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Control Serial Devices From Web Page


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I have a requirement for a cheap (free :o ) application that allows control of serial devices from a web page.

I found this http://www.easyvitools.com/ezcom2web/index.html which looks promising, but it's not free (free demo).

I'm going to combine it with one or two of these http://www.tti-us.com/rc/sc8000.htm to control a bunch of RC servos.

The project is a web-controlled sculpture, the website will have a webcam to view the sculpture and buttons to move the various parts. BTW I'm just doing the technical bit, a good friend is the sculptor and is of course poor, so costs have to be minimised :D

I have absolutely zero idea what this thing will look like but it's apparently being built in carbon fibre to keep it light enough for the servos to move.

Edited by Crossy
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