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A couple of years ago.

Wife "Do you think we go round the sun or the sun goes round us?"

Me "I know the Earth goes around the sun."

Wife "I think so too"

Me "The Earth does go around the sun, all planets do, even round the other stars."

Wife "There are more places with planets."

Flat Earth Society address in Thailand please :o

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Haven't seen one here, but saw one in Laos.

Was visible for about 20 seconds, and there were multiple witnesses (not all drunk or shrooming!) I was not the first to see it, a Japanese man pointed it out to us.

At first I thought it must be a satellite or plane, but that was just a reaction I think as the mind tries to classify something unclassifiable, which is what it was.

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Riza, It is only the Govt paid debunkers who claim no conclusive evidence of UFOs/aliens. I have 2 excellent sightings, one over France at 25,000ft, (we were at 32,000ft), a formation of 5, witnessed by all 4 of us in the cockpit of the East African Airways Super VC10. in 1971, and one at Nairobi Airport. We carried a UFO report form in our nav. boxes for each flight, due to the many airline pilots sightings. No sightings in Thailand. Go to www.theyfly.com for a reality check. And where do you think you came from? Surely if a chimp in ten million years is still a chimp, and doesnt turn into a blond 6 foot German traffic cop, then???

Was your in-flight meal "ganga weed" by any chance :o

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Riza, It is only the Govt paid debunkers who claim no conclusive evidence of UFOs/aliens. I have 2 excellent sightings, one over France at 25,000ft, (we were at 32,000ft), a formation of 5, witnessed by all 4 of us in the cockpit of the East African Airways Super VC10. in 1971, and one at Nairobi Airport. We carried a UFO report form in our nav. boxes for each flight, due to the many airline pilots sightings. No sightings in Thailand. Go to www.theyfly.com for a reality check. And where do you think you came from? Surely if a chimp in ten million years is still a chimp, and doesnt turn into a blond 6 foot German traffic cop, then???

Ha! It's just a conspiracy theory. There is no such thing as government paid debunkers, that is an urban myth.

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I thoght USA had monopoly on UFOs.


This is true...actually, a group of about 30 of us saw one quite clearly being chased by 4 US fighter planes while in the mountains around the Mojave desert in the late 1970's.

I have to say, of all the countries I have visited. I have never observed such an obsession (or fantastic interest) of UFOs, as in USA.

Wonder why that is.

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every year before sonkran starts in thailand, there will be what appears to be a star in the northwest sky....the problem is, this point of light is below the clouds and if it is totally cloudy you will not see any stars except for this one.

when i was 13 and waiting for the schoolbus i saw a silver object float up into the sky at 7am in a straight line 3 days in a row until it disappeared, the area it was over was a horse ranch

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Riza, It is only the Govt paid debunkers who claim no conclusive evidence of UFOs/aliens. I have 2 excellent sightings, one over France at 25,000ft, (we were at 32,000ft), a formation of 5, witnessed by all 4 of us in the cockpit of the East African Airways Super VC10. in 1971, and one at Nairobi Airport. We carried a UFO report form in our nav. boxes for each flight, due to the many airline pilots sightings. No sightings in Thailand. Go to www.theyfly.com for a reality check. And where do you think you came from? Surely if a chimp in ten million years is still a chimp, and doesnt turn into a blond 6 foot German traffic cop, then???

I'm open to most things including your sightings and you do ask a good question. But when I read the following, supposedly from an alien, I begin to wonder who's kidding who...

It is, therefore, imperative that multinational fighting troops be organized according to the Henoch [Enoch] system and deployed immediately to intervene in every country, to create peace and order when wars or revolutions loom or break out. The same applies also to countries where despots, dictators and the like perpetrate their inhumane deeds. Multinational troops would also be responsible for fighting crime and the organized crime system, and they would play a dominant role in enforcing measures to combat overpopulation.

