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Hot Chicks In Shopping Malls In Pattaya

Ulysses G.

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The Royal Garden used to be a great place to pick up girls. If they were young and beautiful, scantilly dressed and walking around puffing on a cigarette, you could be pretty sure that they would welcome the attentions of an obese, elderly man in baggy shorts and flip flops.

How do you guys in Pattaya choose your next romance now with the smoking ban working so well? :o

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I relax on the (chair/couch/stool), put my ciggies and lighter on the counter, wait for the service staff to bring my Jack & Coke (and an ashtray), glance left and right, and by the time I'm looking straight ahead again, the next "soon to be ex" is sitting on my lap.

Pretty easy actually.

But you're talking about malls. Hmmm, never tried that. I usually go in, buy what I want, and get out. Don't spend any time lurking around, scoping out the lovelies.

I'd say, try and make eye contact with the one that attracts you. If she looks back, raise your eyebrows and nod your head towards (Burger King, Dairy Queen, a bench, the lingerie shop, etc). If she comes over, game on ! (Unless she just comes over to slap you and introduce your balls to her knee. Then you may have to work a little harder) :o

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