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What's the current price for an iphone in MBK or Panthip ? Right here in Samui, it's about 19,000 thb... can I get a better deal in BKK (I'm coming in July). I plan to buy 2 iphones


Prices have gone up since the new ones were introduced. If you are content with having an older version - which works just fine - get it in Samui, it will be more expensive in BKK.

The older model is no longer being produced, so supplies will go down. The new model has not been hacked, and not been announced for Thailand so we will just have to wait and see what's up with that. You will have to wait until mid-july for that.

I'd wait for the newer one b/c it has GPS and 3G, and it's newer and shinier.


What's the current price for an iphone in MBK or Panthip ? Right here in Samui, it's about 19,000 thb... can I get a better deal in BKK (I'm coming in July). I plan to buy 2 iphones

You wont get one new in bkk for that price, ,( well not last time i looked ) the thais are making hay while the sun shines ,as soon as the iphone is here officially the price will plummet,.

I did a walk through MBK last Sunday and most shops were asking 20,500 for a new 1.1.4 unlocked iPhone. I found second hand ones in excellent condition for 15K. The cheapest I could find for a new one was 19,500. Prices do seem to have risen a bit since the last check I made three or four weeks ago.

You could also have a look at:


But it looks like most of the usual sellers of new iPhones there have risen their price by about 1000 baht.

I also spoke with a couple of vendors who told me that it would be very difficult to unlock the 3G iPhone since the OS is more secure and somehow locked to specific countries. I was also shown an article (in Thai) from a newspaper confirming this, so I suppose there may be some truth to this. Could be that the old model iPhones are rising in price do to the uncertainty in being able to unlock/jailbreak the 3G models when they come out, and there will be a dwindling supply of the old model unlocked ones. Also, since the new 3G iPhone will require in-store activation following a signature on a contract, grey model exports might be difficult.

Also, since the new 3G iPhone will require in-store activation following a signature on a contract

Yes, Apple wised up in that respect, which would mean even an unlocked phone would be subject to a minimum contract.

did the new model coming ?????

any new price ???

The new 3G model won't even hit the legitimate shops until 11 July. They will reportedly require a signature on a contract and in-store activation before you can take it out the door. Nobody has one yet, so nobody knows how to unlock it, or whether it will be possible. Some sources say it won't be possible to unlock it in the near-term.

Summary: don't hold your breathe. If you really want an iPhone any time soon, buy one of the ones that are on the shelves at MBK now.


Other rumors are that the iPhone will officially cost around $600 unlocked, and that will be available in some European countries. If I had to take a guess it would be in those countries where most ppl use pre-paid accounts.


Globe Telecom (Philippines) have said that they will offer iPhone with prepaid accounts. Globe get their iPhones later this year, not on 11 July, as will Hutchison in Hong Kong. Being able to use an iPhone on prepaid systems doesn't mean it will be unlocked, though. That's painfully obvious with the enormously complicated and expensive prepaid GSM system in the USA. When I have to take a trip there there, all I need is a SIM card to use in my spare phone. But no, SIM cards are REALLY expensive and difficult to find. I usually end up buying what I call a "flush phone", usually some archaic Motorola brick, never seen outside the USA in the last 10 years. But at least it includes a SIM card. These phones are inevitably locked to the prepay carrier. So, I just flush them. Not even worth a trip to MBK to get them unlocked. In fact, sometimes I just toss them in the hotel room bin unused, and place the supplied SIM card in my own spare phone!

But to get back on topic, I found this article rather interesting:

Unlocked iPhone 3G heading to Australia from Hong Kong



In the UK the iPhone will be available to prepay customers, but O2 have not given prices yet. By the by O2 will also be offering the iPhone for free to account customers using high value plans. I think the top of the range model will be free on a 75 GBP {150USD} per month plan.



It's official - the iPhone 3G will be sold without contract for $599 or $699, straight from the horse's mouth (AT&T official press release):


Fair price, I'd say, if you compare with N95 or other high end phones.

