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Greatest Invention Of All Times.

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The root cause to the success of the human species - with the resultant population boom and effect on resources raped from this planet. Greater impact than the flint blade or the opposing (prehensile) thumb. Without hygiene there would be less of us.

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Lots and lots of dirty minds here.................. :o

Greatest Invention Of All Times ?.....water, because without it beer wouldn't exist...and a lot more :D


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Until I came to Thailand I would have gone for toilet paper - now I find it is superfluous because of those little hose pipes :o

Probably vote for the microchip and the Internet (without which I would not be posting this - and possibly doing something healthy or useful........)

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On a more serious note. I think that television and the computer are a toss up for changing the world the most.

More than language and writing?

I think so as television has had a great influence in people learning a common language. You can find TV most anywhere and where you do you usually find people watching some english speaking movies.

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The wheel. :o

I strongly disagree. I think the wheel delayed the invention of hovercraft by centuries. We could have been visiting other galaxies in flying saucers years ago if it wasn't for the dam_n wheel.

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