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Corruption - Is It Right?


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My wife comes from a very influential Thai family, which means I get off with a lot.

I have never had a parking ticket and got off with some serious stuff too, that had it been someone with no connections, they would be in Jail.

So when people say Thailand is corrupt, I say great, I love it.

I am corrupt. Are you? If you aren't connected but were, would you be?

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My wife comes from a very influential Thai family, which means I get off with a lot.

I have never had a parking ticket and got off with some serious stuff too, that had it been someone with no connections, they would be in Jail.

So when people say Thailand is corrupt, I say great, I love it.

I am corrupt. Are you? If you aren't connected but were, would you be?

You can only push so far and if it goes to you head, which I think it has, then all will come crashing down. As for your question the answer would be NO, I hate hypocrites

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My wife comes from a very influential Thai family, which means I get off with a lot.

I have never had a parking ticket and got off with some serious stuff too, that had it been someone with no connections, they would be in Jail.

So when people say Thailand is corrupt, I say great, I love it.

I am corrupt. Are you? If you aren't connected but were, would you be?

I can pretty much assume my connections are up there.

But I choose not to use them for parking tickets, etc type stuff.

Corruption starts with how we choose to conduct our lives, the things we do wrong including corruption are like salt; the things we do right are like pure water. If we do lots of bad stuff, we end up stuck with salty water; by behaving in an honourable way we end up watering down the things we do wrong enough that the salty flavour is almost gone and the water becomes good for us and others.

Each person can choose to do what they want with their lives; I am far from perfect, but I don't speak out against corruption then use my connections to get away with illegal gansta sh%t.

I am not Ice Cube or NWA!

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My wife comes from a very influential Thai family, which means I get off with a lot.

I have never had a parking ticket and got off with some serious stuff too, that had it been someone with no connections, they would be in Jail.

So when people say Thailand is corrupt, I say great, I love it.

I am corrupt. Are you? If you aren't connected but were, would you be?

I can pretty much assume my connections are up there.

But I choose not to use them for parking tickets, etc type stuff.

Corruption starts with how we choose to conduct our lives, the things we do wrong including corruption are like salt; the things we do right are like pure water. If we do lots of bad stuff, we end up stuck with salty water; by behaving in an honourable way we end up watering down the things we do wrong enough that the salty flavour is almost gone and the water becomes good for us and others.

Each person can choose to do what they want with their lives; I am far from perfect, but I don't speak out against corruption then use my connections to get away with illegal gansta sh%t.

I am not Ice Cube or NWA!

Well said. :o With the parking tickets and speeding all I do is hand them the card of my Father in law and usually they don't even call him. If my wife is with me she does the speaking.

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My wife comes from a very influential Thai family, which means I get off with a lot.

I have never had a parking ticket and got off with some serious stuff too, that had it been someone with no connections, they would be in Jail.

So when people say Thailand is corrupt, I say great, I love it.

I am corrupt. Are you? If you aren't connected but were, would you be?

I am connected, and never used any connection. Using your so influential family just to waive a parking ticket shows how respectful of the law and the others you are. Back in your own country you are certainly the kind who would hang those who have connection, I believe.

You got off with some serious stuff, that could have brought you in jail ?? And you are so proud of that ? What do you expect from us ? Being full of admiration ? Sorry, not my bag....I just wish you to get yourself in a huge s_hit, the kind that even your connection would run from....and then, you'll see how small you are !! Have a good day

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Yeah corruptions is so cool.

When I drive my fully armored tiger tank down the road pushing over cars and get pulled over I just stick my arm out and give my father in laws ID as well. It’s a brezz

Or when im flying my black hawk and the royal air force comes flying beside me I just stick the ID out the windows and they said sorry to bother you sir.

The best part is when 2 full containers rock up to the shore form RASSIA full of goodies

My fathers ID get rid of these Customs officers as well as a few international co-op originations

Parking tickets? Give me a break

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Well said. :o With the parking tickets and speeding all I do is hand them the card of my Father in law and usually they don't even call him. If my wife is with me she does the speaking.

Why not learn how to drive so you don't get pulled over?

Sorry, this was 'cool' to do 10 years ago, even Thai people consider pulling connections in this manner to be pretty lame these days.

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Corruption is an unofficial tax - its one of the reasons Thailand is held back

It puts up the cost of doing business there and influences the decisions of companies to do business there - the losers are the ordinary Thai people.

My sentiments exactly!

Being corrupt or participating in a corrupt enterprise or activity only reminds me of one thing:

"What comes around, goes around."

