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Big Black Wasps.


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Has anyone any experience of being stung by wasps here in Thailand, or know which ones actually sting and should be avoided? My wife is often chased around the garden by various huge black wasps that may or may not have the ability to sting. I also get annoyed by them but try not to run from them. I occasionally give them a ‘bat’ with a book or something but fear that one day I will be stung. There seem to be many different variations, some black and yellow, some black and orange, and the one bothering me at this minute is black and white, and some just black. So, which ones should I avoid upsetting and which ones am I safe to set upon?

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The large black and orange wasp or hornet is called a "Dtua Dtor". It is generally not agressive and will only sting when provoked. The sting is extremely painful & highly poisonous. Usually a trip to the hospital and occasionally fatal - especially for young children.

Other wasps - sorry don't really know.


Soundman. :o

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Has anyone any experience of being stung by wasps here in Thailand, or know which ones actually sting and should be avoided? My wife is often chased around the garden by various huge black wasps that may or may not have the ability to sting. I also get annoyed by them but try not to run from them. I occasionally give them a ‘bat’ with a book or something but fear that one day I will be stung. There seem to be many different variations, some black and yellow, some black and orange, and the one bothering me at this minute is black and white, and some just black. So, which ones should I avoid upsetting and which ones am I safe to set upon?

leave them alone and they will go home carrying there stings behind them. treat all wild life with respect, and hope its recipricated. all wasps/bees have the ability to sting. few do . communual bees/wasps sting more readly than solitary bees/wasps. communal bees/wasps live in a nest, dont stire that up. solitary bees/wasps are the one you see makeing a mud house, a little larger than a thimble, loads on my security screens, they seem to love them. wonder why that is?. none piosonous that i know of. if your out of salts, ie under the weather yes can kill , some people are allergic too. the normal reaction is 72hrs swelling, followed by 72hrs itching, job done, as long as you haven,t opened up the skin by scratching. no brocken skin no midication nessesary. if you are stung around your breathing area the swelling can be dangerouse. seek advise. been stung in los twice by the hornet type wasp, black/yellow/orange more painfull than a bee but bearable. all as discribed. hope this eases your fears.

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  • 2 months later...

Yes the big black and orange fuzzy wasps "Thua thor" have a very nasty sting. I had accidentally sprayed some water on some of these fellows inhabiting a small shrub, and they came at me with a vengeance. One sting on my forearm and it was swollen up and pounding for 24 hours. Apparently they are deadly for children and the elderly.

And of course--- i agree with post above, "treat all animals with respect" Normally they seem to go along in their own peacefull way.

Does anyone know the english name for them,? the translation comes out on the dictionary only as "wasp"

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Do you live in the North? Than it could well be Asian Giant Hornet, commonly called Tiger Wasp. Potentially lethal but docile. I have been stung by small black wasps that like forests, hurt like he_ll, too.

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Tor Hua Sua,

black and orange, about 1 1/2 inches long and quite fat - these give a wonderful sting, got done by two of them on the arms, it is the most painful sting I have ever had, I was literally "thrown back" like an electric shock..only worse. 12 hours later my arm was twice the size and I had to use my other hand to lift it onto the steering wheel to drive the car. These can kill you ( apparently 7- 10 stings can be fatal), 2 kids near me died not long back, a guy in Chiang Rai died after climbing a tree to attack their nest (not the best idea), do not believe Thai when they say that they do not attack unless provoked..bullshit, once they establish a nest you will be attacked by just venturing near it.

I was a bit inclined to "live and let live" with the nest in my garden, starts out like a tennis ball, and true, they didn't bother me, however, as it grew to the size of an overgrown football, their habits change and they become extremely agressive, they will attack without provocation.

Needless to say, a dark night, a litre of petrol, a few whiskies (for me) and POOF! gone forever.

Long thin brown wasps - the ones that paralyse spiders and caterpillars and build their nests in your house from mud- sting, not too bad though.

The black wasps....not sure never been stung by those, they seem to avoid conflict, maybe a Thai thing.

The long yellow and black (very thin wasps, almost joined at the abdomen by a thread and about 2 inches long) sting yes, but not too bad again.

The only ones I have found to be aggressive are the Hua Sua, the rest seem to retreat rather than attack, even if you are destroying their residence.

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Try this long known method used by folks in the west (of North America, OK?) far from medical help.........it works (everytime I have tried it....may be exceptions with some pests). Take a copper penney soon as you can after the critter bites press it on the spot of the sting.....tape it there for an couple of hours....no swelling, pain stops, no itch. Works wonders for people that have reactions from mosquitos as well.


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Yes the big black and orange fuzzy wasps "Thua thor" have a very nasty sting. I had accidentally sprayed some water on some of these fellows inhabiting a small shrub, and they came at me with a vengeance. One sting on my forearm and it was swollen up and pounding for 24 hours. Apparently they are deadly for children and the elderly.

And of course--- i agree with post above, "treat all animals with respect" Normally they seem to go along in their own peacefull way.

Does anyone know the english name for them,? the translation comes out on the dictionary only as "wasp"

I had one of these black/orange wasps/hornet visit me as i sat on the balcony watching my fish in thier tank , i sat motionless as he flew around me a few times , finaly settling on the water plants in the tank to syphon off water . He repeated this operation several times a day(at least when i sat outside to notice him), i just guessed he was building a nest somewhere close by , he went straight to the tank without a cursury glance in my direction , this went on for a couple of weeks before he dissapeared . No hitee me , no bitee you .

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