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1am Bar Closing E-mail Campaign

Pattaya City News

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Thanks so much for your extensive input; I am sure many members are deep in thought as they weigh up its merits whilst considering the ostensibly absent profundity.

It certainly must be very deep.

How strange that Howard has yet again failed to answer simple questions that many Pattaya visitors and expats alike are asking.

Let’s face it, they are not exactly difficult questions, so what is his problem?

He obviously has not lost the ability to post, as his recent begging letter demonstrates.

Sorry if I sound impatient, but I am trying to be fair and balanced. I just want him to answer the questions before I up the ante by quizzing him about prevalent rumours that Farang Volunteer Tourist Police are threatening local businesses by trying to coerce them to use certain trade suppliers of fast food.

The greater the silence there is from those ‘in authority’, the louder the rumours will become.

Are they nothing more than malicious rumours, Howard?

I will take a lack of response as confirmation of their validity and spread the news accordingly, not that the current talk on the street will need any help. :o

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Mr Clark,

I won't answer your questions because this thread is nothing to do with me being a TPV, that subject is closed for now, as far as I am concerned, accept it or not.

Part of your post interests me. I can't say too much because I believe direct accusations naming businesses or individuals is not permitted. I urge you though to make a complaint to the Tourist Police Station if you have ever been approached by Ferrangs wearing ID badges whilst trying to sell you convenience food. This is not the first case of this happening and it must be stopped but can only be stopped if people complain about this. There are two officers you should complain to: Police Captain Chirawat or Police Captain Siam from the Tourist Police. If you dont complain, NOTHING can be done. If they have made any threats towards you, this is wrong and must be stopped. If you wish to discuss this matter with me personally please IM me with your mobile number and I will call you.

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Only 42 so far, not very good.

If I dont receive at least 50, I wont bother to present them to the Council Chief. Its up to you guys, if you want to have your say, this is your chance.

Although the news from the last few days has been positive and it looks as if the ruling may be reversed, the reality is that, although they are still open for business, the majority of bars are outing then lights and turning off the music at 1am.

"It's not over 'till the fat lady sings"

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DrJOhn - I don't know, it's just a number. My point is clear and now with Pattaya's expansion even more so. If it makes an honest profit -it belongs. To do this you'll need more than a gaggle of hens saying weaucum at the door of a foundering beer bar in a converted shophouse.

Monty - Your points are well taken. Pattaya runs on foreign money and after you put aside the girls (which is the draw 100%), the entire localpopulation is dependant on them -and they have good hearts and support the community buying many things at above prices thay might find at BigC, 7-11, etc...


I just read this absolute rubbish about Pattaya and human traffiking? Can some please help me understand this? There is no trafficing here whatsoever. The girls come to work the bars after a bad marriage, baby or both. If they are lied to and promised marriage or work in the West -ok, maybe. But could this not occur in BKK? Most importantly how in the flying fkcu will closing bars at 1am solve this (faux) issue.

The real facts on human trafficing: Few Asian women end up in the West. Even then, most are shuttled by their own ethnic groups, large numbers are sold into brothels within Asia < This is by far the worst problem.

All you guys living in Asia and following Asian issues for decades > When was the last time you read: WESTERN SLAVERY RING FOUND TO HAVE TRAFFICKED 1000s OF CHILDREN TO EUROPE - CAUGHT. That's right, you didn't because just like snuff flicks -as a sweeping generality it's a myth.

Spiriting away helpless women/children to the West is a huge myth perpetuated by the 'victim' NGO networks. You want to see slavery? Black Africans to Arab lands. You want to see traffic - Coyotes running millions across the US/Mexico border annually -It's a big myth like Jesus and the tooth fairy.

Wake up, the closing -it's just a lie to make it harder for foreigners to live/operate here. Thailand wants us all on 30 day visas.

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Mr Clark,

I won't answer your questions because this thread is nothing to do with me being a TPV, that subject is closed for now, as far as I am concerned, accept it or not.

Part of your post interests me. I can't say too much because I believe direct accusations naming businesses or individuals is not permitted. I urge you though to make a complaint to the Tourist Police Station if you have ever been approached by Ferrangs wearing ID badges whilst trying to sell you convenience food. This is not the first case of this happening and it must be stopped but can only be stopped if people complain about this. There are two officers you should complain to: Police Captain Chirawat or Police Captain Siam from the Tourist Police. If you dont complain, NOTHING can be done. If they have made any threats towards you, this is wrong and must be stopped. If you wish to discuss this matter with me personally please IM me with your mobile number and I will call you.

The misplaced supercilious content and tone of your words is actually quite astonishing.

I posed some very simple questions to you, yet for some reason you have buried them in your ‘too difficult’ basket.


