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Smelly Cat

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Hi, yesterday I bought a kitten from a local market, probably a bad idea I know but when your holding a fluffy little bundle and being egged on it is hard to say no and I have wanted a cat since being in thailand, always had them in my home country.

Anyway to cut to the chase - he stinks, it's really bad a bit like sewerage I didn't notice it at first but after cuddling him for a while you can't miss it. I have washed him and now he smells like a mixture of sewerage and shampoo.

He seems fine in every other way, they tell me he is eight weeks old and he is really playful and used to being handled. I am just a bit worried about this smell, also I need to find a vet to check him out and give innocculations. I live in Sri racha but could go to a vet in Pattaya if necessary - does anyone have one they recommend.

Sorry to bombard you with all these questions but I really hope someone can advise me.

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icequeen,there is a free one for the jabs just by the firestation,off 3rd road,pattaya.also i use a vet on third road,about 400 yards before the lights at pattaya klang on the right hand side.very good vet as i have used him for 4 cats.

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Give him a chance to groom himself, sounds like he could have been removed from his mother too young and hasn't yet learned how to groom himself properly.

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Well, we made it to the vets today, I must have been walking around with my eyes shut because there is an animal hospital not too far from my house, but I guess I wasn't looking for one until the last few days.

They gave him a really good checkover and apart from a skin problem that they gave me some medicine for he is fine, guess that could be something to do with the smell but he does smell a little better today.

SBK, definately see what you mean about the grooming, he does groom but mainly just his paws and face - nowhere else. Also the vet thinks he is only 4 - 6 weeks old not the 8 weeks I was told, I feel as though I have been quite naive about the whole thing but hopefully he will be ok I've had cats before but never anywhere near this young.

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Out of interest, how big is the kitten. If it is 8 weeks old it should be able to run. Much younger than that the attempts to run are generally clumsy, although they can climb and walk at about 4 weeks. Eight weeks is about 4" at the shoulder for either sex. As it happens, our latest batch are 9 weeks, and the females are a little bigger. That won't last :o

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From my experience the kitten is very young, and IMHO should still be with mum. Top side I think 5 week. All our eldest cats female kittens have been great mums, because we only let them go around 11-12 weeks. It is learned behaviour.

Edited by Mosha
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Thanks for your opinion Mosha, I agree he probably still should be with his mum, but if I hadn't took him someone else might have done who wouldn't worry about giving him proper care. I will probably need a lot more advice over the next few weeks and will update this post with his progress :o

thanks everyone for your help

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