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First Impression Of Thailand


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First impression was the smells, both in Bangkok and Pattaya, spent two weeks in Thailand first trip, a combination of alcohol, heat and the girls had my head spinning the whole time. Loved the place and now I have had the opportunity to go up country, I appreciate the place a little more.

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The lucky one's that live there - wake up and LOOK where you are! Please don't bitch, moan and complain about the small stuff, Thailand Is the best place on the planet and there isn't ANYWHERE better. Thailand - AMAZING Thailand
Bit over the top , okay thailand is different to UK , but you have never seen Bribie Island :o Nignoy

My mum lives on Bribie Island. We grew up on the Gold Coast.

I live in Naklua. I love the unconstricting lifestyle here though.

The beaches aren't anywere near as good as Ozzie. But you can't beat the food and I forgot to mention the T/G's

Business is good and I couldn't do what I do here in Oz. :D

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My Patagonia lightweight jacket was stole at Don Muang Airport within my first 30 minutes in Thailand. It was the beginning of a lot of stealing.

Overall, I love Thailand, but there are some very serious problems and I don't see any real work being done to correct any of the problems. The environment is being raped, the poor are getting poorer and xenophobia is as bad as ever.

Edited by Galong
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The lucky one's that live there - wake up and LOOK where you are! Please don't bitch, moan and complain about the small stuff, Thailand Is the best place on the planet and there isn't ANYWHERE better. Thailand - AMAZING Thailand
Bit over the top , okay thailand is different to UK , but you have never seen Bribie Island :D Nignoy

My mum lives on Bribie Island. We grew up on the Gold Coast.

I live in Naklua. I love the unconstricting lifestyle here though.

The beaches aren't anywere near as good as Ozzie. But you can't beat the food and I forgot to mention the T/G's

Business is good and I couldn't do what I do here in Oz. :D

But who has to work :D 26 weeks Bribie!! 26weeks Thailand who could ask for more :D mind you they do speak better English in Thailand :o Nignoy
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are you from bk by any chance,and dont worry about me,i have a nice house,car,motorbike a beautiful inteligent lady and all the money i need to live for the next 100 years.now go away little man and spout bad words to somebody else.


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I was wondering, what is your first impression about Thailand when you first visit. I am not interested in hearing about how great SEX you have or your wildest party you've been to, more interested in hearing something about the people, the culture, the enviroment, the weather, the traffic etc. No talking crab about the girls, please.


Definitely the most beautiful women I have ever beheld. Can I say that. Certainy not the best sex but some of the tightest and ya gotta love that. I did say that... :D

Yes a filthy third world kind of place but that never really bothered me having traveled exstensively all over Asia. I kind of enjoy the primitive filth because I know I'll be leaving soon.

And convinced now that my near miss with retiring there a couple of years ago was truely a blessing in disguise.

I love "tight Thailand" but I don't think anywhere can beat San Diego.

Best year round weather in the USA mountains, beach, desert all within an hour of each other. And more hot Thai chicks than you can shake a, a, a, "stick" at.

Life is good. I love Thailand and will do my annual "bombing run" over the holidays there this Christmas. God I'm glad I don't live there but I can't wait to visit.

Thailand is my playground... :o:D:D:D:D

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I felt like a celeb at being stared at by everyone and it was not a nice feeling...they would look at me smiling, and look back again from their simple poor lives. I felt embarrassed to be where I was when these people couldn't even understand spending £1000 on an air ticket to travel the world as I was after Uni.

I felt distrust when staying on Khao San Road.

I felt absolutely on top of the world when I visited Thai nightspots and the locals were so friendly.

I felt amazed at how so many beautiful girls could stay pretty and feminine in a dirty, dusty metropolis travelling on hot buses. I still think that now actually.

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are you from bk by any chance,and dont worry about me,i have a nice house,car,motorbike a beautiful inteligent lady and all the money i need to live for the next 100 years.now go away little man and spout bad words to somebody else.



I wish you well. Your words alreadys tell us what kind of a man you are. Must be one of those old timer that just like complain just about anything, but that's okay though. Everyone has different point of view.

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Just another non-descript, fairly insignificant, small, hot, smelly, dirty, poor, 'developing' third world country populated by diminutive people with marginal educations being run by the uber-rich elite class.

While the glorious "Land 'O Thais" may have better infrastructure in the capital city, compared to Cambodia, Vietnam, Lao PDR, it's certainly nothing for the thais to brag about in that regard.

As far as ANY alleged "culture"; there isn't any, only generations of systematic brainwashing, pawned off as such.

In reality it isn't that much different from Brazil, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, or Mexico, except in all the previously mentioned countries the grasp of english by the populace is considerably better.

Going on nearly 4 years here I can say my perceptions haven't changed, not one bit. Well maybe I am less tolerant of their mindless sheep-like mentality than I was initially.