A world army and eugenics? Isn't that exactly what the New World Order elites are trying to achieve? Convenient wouldn't you say?

I also listened to David Icke's Brixton speech. 6 hours. Some of it was amazing knowledge but as soon as he talks about aliens and shapeshifters, I have to say, it isn't credible. Some lady was having sex and suddenly the man starts turning into a lizard? David has been taken in and is being used, in my opinion, which probably explains why they haven't killed him yet. He also doesn't look like any guru I know. Beer gut, nose-picking (from stress?) Knowledgeable to be sure but an enlightened man?

Some interesting views...


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Yeah I watched the David Icke lectures.

Can't believe they'd just let him stand up and spout it all out - something wrong there!

It may be that if someone perceived as a loony says these truths, then these "truths" will forever be tarred by with the loony brush - quite a good way to debunk any naysyaers.

That might be it.

Looking at the lying and deviousness of the power brokers in the States and uk, however, it is clear that a group of very powerful people do not share common humanitarian values with the rest of us, and are prepared to stop at nothing to fulfill their agenda at all costs. Let's hope Obama is not one of them.

Cold blooded alien reptiles? It is a stretch.........but then, the job of prophets is always to stretch our boundaries, and as Einstein siad, if your theory doesn't at first appear to be totally insane, you've probably got it wrong.

I read a book the other day about how the greys were here in the 20th Century, and did deals with govts, and we allowed them to abduct humans in exchange for technology. But now they've buggered off to some other planets, cos they're having trouble perpetuating their race.

Many theories........but too many sightings by credible pilots to brush this thing of - and even mainstream scientists now say there must be life out there.

Alien contact could be unveiled soon by the powers that be - they have such a stranglehold on media that this is the only way we're gonna get the info I'm afraid.

Do I get a gold star for this?

Riza, It is only the Govt paid debunkers who claim no conclusive evidence of UFOs/aliens. I have 2 excellent sightings, one over France at 25,000ft, (we were at 32,000ft), a formation of 5, witnessed by all 4 of us in the cockpit of the East African Airways Super VC10. in 1971, and one at Nairobi Airport. We carried a UFO report form in our nav. boxes for each flight, due to the many airline pilots sightings. No sightings in Thailand. Go to www.theyfly.com for a reality check. And where do you think you came from? Surely if a chimp in ten million years is still a chimp, and doesnt turn into a blond 6 foot German traffic cop, then???

I'm open to most things including your sightings and you do ask a good question. But when I read the following, supposedly from an alien, I begin to wonder who's kidding who...

It is, therefore, imperative that multinational fighting troops be organized according to the Henoch [Enoch] system and deployed immediately to intervene in every country, to create peace and order when wars or revolutions loom or break out. The same applies also to countries where despots, dictators and the like perpetrate their inhumane deeds. Multinational troops would also be responsible for fighting crime and the organized crime system, and they would play a dominant role in enforcing measures to combat overpopulation.

A world army and eugenics? Isn't that exactly what the New World Order elites are trying to achieve? Convenient wouldn't you say?

I also listened to David Icke's Brixton speech. 6 hours. Some of it was amazing knowledge but as soon as he talks about aliens and shapeshifters, I have to say, it isn't credible. Some lady was having sex and suddenly the man starts turning into a lizard? David has been taken in and is being used, in my opinion, which probably explains why they haven't killed him yet. He also doesn't look like any guru I know. Beer gut, nose-picking (from stress?) Knowledgeable to be sure but an enlightened man?

Some interesting views...


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It would truly be an intersting thing to see a UFO here. Some kids really are fascinated by these things...so much so that a subculture has been built around it back where I'm from. Here it seems the Thais are more interested in dead spirits coming back to life...from different lives. The concept of aliens from another planet seems unthinkable to them..my guess is it's because they've never had a Space Program.

neah .. that's because Thai people know darn well alines keep coming with loads of money and they are good in reliving them from it .. nothing scary

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Alien contact could be unveiled soon by the powers that be - they have such a stranglehold on media that this is the only way we're gonna get the info I'm afraid.

