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Food.thaivisa.com - Is It Still Available ?


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Just now I tried, from Switzerland, food.thaivisa.com and got “503 Service Unavailable”. Then I tried www.food.thaivisa.com and it worked. Give it a try.



P.S. Correction. It did not work. It brought me to ThaiVisa's home page:


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The service, if there is a problem, is not good... I wrote them about a problem with the check-out part, got a response, but he was clueless to the problem and suggested I try it again. I didn't, remembering the time I spent on the order before having a problem, and the likelyhood if the same problem at checkout... Too much hassle

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Yes, ominously the banners which were at the top of the Western Food Form are now replaced with adverts for ThaiVisa Insurance and ThaiVisa Travel. It's a shame, ThaiVisa Food went under so early on, perhaps it will be re-launched later.

For what it's worth, as not a paying customer but ThaiVisa member and so I guess part of the pool of potential customers, I would say the failings were slightly too high prices and a lack of alcoholic beverages being available, and a complete avoidance of the subject whenever it was queried as to why there weren't any.

If TVF ever comes back, I'd say these were some of the key issues to address in my opinion.

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I will check it up and let you know.

If there are leaving the site broken and not even bothering to reply to people asking what happened on this forum, God only knows what their level of service might be after you pay for your order.

It's not very good PR to plug the food shop and when people go to order it's just magically disappeared and they won't even answer any requests for help.

If it has gone, then please tell us so that we know to look for another option.


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The Thaivisa food operation has been temporarily suspended pending several upgrades including suppliers as well as delivery methods.

We will resume the service as soon as we possibly can when and we can guarantee the same quality and rapid delivery that you have come to expect.

Please excuse the inconvenience.

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Thanks George, sort of a non-answer don't ya think? Raises more questions than it answers; why are these upgrades needed so quickly after the site came up, I understood TNT was the delivery company and they have been here a long time so seems to me delivery issues would have been resolved long before service began, and what about all those glowing endorsements from the early customers, how did that come off the track so quickly. Makes me wonder what is happening to any "pending" orders, glad none of them are mine. This whole deal reaks, not of steak, but fish.

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Thanks George, sort of a non-answer don't ya think? Raises more questions than it answers; why are these upgrades needed so quickly after the site came up, I understood TNT was the delivery company and they have been here a long time so seems to me delivery issues would have been resolved long before service began, and what about all those glowing endorsements from the early customers, how did that come off the track so quickly. Makes me wonder what is happening to any "pending" orders, glad none of them are mine. This whole deal reaks, not of steak, but fish.
Of course, george can answer the question, but let me add that Thailand is one huge, diverse country, and the products being offered are not your normal street food. The field tests were fairly extensive, but glitches can develop. Thai Visa Food wants to have the highest level of service.
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Thai Visa Food wants to have the highest level of service.

Agree with you "PeaceBlondie", but most of the members will not pay the price for Imported Food from around the world or will they????

PM me George or Totster maybe one Kan help you out.

Kan Win :o

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Thailand is one huge, diverse country, and the products being offered are not your normal street food

Well we all know that! Didn't they also know that before they started the service ?

Anyway, Been waiting for my kitchen to be installed and the same day I try to order, it's gone. Typical

I think what annoyed us all the most was that if it was going to be suspended then the decent thing would have been to tell people and not leaving them begging a support forum for answers.

We were all asked to spend money and try their products and then whoosh, its gone.

Most of us never got the chance to see if this "quality and rapid delivery that you have come to expect." ever existed, Sorry I have to agree with to track61, I'll be very dubious if it opens again and I want to place a 10,000 Bht order to find the site has disappeared the next day and they couldn't even be bothered to post anything to let us know.

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"....but most of the members will not pay the price for Imported Food from around the world or will they????"

I was more than willing to pay the asking price for quality (as promised) rib-eyes or strips. I haven't had a decent steak in two years and I don't think the prices for good beef was unreasonable. What I do find unreasonable is how this was handled. It shows major incompetence at best. I can't see me using the service now no matter what "they" do. I personally think it is a shame, I was looking forward to it, was just giving it a few weeks to see how it worked out, and apparently out is the operative word.

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And they could at least put a holding page and explanatory message up instead of "503 Service Unavailable".

Again, No replies or responses from any of the guys who were running this so I guess they don't care.

What a wonderful service, I think they shot themselves in the foot on this one by not even bothering to reply.

Oh well.

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What part of this did you not understand?


The Thaivisa food operation has been temporarily suspended pending several upgrades including suppliers as well as delivery methods.

We will resume the service as soon as we possibly can when and we can guarantee the same quality and rapid delivery that you have come to expect.

Please excuse the inconvenience.

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