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Dentist For Whitening Of Teeth


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Hi !

Im looking for some good dentist to whiten my teeth, I have ask severals dendist on the website. And I know they will do whiten my teeth by the laser, and it will cost about 12,000 baht. But now, there are somebody, that has offered me somthing called ''Blue light'' and this costs just 5,000-6,000 baht. I wounder if somebody here on this forum, who do really know about 'Blue light', just give me your opinion and information, Thank you in advanced!

[email protected]

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I had my teeth whitened wth custom made trays and bleach. Works great and if they ever look dull again you can touch them up yourself without going to the dentist.

You just put bleach ( a gel ) into the tray, put the almost invisible trays in your mouth and go to sleep. In the US they cost about $300 to get done.


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