They created the media in the first place, so that's understandable.

Whatever they unveil you can be sure of one thing. It'll be BS. Why? because they will continue to do what they have done for thousands of years. Keep us in the dark and away from the truth about ourselves and under their control by whatever means are necessary. Once you understand that, you can see BS for what it is.

I can imagine the announcement... 'This is your New World Order President, James Kirk Bush, speaking'... 'I am happy to reveal to you, that I am really a green shape-shifting lizard and I have been sent in order to save planet Earth from an invasion from democracy-hating galactic warriors. The new 'War on Terra' to 'defend our freedoms' will require all men to be drafted and women to be sterilized to prevent insemination and transmission of alien DNA.

'We must fight them over there before they get us over here'. This will require a massive effort by the people to fund the defence of our planet. Anyone who can still afford property is required to relinquish it and what remains of their gold. We will exchange it for some of our worthless paper money before jacking the price up by 50% and bagging an instant profit.

Everyone must line up to be vaccinated against 'Mars Flu'. Do not listen to the 'haters of freedom' who tell you the new 'Health-R-Us' vaccines contain disease-imparting serums, such as cancers and mercury... and micro-chips, designed not just to control your access to money, travel and services but also change your behaviour. We are here to protect our freedoms from TERROR and will not use FEAR to drive the herd. There is no need to BE VERY AFRAID. Liberty and Justice will prevail.'

'To keep up morale Vice-Lizard Obama will transmit the following on the mobile phone and micro-chip bandwidth until further notice...

'War is Peace'

'Freedom is Slavery'

'Ignorance is Strength'

You know when absolute BS is being peddled. The media and Hollywood go into overdrive. When they are not pouring degenerate filth into our brains, every chuffin' movie is now about catastrophic weather. It's so dam_n blatant it's comical. The brainwashing is worse even than for the Iraq & Serbia fireworks displays. Saving people by dropping bombs on their heads. How many of you cheered? Shame on you. Haven't you learned yet that whatever they tell you, believe the reverse. They are already starting to back-peddle since the earth is actually cooling.

You can't have checked out the link. Here it is again. He's a former David Icke researcher who explains his doubts and also offers some profound thoughts.


I used to be scared until I read this...

'A coward dies a thousand deaths, a brave man dies but once.'

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He's a former David Icke researcher who explains his doubts and also offers some profound thoughts.

for sure, on many topics he actually does preach a reasonable amount of sense.

but when he goes on about this stuff....


then, sorry i'm afraid i have to leave the room.

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He's a former David Icke researcher who explains his doubts and also offers some profound thoughts.

for sure, on many topics he actually does preach a reasonable amount of sense.

but when he goes on about this stuff....


then, sorry i'm afraid i have to leave the room.

The researcher agrees with you. Quite fancy her actually. :o

Just one thought about the weather. If the U.S. defence industry has perfected HAARP then they CAN modify the weather. Add a little more energy to a regular storm and you get a big one. Direct energy into the earth's crust and there's an earthquake. Since the elite's theme seems to be Order out of Chaos and the military, full spectrum dominance, you can bet unusual changes in the weather indicate the nutcases are playing God. As usual the public has no say in what these lunatics are doing.


I was surprised to learn that many Thais believe the Asian Tsunami was caused by the U.S. government. Anyone else hear this?

