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hi i am coming to thailand in july has anybody any imformation as to where i can get treatment for this as for a few years now i always have a very red nose and sometimes gets very sore spots appering on it cheers mike

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hi....i was diagnosed

with rosacia in thailand 3 years ago. after a lot of trail and error and a lot of doctors visits i have found that the best i can do is keep it under reasonable control by doing the following

..keeping spicy food to a minimum

..avoiding excess alcohol usage

..staying out of the sun as much as possible (use a quality sunscreen and hat)

..avoiding soaps.....i use a non-alkaline cleanser (cetaphil)

..and finally i use a gel available in thailand at some pharmacies (called robaz)....around 400 bt...twice a day

as i have said...this seems to control any bad outbreaks....for me

good luck

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Hi Trucker, Welcome to TV

I have no medical training of any shape or form so any opinion expressed here is just from my own personal experience.

Google is your friend there are lots of medical sites giving information on rosacia with precautions and suggested treatments.

I treated myself with a broad spectrum anti-biotic, tetracycline to be specific and have had no more problems even though I sometimes drink too much and definitely spend too much time on the beach in the sun. Sometimes if the sun seems extra strong I will put some sun block on my face and shoulders but generally have not needed to take any special precautions to stop the rosacia from erupting again.

Perhaps I am just lucky and this will not work for any one else.

Anyway good luck



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No coffee for starters. Absolutely the worst thing for me. Had a problem with the nose for years. Went off coffee and peanuts and used Rosex (metronidazole (flagyll) gel for months too. Same stuff sold under another name here.Cut down on wine consumption also. Important not to touch those painful rosacea pimple type things on the nose. Haven't had much of a problem now for about ten years.

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