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How many times have someone here be pulled over for doing nothing but being a farang and a cop needing tea money. I can use the tea money more then he can. So having a lawyer who's workings for NCCC as my wife's cousin has help. It's just corruption fighting corruption.

Edited by KhunDtaa
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been here 9 years, and been driving every day (or almost). I have been pulled over a few times, most of the time for actual good reasons : seat belt, red light, wrong turn......and almost never for no reason....

And even if it were the case, I'd certainly not involve a "connection" from a very influential Thai family........

I consider myself as a lucky one to have enough for a decent living, and I am not going to make a big fuss for a couple of hundred baht, just on the ground that I am a farang who knows a few guys....I'd feel ashamed to exhibit a name card just to avoid this huge expense, while next to me, there is a Thai guy who has to pay because he has no name card to show.....

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My wife comes from a very influential Thai family, which means I get off with a lot.

I have never had a parking ticket and got off with some serious stuff too, that had it been someone with no connections, they would be in Jail.

So when people say Thailand is corrupt, I say great, I love it.

I am corrupt. Are you? If you aren't connected but were, would you be?

I'm very pleased that you are satisfied with your life and connections even though you sound very much like a troll at the moment and hope you don't choke on your verbal spew!

I can't wait for the day when your wife and her influential family get fed up with your games and get out of jail free cards and send you back to oblivion where you belong.

What goes around, comes around and your day will come soon so see you on the streets with no shirt on your back begging for your next grain of rice.

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How many times have someone here be pulled over for doing nothing but being a farang and a cop needing tea money. I can use the tea money more then he can. So having a lawyer who's workings for NCCC as my wife's cousin has help. It's just corruption fighting corruption.

Your wife's cousin sounds like a piece of work; anyone working for NCCC should be clean and not supporting the driving rights of a few foreigners; I presume that this is a TRT appointee?!

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My wife comes from a very influential Thai family, which means I get off with a lot.

I have never had a parking ticket and got off with some serious stuff too, that had it been someone with no connections, they would be in Jail.

So when people say Thailand is corrupt, I say great, I love it.

I am corrupt. Are you? If you aren't connected but were, would you be?

Im in the same boat. My father inlaw knows alot of pollies and very rich people. He brought some of his mates to my wedding. They really looked after us.

Being corrupt is great. If I was a policeman in Thailand I would fine people for looking at me funny.

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My wife comes from a very influential Thai family, which means I get off with a lot.

I have never had a parking ticket and got off with some serious stuff too, that had it been someone with no connections, they would be in Jail.

So when people say Thailand is corrupt, I say great, I love it.

I am corrupt. Are you? If you aren't connected but were, would you be?

It is only someone that has gone from being a noboby to now having a few contacts that would get off on it. No doubt you are the kind that parks illegally just to show off how connected you are. Not important in any way in your own right of course, just connected through your wife.

My ex-wfe had those sort of connections too, but never bothered with it as rarely had any problems. Now I don't have them and life is no different.

So yes, to deflate your adolescent ego most here who have similar connections don't use them for petty lording over people. You contribute to the ugliness of graft and influemnce, that as another poster pointed out, eventually filters down to the poor little man. Being connected is great, your sad attifude about the joy you have in exploiting it is pathethic.

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definitions of the word "corruption":

moral perversion; depravity.

perversion of integrity.

Come on boys from Patters, let's here a lttle enthusiasm for corruption. I mean, you didn't come here for the temples!

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The OP Started the same thread on 13th Nov last year: Corruption, Good or Bad?

It sounds like the original poster is a troll.


Check out his topics: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?ac...r&mid=21302

- which include: how do Thai women's asses fair as they get older (closed immediately), how to import a kangaroo, where to buy a reindeer and how to send his boys to ballet lessons. Total troll.

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The particular roo I'm thinking of importing gets very seasick and dreadfully airsick. Any way we could get him here overland from Brisbane?

You aren’t kidding. Well there no train to get here. flyed in is the safes even if the roo dose barff everywhere. I’ve flown wildlife before from Queensland. This particular roo would need to be in your care or connected to you some how.

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The OP Started the same thread on 13th Nov last year: Corruption, Good or Bad?
It sounds like the original poster is a troll.


Check out his topics: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?ac...r&mid=21302

- which include: how do Thai women's asses fair as they get older (closed immediately), how to import a kangaroo, where to buy a reindeer and how to send his boys to ballet lessons. Total troll.

Jesus, how boring and cr*p must your life be if you get your jollies out of starting topics like that. Get a life mate.

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