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Girlfriend and I had recently left South Africa and arrived in London (around July 1997). Early one evening we were sitting opposite each in the lounge and just looking out the window of the 2nd floor apartment we rented. Suddenly 3 lights in a triangular formation sped across the sky at an incredible speed. We both looked at each other and I said "Did you see that?" "Yes" she replied. We both realized it was something unusual. Subsequently I've read reports of these huge, black, triangular UFOs with 3 lights at each tip that many people have seen in the UK and USA. Some self-claimed military intelligence insiders (e.g. James Casbolt) claim these are actually top secret state-of-the art military aircraft. Apparently many reports of UFO are actually top secret "black ops" planes. If you dig a little deeper you'll discover that the Nazis were working on saucer shaped disc craft in the 1940s (huge underground facility was constructed at Peenemunde). This is given credibility by the fact that Victor Schauberger, one of the world's greatest naturalist, who discovered the enormous power of vortexes (shape of water running down the drain hole, hurricanes, spiral galaxies) built a disc shaped flying object called the Repulsine. Hitler was interested in his work and he met the Fuhrer and possibly was funded to continue research. Google terms like "Nazi ufo" for lots of info about this.

Most amazing UFO footage I've seen is the secret NASA space shuttle videos - there are 3 seperate ones worth viewing (the drifting space tether, the MIR space station and the one looking back down at earth with the beam that seems to attempt to shot down the UFO). Some people suggest that the Reagan Star Wars initiative was a cover to create space-based weapons for defense from feared future attack/invasion. Reagan made a famous comment to Gorbachev about how the world world be united if there was the threat of alien invasion.

"I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask is not an alien force ALREADY among us?"

An interesting website is Exopolitics run by Micahel Salla. Often has very detailed and comprehensive overviews. Also Steven Greer's disclosure project is worth looking into for the numerous testimonies from NASA, military and industrial insiders. Another interesting visit is a website called thelivingmoon for analysis of anomalies seen on the moon. Worth mentioning that there was an infamous NASA project called Project Blue Beam, which was about using holographic projections (light and sound) in the sky to simulate either the second coming or a UFO invasion. Werner von Braun (NAZI-NASA scientist), related to Dr Carol Rosin, his spokesperson for the last 4 years of his life, that after the planned war on global terrorism would come a hoaxed UFO invasion.

In Thailand I haven't seen UFOs but I look up at the stars many nights and sometimes see a bright star that seem to be twinkling, not pure white, but red, blue, white. Following evening this "star" is gone. Anyone else noticed this?

(Edit to add note about HAARP: Suggestions on the web that HAARP was responsible for recent China earthquake as very unusual cloud formations were seen just before it struck. Benjamin Fulford - ex Forbes journalist - says the Japanese handed control of their central bank to the New World Order/Illuminati-types as they threatened Japan with earthquakes. A few minutes ago watching CNN and the weather man was saying that the movement of the recent thyphon that hit the Phillipines was unusual and didn't fit current weather theory ?!!!)

Edited by Shokdee
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has anybody out there witnessed UFOs in Thailand...

You're not Robbie Williams are you? :D

I've heard alot of people say the've seen them on Had Rin beach,Ko pang ngan though.Sort of bucket shaped & yellow evidently. :o

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I've seen UFO's repeatedly over the years. Many years ago sightings coincided with visits to Patpong, later I witnessed many after leaving Nana, now I only see them when I want to get home quickly from CowBoy(all approx 5am). I tell you, the girlfriend might be getting a bit suspicious!! Have to change my story soon!

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has anybody out there witnessed UFOs in Thailand...


Not sure if i've ever seen a UFO but I am responsible for a UFO sighting.

Last year I met up with all my old school buddies for a piss up, sorry male bonding session in France. Well at the previous Loy Krathong I had bought a load of those tissue lantern things I think they are called Khom Fie or something like that.

Anyway, I took a few back to the UK and ended up taking a couple on the trip to France, as one normally would :o well for want of something better to do we let one go on a particularly still night. see pic


It went spectacularly high and hovered over the local village for an awful long time and we then went back inside to demolish kilos of fromage and gallons of plonk (which led to spectacular dreams/nightmares), but that's another story. Next day on a visit to the local bar we learnt that the entire village was talking about the UFO which hovered over the town and then vanished into thin air! :D .

Didn't have the heart to tell them and spoil their 5 minutes of fame.


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