(edited for spelling)

Edited by tod-daniels
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<br />
TYCOON<br />are you from bk by any chance,and dont worry about me,i have a nice house,car,motorbike a beautiful inteligent lady and all the money i need to live for the next 100 years.now go away little man and spout bad words to somebody else. <br />BY THE WAY MODERATOR WAKE UP,THIS IS FLAMING.
<br /><br /><br />Bratpack<br />I wish you well. Your words alreadys tell us what kind of a man you are. Must be one of those old timer that just like complain just about anything, but that's okay though. Everyone has different point of view.<br />
<br /><br /><br />


Agreed then you should stop flaming/judging people. take a good look in the mirror, scary huh? Unless your blind, figuratively speaking of course...

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<br />
TYCOON<br />are you from bk by any chance,and dont worry about me,i have a nice house,car,motorbike a beautiful inteligent lady and all the money i need to live for the next 100 years.now go away little man and spout bad words to somebody else. <br />BY THE WAY MODERATOR WAKE UP,THIS IS FLAMING.
<br /><br /><br />Bratpack<br />I wish you well. Your words alreadys tell us what kind of a man you are. Must be one of those old timer that just like complain just about anything, but that's okay though. Everyone has different point of view.<br />
<br /><br /><br />


Agreed then you should stop flaming/judging people. take a good look in the mirror, scary huh? Unless your blind, figuratively speaking of course...

Tycoon is Thai and he asked nicely not to talk Crab AKA Crap about Thai girls. It was a very sensible request. I’m not taking sides at all on this one. But I do know a lot of Thai people who object to that kind of talk. Not everyone is a taxi driver asking do you like Thailand for boom boom. Tycoon, understand old expats as well. They are very immature but a lot have good souls.

Thai land is very attractive in a mysterious nitrous way!!

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<br />
TYCOON<br />are you from bk by any chance,and dont worry about me,i have a nice house,car,motorbike a beautiful inteligent lady and all the money i need to live for the next 100 years.now go away little man and spout bad words to somebody else. <br />BY THE WAY MODERATOR WAKE UP,THIS IS FLAMING.
<br /><br /><br />Bratpack<br />I wish you well. Your words alreadys tell us what kind of a man you are. Must be one of those old timer that just like complain just about anything, but that's okay though. Everyone has different point of view.<br />
<br /><br /><br />


Agreed then you should stop flaming/judging people. take a good look in the mirror, scary huh? Unless your blind, figuratively speaking of course...

Tycoon is Thai and he asked nicely not to talk Crab AKA Crap about Thai girls. It was a very sensible request. I'm not taking sides at all on this one. But I do know a lot of Thai people who object to that kind of talk. Not everyone is a taxi driver asking do you like Thailand for boom boom. Tycoon, understand old expats as well. They are very immature but a lot have good souls.

Thai land is very attractive in a mysterious nitrous way!!

The thread has taken an ugly turn, but the OP's attitude was always going to make it so.

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February 2002 at Don Mueang, taking a taxi through Bangkok. Slums next to skyscrapers. People sitting in the back of pick up trucks. An utterly a l i e n city. ** In Pattaya, I feared the Song Taew would be frightfully expensive, so I walked from Jomtien Beach to the city. ** Seeing the desperation and sadnes in the eyes of some ladies of the night at noon.

I was such a fool! (still am and always will be)

I drank tap water in the middle of the night, not thinking. And I bought cheese and farang food, missing out on incredibly tasty dishes. And at the hotel, when they offered me some drink at check in, I feared this was some ploy to increase the tip. The juice was great and all it took was to relax and loosen up. 30+ visits later, I love the country and especially the mountain region. Folks are natuarally friendly (from holding a bag on the bus to stopping to ask if they can help when one seems lost).

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Phuket in '88 was wonderful. First massage. Wow! Holiday Inn. Wow! Beaches and sunshine and great food. Wow! Scenery and people. Wow! 6 people on a motorbike, no helmets. Wow! 70 year old fathers with 20 year old lovers and no-one bats an eye. Wow! Snake shows and Thai boxing and elephant rides and those stunning smiles. Wow!

Bangkok in '06 was different. Dirty, polluted yet still a rich and colourful experience. Pattaya was shocking. Incredibly beautiful women and they all want me! Love for sale. Only $200 per month. Wow!

Samui and Krabi and Chiang Mai and Hua Hin. Wow!

Now? I've had to escape. Not from Thais but foreigners. Mostly, the tattoed, beer bellied, &lt;deleted&gt;, &lt;deleted&gt;, &lt;deleted&gt; brigade. Ignorant, violent and degenerate even away from home.

I've travelled to more than 50 countries, most recently through 12 European countries in a van. Just threw a futon in the back and took off. Fantastic.

There is something sterile about ordered societies with everything clean and perfect. Like German cities and French countryside. In cities, where everyone stops, like pavlov's dogs, when they see a red light and not a car in sight. Hong Kong and Singapore the same. Too sanitised and regulated for me.

Although initially shocked by some of the squalor in Bangkok, I spent two years there before tiring of the pollution and overweight, tattooed 'farangs' (not thais) propositioning my girlfriend or stripping her visually in front of me. Men who have long forgotten what the word decency means.