As for USA SIMs - AT&T has a $100 SIM card that's valid for 1 year. It's a good deal if you are there more than 1x a year. Calling cost has gone down a lot too since last time. Calls to other AT&T phones come at a flat fee of $1/day, for example. They'll just give it to you no questions asked. The store I was at, they even put it in my unlocked iPhone without so much as batting an eyelid. However, the store clerk had to "hack it" by providing his own IMEI number on the account which I am pretty sure is borderline illegal. iPhone IMEIs are not accepted by the system. :o

Globe Telecom (Philippines) have said that they will offer iPhone with prepaid accounts. Globe get their iPhones later this year, not on 11 July, as will Hutchison in Hong Kong. Being able to use an iPhone on prepaid systems doesn't mean it will be unlocked, though. That's painfully obvious with the enormously complicated and expensive prepaid GSM system in the USA. When I have to take a trip there there, all I need is a SIM card to use in my spare phone. But no, SIM cards are REALLY expensive and difficult to find. I usually end up buying what I call a "flush phone", usually some archaic Motorola brick, never seen outside the USA in the last 10 years. But at least it includes a SIM card. These phones are inevitably locked to the prepay carrier. So, I just flush them. Not even worth a trip to MBK to get them unlocked. In fact, sometimes I just toss them in the hotel room bin unused, and place the supplied SIM card in my own spare phone!

But to get back on topic, I found this article rather interesting:

Unlocked iPhone 3G heading to Australia from Hong Kong



Maybe not such a fair price when (according to the article), you still have to sign up for some sort of ATT wireless subscription, and of course the phone is still locked.

Maybe not such a fair price when (according to the article), you still have to sign up for some sort of ATT wireless subscription, and of course the phone is still locked.

LOL - yeah I just caught that - AT&T is retarded.

But similar prices have been announced in Europe (Switzerland for example) where people either don't accept locked phones and/or it's illegal to lock phones to begin with. I expect that to be the grey import price.

The real news for me, reading between the lines, was that Apple is apparently not placing any restrictions on sales through their partners - and that means iPhones will find a way to us, for a fair price, as it should be. I am still a bit miffed Apple isn't just selling them unlocked in their stores - I imagine it has something to do with that exclusive sales contract from the 1st gen iPhone.


whats the best way to get a real iphone (new model coming out) over here in Thailand?

I just do not trust those mobile phone shops/stalls in Tucom in Pattaya, always think its a fake from china.

Would it be best to go to a USA mobile phone online shop for example myworldphone.com where you can buy unlocked mobiles & they will ship globally & get it Fedex to Thailand, as a way to buy the new iphone?

I rather pay a bit more for the real official thing, but I do no think there is an apple dealer in Thailand for selling the new iphone?

maybe try this guy?

Aahahahhahahahahaha. Sorry. BHT 3000 to unlock an iPhone? Using "the best unlock" method? That is surely a joke?!

First off, I had a guy in Chiang mai unlock and install Thai language pack for me in Chiang Mai for... BHT 300. Second, the ZiPhone application will unlock any iPhone in a few minutes - it has one big button, unlock. Connect your phone, start Ziphone, unlock. It's that easy. Only reason I had it done on my gf's phone is that I don't know where / how to install the Thai language pack and the number ID fix - the Chiang Mai shop - PDA Clinic in Tall Teak Plaza @ Nimmanhemin road - did it all in 10 minutes, for 300 BHT.

Back on topic...

The above post was about the 3G iPhone. No one can honestly say right now when and where and for how much it will be available. We will have to wait until after it's released. You can "buy" a 3G iPhone on ebay right now - but who knows when you'll get it, and in the worst case the "seller" underestimated the iPhone street price and will suddenly and mysteriously not be able to deliver. Too bad. In the best case, the street price is lower than the seller's price and you will get it - but then you'll have overpaid.

So hold your horses and wait until the 3G iphone is officially available. When you buy it really soon after release, better make sure it's real, it's working, and you are holding it in your own hands before parting with your cash.

After a short while the market will have matured and everyone will know where and how and for how much to get the grey import 3G iphone. I'd wait until then.

Anyone claiming to be able to unlock a 3G iPhone now is lying. It's hard to unlock something that isn't available. What is known is that the grey market distribution model - buy in the USA, unlock, sell here - won't work anymore. There's no way around it, if you buy in the USA you must also sign a 2 year contract. And pass the credit check.

maybe try this guy?

Aahahahhahahahahaha. Sorry. BHT 3000 to unlock an iPhone? Using "the best unlock" method? That is surely a joke?!

