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Feed The Kitties

Ulysses G.

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Eek put this topic up before, but we just visited the Wat and they are having problems feeding the cats that they have taken in. We are bringing bags of dried cat food and so is Eek (cheapest is big bags of dry food at Mackro), but there are lots of cats and too many days in a month.

The place has lots of very nice cats and kittens and they all enjoy being petted and playing with humans.

There is one very nice Thai man who takes care of them and he must be doing something right as they are all very loving and get along with each other very well. When he runs out of food he often pays himself, but I doubt if he can afford it.

If you want to visit, Wat Pa Pao is on Manee Noparat Road (the same road as Huay Keow road that runs in front of Kad Suan Keow) that runs along the canal outside the old city. If you are coming from Kad Suan Kaew, look to your left, shortly before the road turns South to go towards Thapae Gate. There is a big Gate out front.

Anyone who wants to help, but doesn't have time to go there can drop off cat food at any branch of Gecko Books or PM Eek via Thai Visa.

They also need medicine to keep fleas under control. We are checking to see how expensive it is.

We feed all the stray cats and dogs in our neighborhood, but there are a number of organizations helping dogs, but only one helping cats. If you feel sorry for them and can spare the money, please help. :o

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I forgot to mention that I have a feeling that Wat Pa Pao is not a very wealthy one that could help pay for cat food.

It is run by Thais, but mostly seems to have Burmese laborers worshipping there, rather than Thais.

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What happened to the cat, Tigerbeer ? Sorry to hear that. It's terrible when a vehicle (esp. one you are driving) hits an animal. It seems such a raw example of how we humans disregard other species, who are just going about their business. I saw some small dead bodies beside a wat the other day; have never noticed it before. I wondered who might have put them there -- the driver of the vehicle which hit them, or another person.

I always keep the phone numbers of some local vets in my phone in case I come across an animal in distress. Some are : Dr Padingcha 053213270, 091918722; Dr Vishnu Amornt 015807170. Perhaps others can be added to this thread.

Anyway, hope to see many people take part in helping the cats at the wat. As has been noted here before, there are a few organisations taking care of dogs, but the cats have seemed to lack a guardian angel.

It might be nice if some other businesses followed Ghecko's lead and made it possible to donate from their venues. I am sure many people would, if it were made easy.

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P.S. Let's all keep this thread at the top of the page for a few days, at least.

It would be nice if we could pin this at the top of the Chiang Mai section permanently. Mods???

Priceless was in the shop a few minutes ago as he is interested in getting a few of us together to pay for having all the cats that are old enough spayed and neutered. I want to help with this too. :o

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P.S. Let's all keep this thread at the top of the page for a few days, at least.

It would be nice if we could pin this at the top of the Chiang Mai section permanently. Mods???

Priceless was in the shop a few minutes ago as he is interested in getting a few of us together to pay for having all the cats that are old enough spayed and neutered. I want to help with this too. :o

Agree about pinning the thread. Please add vet phone no's and names.

Eek mentioned in the earlier thread that she was working on getting a sterilisation program in place. I think we should wait for her input before trying to discuss this important aspect in any detail.

But we could certainly toss around some ideas for getting the money together to have all the cats at the wat "taken care of" (what are the euphemisms ?).

Puss in Boots costume party, with games, prizes and donations for air kiss from cat of your choice when all are sufficiently sozzled ? (Sorry, Chiang Mai Mail social pages must be infiltrating my thinking.)

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Firstly, a big thanks to UG for reminding me (us?) of the need for cat food at the temple. I delivered a number of bags a couple of hours ago, and in return got a chance to meet the lovely cats and kittens there.

Secondly, wouldn't it be a good idea to set up some kind of "Wat Pa Pao veterinary fund"? The first, obvious and urgent need is of course spaying/neutering, but I think there is also a long-term need for some reserves in case of accidents and/or acute illnesses. If somebody (Eek?) can come up with a format, I for one am willing to contribute to make it take off.

/ Priceless

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:o We have been doing what we can for the dog care groups since we arrived here last year, but

weren't aware of the help needed by the kitties. We will follow-up on the suggestions posted but do feel

that getting it organized on a regular basis would be a great approach. Would be willing to help if those

most involved will get some organizing together. Send us a PM. Thanks-

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What happened to the cat, Tigerbeer ? Sorry to hear that. It's terrible when a vehicle (esp. one you are driving) hits an animal.

it just hit the left hand bumper of my car and fortunately i was not driving fast. so most probably nothing serious. he ran into the bushes.

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Thanks for replying, Tigerbeer.

Hope the cat is OK.

Once, outside a place I lived in Australia, someone in a car hit a cat, but did not kill it. The sounds the wounded cat made were piercing and horrible.

In Australia, everyone knows you can call the RSPCA, which we did, and they were there in 15 minutes or so, and that poor cat was out of its misery.

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Today, at the temple they showed us a type of medicine that is rubbed on the cats to control fleas. They need it.

We checked with our vet and he said that he has a better type of medicine that is a spray which also is expensive but lasts for a few months. He also volunteered to fix the cats for from 650-750 each.

We are going to try some other people including some Doctors from the municipal department who come around once a year to fix them for free. Maybe we can pay a cheap price to do it more often?

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You may want to contact Lanna Dog Rescue (www.lannadog.net) as well. They have often sterilization days where many dogs and so far I know cats as well get spayed and neutered for free.


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Tnx UG. I made an appeal last year on TV forum, but fingers crossed this thread will attract attention more!

With regards to the neuter programme, if anyone who can take it on more than I, please let me know and i will pass on all the details. Really just need a go-between, as I am finding I have less time to make arrangements in this area. Please please let me know if you can be that go-between!