This thread was started by you and you are a Thai Police Volunteer.

Is that not the case?

Are you not ‘working’ for Pattaya City News, the front man of which is also one of the farang cosy TPV club and of dubious pedigree?

You chose to sign yourself as Howard as you spammed the board under the guise of Pattaya City News.


I wonder why that was allowed, unless you have something on the Webmaster? If that is the case (and I hope it is not the case), why are you being allowed to get away with it on this board?

You and your credibility therefore have everything to do with this thread. Your background and involvement as a ‘TPV’ are fundamental, as is the extremely tolerant attitude of the Management of Thaivisa.com.

You now pompously tell me that the TPV subject is closed?

Sorry, Mr Howard the Volunteer, it will not be closed just because you say it is.

All you are doing is succeeding in confirming many in the view that there is something very wrong here.

You now want me to IM you and give you my Mobile Number?

Thanks for the offer, but I would prefer it if you IM me and give me your mobile number.

I will then call you back, saving you money in the process as it could be a lengthy exchange. I am only thinking in terms of your cost of telephoning, as I am sure you were mine.

Worry not, I can afford any call whatever the duration and will regard it as a Public Service.

I await your IM and look forward to a nice chat.

My Very Best Regards,

Phil Clark

PS. If you yet again plead the fifth on the simple TPV questions, I will go out of my way to meet you face to face when you are ‘on duty’. You will not be hard to spot, as I have seen you mincing around many times. I look forward to the chat, if you are allowed to talk without a brownshirt taking notes after he has copied my Passport. :o

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Do you actually get any news independantly of the police or the Pattaya City Hall? I see more things happening just being out on the street that you guys seem to miss because you are always hanging on some ones coat tails.

You have an oportunity to do something different and interesting but you and neils just turn out the same cr@p every day that the police feed you, the stories are always the same although you contradict each other with the facts.

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Close the lot down for good,

I for one would donate to The Thai rak Thai party if Thaksin made such a stand.

Get rid of all the Bars in Pattaya, rid Pattaya of all the Farang lowlifes, have strict policing to eradicate all sex workers in Pattaya.

Make a law that enables Farangs to be arrested for exploiting Thai people, prostitution is Illegal, Millions enter Thailand every year to help an illegal activity prosper. So arrest them!

I suggest a 50,000 Baht fine for all Farangs trying to procure sexual services for money. followed by deportation and Blacklisting and to be placed on a register that would be made available to all other countries that are targetted by sex tourists.

Thaksin would be an International Superstar if he made this stand.

Tourist numbers would skyrocket as REAL tourists would come to Thailand with their families, without having to witness the Legions of grey haired old men trawling the beach road for any new young yaba addicts that will give a BJ for 200 Baht.


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Dr John - simplistic response to a complex issue.

You need to first:

1. Educate

2. Create well paying jobs for all

3. Diversify dependence on tourism to other industries

4. Weed out Corruption

5. Curfews for those under 18

I can think of heaps of other ideas to implement, but the Thai govt isn't really interested, and nor should be since there are far more pressing issues to deal with.

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Not worried in the slightest as the Thais don't listen to crackpots, as Brit says you over simplify things and may I add have a very obvious lack of understanding of Thai culture.

OK, so you are a member of the Grey haired legionairres that trawl the Beach road ?

Please explain where exploitation by sex tourists comes into The Thai ethos.

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No not that old yet and you won't see me on beach road, happily married however just because I am doesn’t mean that there are others who enjoy their own private pursuits, I just don't try and police them morally.

I am sure that many would argue who is actually exploiting who.

The Thai – Thai sex industry is much larger than the farrang Thai sex industry, that’s a simple fact so all of your wishing and hoping just wont make it so.

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I remember over hearing a conversation one time i was with Niels Colov where he was threatening to kill another farang over the phone, and now he is a police volunteer.

If anybody wants more information on this just pm me,I can get the police reports from the farang that Neils Colov threatened to kill and send you a copy.

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I remember over hearing a conversation one time i was with Niels Colov where he was threatening to kill another farang over the phone, and now he is a police volunteer.

He don't look like a killer to me. Looks more like a harmless grandad.

Then again, Ted Bundy did not look like a killer either.

Strong Accusation to make. :o

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Howard, has Niels Colov made so many death threats that you can not remember which farang is which?

If you go down to soi 9 and ask about complaints against Niels Colov you will find them all.

I feel sure that you will not publish them though.

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  • 2 years later...
I remember over hearing a conversation one time i was with Niels Colov where he was threatening to kill another farang over the phone, and now he is a police volunteer.

If anybody wants more information on this just pm me,I can get the police reports from the farang that Neils Colov threatened to kill and send you a copy.

I'd be interested to see the police reports if they're available?

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