeing it like that.

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It is a red whiskered bulbul. Some of the Thais especially the southern ones like to keep them in cages for their singing.

Sometimes they use one bird in a cage to bait and catch others. But normally that requires 2 cages.

During the Rajapruk festival there were many out of province people staying at a nearby apartment building and one morning they hung a cage and bait in one of our trees which overhung the road. Thought they would catch themselves some free Chiang Mai souvenirs.

When they came back both bait and cage gone - I saw to that. I made myself scarce having released bait bird and disposed of cages. He had the nerve to ask my housekeeper where his cages were. He was told that next time he should hang them at his own house that way they wouldn't get stolen. :o

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When they came back both bait and cage gone - I saw to that.

Excellent :o

I was considering that, but it disappeared rather quickly. My house has a rather large yard and a lot of trees/shrubbery and also a large variety of birds around it including that one. Perhaps why my tree was chosen. :D

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We have lots nesting in our garden. They have rather strange nesting habits, choosing to nest only about 2-3m from the ground. They also make extremely small nests, usually produce 2 chicks which can just about squeeze into this nest. Not unknown for one to fall out.

When they choose to leave the nest (not much choice really as by that stage they can't fit into it) there are 3-4 days of very dodgy flying capabilities and have been known to end up as Golden Retriever food. :o

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The Thais take these birds everywhere with them round here. Even to work. At some time in the year, I think March, they have big competitions for the best singer. As for poor bird, they do lavish attention on them, althought I think the cages should be a lot bigger. Never had a budgie/parakeet?

Edited by Mosha
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