As for the flea treatment, i went with front line flea treatment for dogs as measured out the dosage for each cat. Its exactly the same treatment, but in bigger vials, so works out cheaper (costing around 1000baht per 3 vials which gives all the cats one treatment). The dosage is placed on the back of the neck and absorbed quickly through the skin. A local vet helped me do this first treatment then after that I had all the dosages and a chart for the cats drawn up in Thai so that khun Dii (the thai man who looks after the cats) could carry out the treatment when needed. However, at nearly 1000baht a go, plus regular cat food (and other vet treatment including flu treatment when they all once got quite sick), its hard for me to keep finding the money to pay for things. I dont have a lot of money and I think its really wonderful if others get involved. Of course, whatever anyone can do on the flea treatment front, be it spray, or liquid, its all good!

With regards to cat food, i found a even better place than before (before was going to Carefour and getting 7kg bags). Raksat Petshop (2 Central Airport Plaza , Mahidol Rd, 053-939605) has 20kg bags for 800baht, so good value i believe and the cheapest i have found so far. Of course smaller bags would always be welcome by the cats, so spare what you can.

Also, if you love cats, please go along just to give them some attention. They are very affectionate and playful and always enjoy a little company.

A small note..a few days ago Khun Dii told me that some foreigner's came and took some of the kittens away. Khun Dii wasnt there at the time and the foreigners asked permission from the monks who agreed they could be taken away. Im not sure if anyone from TV forum took them, but i get the impression from Khun Dii that they may have been still too young to have been taken from their mum. I think its great that the kittens get to go to homes instead of growing up at the temple, but its also important they should stay with their mum until they are old enough to fend for themselves properly. Anyway, im recall they were not toooo small, so im sure it will be ok. Just if anyone wants kittens in the future would really much better if you make sure they are old enough to leave.

Well, WOW, what can i say..the response here so far has been great. I think it sometimes takes a well known name for something to draw better attention, so tnx again for this UG and for your well-intentions. Im keeping my fingers crossed! :o

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Also, if you love cats, please go along just to give them some attention. They are very affectionate and playful and always enjoy a little company.

Thank you eek for all your good work.

The temple is very comfortable and everyone is friendly and you have done such a good job with the cats. I don't see how anyone can meet them and not want to help. They are great fun to just go there and play with.

About when you asked for help before, remember that I asked also, but no one picked up on it. I think that it is more a matter of who happens to read the post at the time, so we need to keep reminding people and keep it fresh it their mind. :o

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With regards to cat food, i found a even better place than before (before was going to Carefour and getting 7kg bags). Raksat Petshop (2 Central Airport Plaza , Mahidol Rd, 053-939605) has 20kg bags for 800baht, so good value i believe and the cheapest i have found so far. Of course smaller bags would always be welcome by the cats, so spare what you can.
ops not carrefour, i ment Makro. Doh! :o

And ty again UG. :D

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Firstly, a big thanks to UG for reminding me (us?) of the need for cat food at the temple. I delivered a number of bags a couple of hours ago, and in return got a chance to meet the lovely cats and kittens there.

Secondly, wouldn't it be a good idea to set up some kind of "Wat Pa Pao veterinary fund"? The first, obvious and urgent need is of course spaying/neutering, but I think there is also a long-term need for some reserves in case of accidents and/or acute illnesses. If somebody (Eek?) can come up with a format, I for one am willing to contribute to make it take off.

/ Priceless

Priceless, if you think you have time to help with the neuter program that would be great. If you are interested i will let you know the details. ty.

Ty also to sylviex for your pm, will reply soon, just in a bit of a dash at the moment!

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Priceless is at the main branch of Gecko Books right now.

He has generously provided funds for a bank account to take care of medical costs for the Cat Sanctuary at Wat Pa Pao and we have opened the account already. One of my staff members who has been donating her time and money is going to be in charge of the funds and will buy medicines and pay medical costs in conjunction with Khun Dii who takes care of the cats at the temple.

Anyone who wants to help out with the medical bills can contribute at any branch of Gecko Books and we also would love to accept cat food, if you don't want to visit Wat Pa Pao yourself.


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Priceless is at the main branch of Gecko Books right now.

He has generously provided funds for a bank account to take care of medical costs for the Cat Sanctuary at Wat Pa Pao and we have opened the account already. One of my staff members who has been donating her time and money is going to be in charge of the funds and will buy medicines and pay medical costs in conjunction with Khun Dii who takes care of the cats at the temple.

Anyone who wants to help out with the medical bills can contribute at any branch of Gecko Books and we also would love to accept cat food, if you don't want to visit Wat Pa Pao yourself.


A big thank you to UG and his staff for helping out with the administrative chores. Hopefully we will get enough contributions to be able to neuter/spay all the cats in the near future. Beyond that, the temple needs funds to be able to take care of any medical emergencies that may occur, and to maybe take care of more cats in the future.

Any and all kinds of help are much appreciated!

/ Priceless

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We just received our first contribution from a member of the public who read about the cats on Thai Visa and dropped money off at a Gecko Books branch. Thngs are looking good!

I hope that we can get them all fixed and protected against fleas in short order!. :o

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Im truly amazed! Im so happy!!! I have really struggled to help, so this is wonderful. I really cannot begin to tell you how big my smile is and how glad i am for the cats. Thank you so much for putting this in place, i really had no idea how best to go about it all. With the way things are going now I guess the best thing for me to do is to just continue to visit and give food. When i have extra money i will donate what i can to the fund. Of course, i will keep my eye out for any problems, and keep bumping this thread :o

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