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The Grumpiest Ex-pat In Bangkok


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Suprised nobody has mentioned As Good As It Gets - there's a very similar situation in that film where Jack Nicholson plays an obsessive compulsive who must sit in exactly the same seat each every day at the same restaurant. He winds up the staff and the customers no end when he can't get things his way.

Got to say, though, this sounds a bit more entertaining...

Actually, it has already been mentioned. (A couple of hours ago).

Actually sounds like classic OCD, obsessive complusives (like Jack Nicholson in "Good as it gets"), daily routines are ritualized, any break from the norm throws these people into a tailspin. :o
Edited by thecatman
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I forgot to say, this chap wants his place EVERY morning until lunchtime, including weekends. If he can't get it (after the outbursts) he does downstairs to the Salon cafe and comes up on a regular basis to get his seat. If unavailable, outburst. Repeated until he gets his seat.

Actually sounds like classic OCD, obsessive compulsives (like Jack Nicholson in "Good as it Gets"), daily routines are ritualized, any break from the norm throws these people into a tailspin. :o

You are probably right, I was thinking it was more form of autism. Either way the guy is sick, mentally ill, so does that make it ok? Would you take an alcoholics drink away? How about a junkies needle? You could always kick away a few walking sticks and puncture a couple of wheelchairs on your way out.

The guy is ill, leave him alone. Whilst you're having a laugh over his condition he's probably fretting over washing his hands 25 times in a counter-clockwise direction. Just leave him be

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Suprised nobody has mentioned As Good As It Gets - there's a very similar situation in that film where Jack Nicholson plays an obsessive compulsive who must sit in exactly the same seat each every day at the same restaurant. He winds up the staff and the customers no end when he can't get things his way.

Got to say, though, this sounds a bit more entertaining...

Actually, it has already been mentioned. (A couple of hours ago).

Actually sounds like classic OCD, obsessive complusives (like Jack Nicholson in "Good as it gets"), daily routines are ritualized, any break from the norm throws these people into a tailspin. :o

Bugger. So it did. Paging down too quickly - again.

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Wonder who got DA SEAT this morning? Was it CarlBkk? Or, after this thread :D, did any number of other TV members beat him to it? Or..... did DA MAN get it?

Waiting in suspense for an update.......... :o

Edited by Andiamo
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The guy is ill, leave him alone. Whilst you're having a laugh over his condition he's probably fretting over washing his hands 25 times in a counter-clockwise direction. Just leave him be

Maybe. But more likely he's just behaving like a pig. I would hazard a guess that he's a lot more polite in his 'own' country. Regardless, it's probably in his best interest to be pulled up by another farang before he pushes a local into the snap zone.

Edited by Crushdepth
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While it’s too late to go today, Friday morning seems like it's a show just too good to miss. ..

You mentioned in your post; "Emporium, Friday morning 10am, food floor, Oriental coffee/cake shop."

At the Emporium Mall site for Restaurants;


They list this store; Oriental Gourmet Shop 5-F. I am not sure if this is the correct location.

They do list this one as well; Salon De L'Oriental G-F, (perhaps his ‘sulking’ location).

I just don't want to go to the wrong place. Good entertainment is so hard to come by here in Bangkok.

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Either way the guy is sick, mentally ill, so does that make it ok? Would you take an alcoholics drink away? How about a junkies needle? You could always kick away a few walking sticks and puncture a couple of wheelchairs on your way out.

The guy is ill, leave him alone. Whilst you're having a laugh over his condition he's probably fretting over washing his hands 25 times in a counter-clockwise direction. Just leave him be

pish posh. Of course they take bottles away from alkies and needles from junkies.It's part of the healing process. These people are therapists, can't you see? :o

This is a behavioural problem, not organic. It's about time someone did some behaviour modification on the fellow.

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While it's too late to go today, Friday morning seems like it's a show just too good to miss. ..

You mentioned in your post; "Emporium, Friday morning 10am, food floor, Oriental coffee/cake shop."

At the Emporium Mall site for Restaurants;


They list this store; Oriental Gourmet Shop 5-F. I am not sure if this is the correct location.

They do list this one as well; Salon De L'Oriental G-F, (perhaps his 'sulking' location).

I just don't want to go to the wrong place. Good entertainment is so hard to come by here in Bangkok.

The OP mentioned in an earlier post it's close to Piri Piri so it's definitely the 5th floor. It is in the centre close to Starbucks, Cafe de Tu and the new Frozen Ice place (where Le Notre and Whittards used to be).

Have fun:) And don't get in a fistfight! :o We don't need the BiB called..... Although, would be hilarious....

Officer - "Ey up, what's going on here there?"

Grumpy guy (muttering and fuming) - "Officer, he stole MY seat...."

CarlBKK (indignantly) - "No, I didn't, I was here first" "There was a quiche here but nobody else and the staff moved the quiche"

Grumpy guy - "But this is MY seat, I've sat here for 5 years".

Officer - "Mmm let's be having you!" Marching him off to the echo of "There are plenty of seats in the Bangkok Hilton" :D

Cheers heard in the backfround from the posse of TV Members gathered and waiting (in an orderly queue of course!) to have a chance to sit in the revered, infamous SEAT!

Sorry, couldn;t resist :D

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reminds me on these people obsessed with reserving a sun chair, or 2 or 3 at the hotels/resorts pool with placing their towels there and maybe a bottle of sunscreen and then NOT showing up all day!

Staff got the order to remove the towels and stuff after a reasonable time frame of max 30 min. !