First off, I had a guy in Chiang mai unlock and install Thai language pack for me in Chiang Mai for... BHT 300. Second, the ZiPhone application will unlock any iPhone in a few minutes - it has one big button, unlock. Connect your phone, start Ziphone, unlock. It's that easy. Only reason I had it done on my gf's phone is that I don't know where / how to install the Thai language pack and the number ID fix - the Chiang Mai shop - PDA Clinic in Tall Teak Plaza @ Nimmanhemin road - did it all in 10 minutes, for 300 BHT.

Back on topic...

The above post was about the 3G iPhone. No one can honestly say right now when and where and for how much it will be available. We will have to wait until after it's released. You can "buy" a 3G iPhone on ebay right now - but who knows when you'll get it, and in the worst case the "seller" underestimated the iPhone street price and will suddenly and mysteriously not be able to deliver. Too bad. In the best case, the street price is lower than the seller's price and you will get it - but then you'll have overpaid.

So hold your horses and wait until the 3G iphone is officially available. When you buy it really soon after release, better make sure it's real, it's working, and you are holding it in your own hands before parting with your cash.

After a short while the market will have matured and everyone will know where and how and for how much to get the grey import 3G iphone. I'd wait until then.

Anyone claiming to be able to unlock a 3G iPhone now is lying. It's hard to unlock something that isn't available. What is known is that the grey market distribution model - buy in the USA, unlock, sell here - won't work anymore. There's no way around it, if you buy in the USA you must also sign a 2 year contract. And pass the credit check.

Once the new 3G model goes on sale in the U.S. and can be purchased unlocked, it would make since that the older models would also become available in unlocked versions without contracts.  Wouldn't the cheapest route to purchase an iPhone (not 3G model) be to purchase it in the U.S. in the coming months after the official release of the 3G model in the states?  The older models should be really cheap to pick up in the states and if they could be purchased unlocked without contract, couldn't you then have it shipped over here and have it unlocked if necessary?


PS. I also think that by the time the iPhone 3G is available for purchase in Thailand or at some point this year, other manufacturers will have substantially made inroads towards the iPhone format. We will be seeing a lot of iPhone copycats with touchscreen function in the next generation models from most of the major manufacturers.


Just read some news that the iPhone will be available totally free and unlocked in Australia for about USD 750 (789 Aus $)


This is certainly good news. The way it works there is you buy the phone from Optus and then have the choice of either paying AUS 60 to have it unlocked immediately, or getting it unlocked after 6 months.

The third, unofficial option that I am sure will soon emerge too would be to save the $60 and unlock it at home with the next version of ZiPhone :o

In any case - this is the first time I have read definite confirmation of a price for an unlocked and contract-free iPhone. Which happens to be the only configuration I would be interested in.

I am not sure the other manufacturers will have made inroads - they are certainly busy copying ever since the iPhone was announced, and even managed to put devices on the market before the 1st gen iPhone was sold (HTC touch). But it turns out that the iPhone's lead in both touch technology and software is a pretty steep barrier to entry. There are no other devices with a capacitive touch screen, multi-touch capability, or a web browser that can compete with mobile Safari. In fact most of the knock-offs are more or less a reminder as to why nobody had considered touch screen phones a serious alternative before - they just don't work well enough.

I agree they are getting better but they still seem to be pretty far behind... Apple has just created a huge and unexpected technological leap by putting OS X on the phone. I was looking at the graphics APIs recently - it's crazy. The iPhone will be the major mobile games platform as soon as the 3G version is out the door. Right off the bat, it will be competing with the Nintendo DS and the PSP, not other mobile phones. The advantage of having just a single platform is that games written for the iPhone will work on 10m or 15m devices by year's end.... no other phone/platform has this kind of capability. It's a game changer, mostly because of software.


what, now? not when i checked a couple days ago- every place told me at least 20k!


Maybe 17,500 second-hand. I bought a second-hand 8GB (perfect condition but without the earphones) last weekend for 16,000. Most shops were asking 20,000 or 20,500 for a new one and the best price I found was 19,500 (at two shops)....and I asked nearly every shop!


Sold my iphone to T one mobile shop Mongkok phone centre in Hong Kong for 14500 THB this week....they are gonna resell it for 19000 in HKG. They say they will be selling 4g Iphone for 31,000 THB by 25th

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