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How Many Times Per Week Do Tv Posters Have You Shaking Your Head?


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ThaiVisa is definately in the slow season now, so I thought a post like this might be fun. (at least for me :o )

There was a time not so long ago when the ability to use a computer showed you had at least a reasonable level of intelligence. Unfortunately, that time has past. This forum, and others, is rife with people posting who show themselves to be a few cards short of a full deck.

You have the mysoginists who have no use for Thai (or any other) women, who come on and reveal their ignorance in any one of a number of ways.

You have the old curmudgeons, relics of a bygone era, who routinely bring out the noose in order to"hang 'em high" with every reported crime, be the "perps" farang or Thai.

The wind-up artists (myself excepted :D ), whose only joy it seems, is make posts that have you sputtering in disbelief.

These people, and the other types whom I have failed to list, make me wish that forums were more of a meritocracy than a democracy. i.e. you get banned for being an idiot.

i know the odds are good that I will have to take a few shots from some for the temerity to make a post like this, but sometimes you have to just tell the way it is. :D

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How Many Times Per Week Do Tv Posters Have You Shaking Your Head?

almost every time I read, and these days I skip over 75% of threads because I just know if I read them it will be one long head shake.

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How Many Times Per Week Do Tv Posters Have You Shaking Your Head?

almost every time I read, and these days I skip over 75% of threads because I just know if I read them it will be one long head shake.

Right now I'm shaking my head at both *your* posts :o - The phrase "Grumpy old men" comes into my mind... :D

So what? Let people write what they want, don't be so judgmental or a wise a**. All contributions, makes this online community diverse, and more complete. One thing I've noticed, and in my opinion, with the forum is that it does carry some "elitistic" elements or influences to it - to which I oppose.

I say: Bring them on: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly - we're all God's creatures and have a right to breathe as well as making "shaking your head" type of comments in the forum channels.

Slightly more constructive though: If its seem as a growing problem, it could rather be an indication that the TV forum structure and features needs to be further customised and enhanced. Not a people problem, but a forum "system" design problem rather.

Edited by RonD
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I am seldom bothered by anything I read on the TV Forum because it is what it is; an online forum made up of anybody and everybody who wants to join. It's to be expected that you're going to get a wide range of opinions and points of view. The moderators do a good job of enforcing what few rules and guidelines the forum has but other than that anything goes. I am also an avid reader of Postbag (the Letters to the Editor) in the Bangkok Post; now that's where I often end up shaking my head. They routinely print letters from people representing facts and statistics without the slightest trace of any references to back up their "facts". A newspaper should be held to a higher standard than an online forum and that's what gets me so frustrated, bewildered and sometimes angry with the Post. For some reason though, I just can't wait for the next days edition to come out so I can see what they'll print next. Perhaps its just a marketing gimmick to sell more papers and I'm just one of the suckers who falls for it.

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whats not to like?

one group of posters here are torturing a nutter daily at the emporium, another group seem unable to cope with the complexities of an elastic band, and for others shaving is a high risk endeavor?

shake my head? nah.

Edited by t.s
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Most of the time, I enjoy reading posts. There is such a diverse group of people on TV, including a lot of people with expertise in a variety of areas. There are of course, lots of ordinary folks who get corrected, and sometimes in a manner that isn't very nice. We can't all be experts, but we can have an opinion. And we can learn from others.

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How Many Times Per Week Do Tv Posters Have You Shaking Your Head?

almost every time I read, and these days I skip over 75% of threads because I just know if I read them it will be one long head shake.


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whats not to like?

one group of posters here are torturing a nutter daily at the emporium, another group seem unable to cope with the complexities of an elastic band, and for others shaving is a high risk endeavor?

shake my head? nah.

my sentiments exactly :o

good post

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Having followed this forum for some time, i can only conclude that a lot of the inteligent topical posts are censored. However, the 3 word story persists - and only goes to encourage those with the intelect of - well, those literary geniouses taking part!

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Having followed this forum for some time, i can only conclude that a lot of the inteligent topical posts are censored. However, the 3 word story persists - and only goes to encourage those with the intelect of - well, those literary geniouses taking part!

I'm guessing a literary genius would know how to spell words like genius and intellect.

Which brings us to another annoying type of poster who takes great pleasure in pointing out your spelling mistakes... phew... thank god i never do that! :o

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How Many Times Per Week Do Tv Posters Have You Shaking Your Head?

almost every time I read, and these days I skip over 75% of threads because I just know if I read them it will be one long head shake.


He/she made a "typo" Doc. It should have read, "I skip over 95% of threads".

Thaivisa is not the only victim. Have a look at "Yahoo Answers". It is overflowing with idiots who can't be bothered to spend an extra 2 minutes searching the web for possible solutions to their problem(s). Mind you, there is method in this madness. These completely lazy & useless people have loads of "workers" at their fingertips. "Ego" is the driving force of the workers in this instance. The "lazy & useless" people know this fact & use it accordingly.

And how many threads, written by so called "native English speakers", do you have to spend quite some time "deciphering", so that you can actually understand its' intention? On Thaivisa, I give the foreign speakers an overall 60% & 40% to "native English speakers" (respectively), for "concept & clarity".

Our Forum, which art in Thailand

Hallowed be thy Name

Thy kingdom come

Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Thailand

Give us this day our daily bull <deleted>

And forgive us our stupidities, as we forgive those that are stupid & against us

And lead us not into stupidity

But deliver us from boredom

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen

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I dont read every post,like most,but if somebody wants to use this forum for whatever reason,i dont have a problem.Internet can reach out to millions of people from all walks of life,the only thing needed is behaving on these types of forums.I believe most on here could have a chat over a beer and not resort to insults but sadly it seems the cyber warrior is born.

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Unfortunately this thread has me shaking my head in disbelief. :D

This post should be merged with the one titled "What Do Other Expats Do That You Hate?"

They both ask a question and give away the answer in just the title alone.


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Many men who move to Thailand come here because of the girls and these kind of people are a certain bunch. I'm not surprised at all about many of the threads here.

Yup, It's pretty sad really when people have to move so far away from home just to shag a pretty girl or to grope the local barmaid.

I live here because I like it, I didn't move here because I can't get my legover in my home Country and have nothing better to do than to ask silly questions.

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usually happens in the health threads for me.

There seems to be an obsession to push the benefits of enemas.

Someone comes on with a question about cancer and some turd gives a commentary on the benefits of colonic irrigation.

Got gangrene? Have an enema. High blood pressure? Have an enema.

The health threads feature people with some genuine problems and your heart has to go out to them. But then you have definite wackos and the theories tossed out makes me wonder if people are that stupid. However, it gets balanced out cuz the regulars are kind, patient and know their stuff.

The animal threads, especially the ones on sick or homeless or abused critters makes me want to pound people out, not shake my head.

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In a free forum with anyone being able to join, be a member and post concerning life in a tiny insignificant country in S/E Asia the size of North and South Dakota (which most people cannot find on a map of the word) and a country that clearly runs counter to logic or reason, you certainly will get a wide range of comments, views, and observations.

That being said;

I find the forum enjoyable

I find the posters for the most part at least semi-literate

I find the topics usually of interest

I will now go shake my head. ..

Edited by tod-daniels
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The internet, once the exclusive domain of universities and military units, is now everywhere, for Everyman. Come on in, say what you can. Native-speaking English teachers can slag off each others' grammar and spelling, making their own mistakes in the process. Every day we prove our diversity through our experiences and opinions.

ThaiVisa and the internet teach you to check facts. Thailand is 74% as large as Texas :o, but 34% larger than North and South Dakota combined.

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