The experience showed, that 99% of the time, if they returned to their reserved sun chairs, they usually chose another one, which either was in the sun or in shade....

simply ignorant, selfish or obsessive behavior!

No further comments!

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I feel sorry for the staff in there, especially the assistant manager (a polite friendly woman) who has to grin and bear his outbursts and insults. He exclaimed that he'll contact Oriental Hotel top brass to complain about this and her if I am in that seat tomorrow morning.

Spare a thought for the Asst Manager. She has to take his abuse and may be worried about the repercussions if he complains about her.

I don't think she needs to worry. She's probably in line for a bonus with the increase in trade she's going to see in the next few days :o

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We were there in force this morning, well at least two of us. I was there pre-opening waiting, navigated the escalators, to the cafe, he was already there!! dam_n!! Hes reading the post or he knows the OP was up for the challenge today.

GOM (Grumpy Old Man) 1 TV members 0 today, sorry guys to let you down!!

I even took the video camera for a bit of you tube action!!

Next time.....

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Too bad I didn't read this last night.. I would've loved to go down there and occupy the seat... and be posting on TV at the very moment he arrived :o

The Oriental coffee shop is right across from Piri Piri and Kalapruek on Five - the opposite side is Starbucks and the fruit section of the supermarket.

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We were there in force this morning, well at least two of us. I was there pre-opening waiting, navigated the escalators, to the cafe, he was already there!! dam_n!! Hes reading the post or he knows the OP was up for the challenge today.

GOM (Grumpy Old Man) 1 TV members 0 today, sorry guys to let you down!!

I even took the video camera for a bit of you tube action!!

Next time.....


How do you know it was GOM on the stool and not a TV member who got there before you?

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Guest Reimar

Maybe it would be an good idea to try an ThaiVisa Shirt so every TV members know who they are?! But the GOM could try that shirt as well!

Hmmmmm? how to do?


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OP was there this morning as well, later than me though....lol.... I gave the manageress a wink when I came in GOM's direction... her one raised eyebrow told me it was GOM. When leaving I said there may be an army of farang on the way.... 4th floor The Oriental Shop, corner by the coffee machine, its on the same floor as the gourmet market....4th I think

Edited by ozsamurai
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wish i could be there one morning,could be very funny.reminds me of years ago when a load of english were in ahotel and the geeeeeeeeeeeeeermans kept stealing the deck chairs early in the morning.they sent the sons out to do the dirty work.

one evening about 11.30pm a few of us went out and under directions from others in the rooms above,we made all the deckchairs look like a swastika from above.went crazy next day as the geeeeeeeeeeeeeermans were about to tell the kids were to put the towels and saw this huge sign below.

this is not racist by the way and not all geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeermans steal deckchairs and not all eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenglishhhhhhhhh make deckchairs up.

designed for a laugh only admin

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Ok guys, here's the news. I waited at 9.50am to get the lift from the car park to the 5th floor. When I got to the top who should be mulling around near the lift...but our subject! He clocked me, maybe actually waiting for me, and I clocked him and he made a bee-line for the cafe. I didn't participate in this near race but rather casually walked around for 20 mins. When I got to the cafe sure enough he was in his seat and a TV member (ozsamurai no doubt) a few seats up in the window.

This guy was thrilled to get his place so all was quiet. However, the sly tool had actually taken away 2 stools from next to him to clear a space so no-one could even sit near him. He made sure his stuff was spread out along the counter-top too. I sat as near as I could and when Oz moved I sat in his place. The guy just reads the paper in ultimate serious mode, and orders very abruptly from the staff. This is a power thing. I left after an hour and went back at 1pm at which time he was gone, obviously satisfied that his mission had been successful.

So this guy will undoubtedly be there earlier every morning. BUT if he hadn't have seen me, someone else could have been in his place before him. It's my understanding that the 1st floor (next to Starbucks) way in opens earlier, so it's possible to get there quicker. At the moment he has no idea that anyone apart from me are onto this, so if several others attempt to get his place each day he will go beserk each time for sure.

The manageress came to me and said that a report had been filed with the management about this situation and that they agree with me - places can be reserved for no-one. It's first-come-first-served, as it should be, and so I'm guessing he will now make extra effort to be first served!

If only Oz could have got there a few mins earlier it would have been a different story today :-) Tomorrow if he has removed stools from 3 spaces near to him, I will replace them and sit there.


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I forgot to say, this chap wants his place EVERY morning until lunchtime, including weekends. If he can't get it (after the outbursts) he does downstairs to the Salon cafe and comes up on a regular basis to get his seat. If unavailable, outburst. Repeated until he gets his seat.

Actually sounds like classic OCD, obsessive compulsives (like Jack Nicholson in "Good as it Gets"), daily routines are ritualized, any break from the norm throws these people into a tailspin. :o

You are probably right, I was thinking it was more form of autism. Either way the guy is sick, mentally ill, so does that make it ok? Would you take an alcoholics drink away? How about a junkies needle? You could always kick away a few walking sticks and puncture a couple of wheelchairs on your way out.

The guy is ill, leave him alone. Whilst you're having a laugh over his condition he's probably fretting over washing his hands 25 times in a counter-clockwise direction. Just leave him be

This guy is unlikely to be ill, in fact I find it quite amusing that people are jumping to conclusions about thim to justify his behaviour. Currently on the DSM-IV there is no diagnosis of "Tosser", however some of the diagnostc criteria are ambigious and you could, if you felt inclined slot him into a number of them. The guy sounds that he is far to much in control of his actions to be acutely unwell.

He may fit this criteria though, V62.89 Phase of Life Problem :D

I'm going to make some time this week and check him out.

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