Whether in India, Cambodia, South America or Thailand I generally find the problem is not the locals but the foreigners. The locals would greet me with beaming smiles. The foreigners would look away or have a kind of defensive look about them. If I smiled they would be startled or even offended. Curious.

I remember an acronym when I was first in Asia... FILTH... 'Failed In London, Tried Hong Kong.' Guess that sums up a lot of foreigners. Sex tourists and misfits (like me). Ex-pats are generally the same wherever you go. Bar flies constantly bemoaning the ungrateful wife who took them for everything. Drunken losers finding consolation with other losers (Hick!) or in Thailand screwing yet another whore, devoid of any love or spiritual connection, just emptying of the sac.

One aspect some foreigners fail to grasp. You can travel the world, yet you still take take yourself with you. The distractions of new surroundings and a new girlfriend offer only temporary reprieve from yourself. If your a miserable fart in Blighty, chances are you will be a miserable fart anywhere.

I enjoy the company of the Thai people and am always grateful that they allow me to stay as a guest in their country. At least, when I walk down the street I don't have to wonder whether some young thug is going to greet me with 'What you ferkin' lookin' at'... taking savage delight in kicking my teeth in.

I've had my share of misfortune but it wasn't anyone's fault but my own. I'm not desperately poor but remind myself that the happiest people I have ever met around the world are the poorest. It's why I was able to walk away from all the materialism without batting an eye. Best decision I ever made.

First impressions are lasting impressions.

Thank you Thailand.

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<br />
TYCOON<br />are you from bk by any chance,and dont worry about me,i have a nice house,car,motorbike a beautiful inteligent lady and all the money i need to live for the next 100 years.now go away little man and spout bad words to somebody else. <br />BY THE WAY MODERATOR WAKE UP,THIS IS FLAMING.
<br /><br /><br />Bratpack<br />I wish you well. Your words alreadys tell us what kind of a man you are. Must be one of those old timer that just like complain just about anything, but that's okay though. Everyone has different point of view.<br />
<br /><br /><br />


Agreed then you should stop flaming/judging people. take a good look in the mirror, scary huh? Unless your blind, figuratively speaking of course...


I may be blind, but I wouldn't talk trash about the women who have the same gender as your Mama. Do you have any plan to visit Thailand anytime soon? maybe we can get together for a drink or something. Here is my personal email if you wanna contact me: [email protected].

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My first trip was in '68 for R&R. I spent four days with a fabulous girl who showed me many places that most guys did not go to. She turned me on to Thai food and as much of the culture as possible in such a short time. When plane left I remember thinking "I have to come back here". It took 38 years, but I've been back three times. I've been to Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Chiang Mai, Udon Thani and Khon Kaen, and I've enjoyed every place I've been. The next trip is in September for six months. It can seem like such a long time to wait.

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The first time for me was 2005, after bein wiith my thai for 2 years she wanted to take me to her country for a holiday, at first i didnt know what to expect, I remember watching movies that had that were in Thailand (kickboxer) and thinking it was going to be a real shit hole, I never reall heard it being full of prostitutes, beautiful beaches etc.

So i wasnt looking forward to it. But when I arrived and we went to Phuket I was totally blown away, walking down the street with my girl friend and girls grabbing by nuts was a weird feeling (but I enjoed it deep down) the wife was pissed off.

The people are great, and i have booked ticket for 30/1/09 to bangkok and I have put my resignation letter for early jan and will be living there. I only plan to be there for 2 or 3 years but who knows what happends. Im a little nervous as Ive lived in Sydney my hole life and its going to be big change for me.

But im looking forward to the challenge and meeting new people in Thailand. cant f@#@#@ wait

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The first time for me was 2005, after bein wiith my thai for 2 years she wanted to take me to her country for a holiday, at first i didnt know what to expect, I remember watching movies that had that were in Thailand (kickboxer) and thinking it was going to be a real shit hole, I never reall heard it being full of prostitutes, beautiful beaches etc.

So i wasnt looking forward to it. But when I arrived and we went to Phuket I was totally blown away, walking down the street with my girl friend and girls grabbing by nuts was a weird feeling (but I enjoed it deep down) the wife was pissed off.

The people are great, and i have booked ticket for 30/1/09 to bangkok and I have put my resignation letter for early jan and will be living there. I only plan to be there for 2 or 3 years but who knows what happends. Im a little nervous as Ive lived in Sydney my hole life and its going to be big change for me.

But im looking forward to the challenge and meeting new people in Thailand. cant f@#@#@ wait

Ahhaaaaaaaaaaa....... ya met some ladyboys, katoeys and ya enjoyed it......corrrrrrr

Poor girlfriend, let alone wifey.....PMPL

:o ................ :D ........... :D ......... :D

Edited by Zpete
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<br />
TYCOON<br />are you from bk by any chance,and dont worry about me,i have a nice house,car,motorbike a beautiful inteligent lady and all the money i need to live for the next 100 years.now go away little man and spout bad words to somebody else. <br />BY THE WAY MODERATOR WAKE UP,THIS IS FLAMING.
<br /><br /><br />Bratpack<br />I wish you well. Your words alreadys tell us what kind of a man you are. Must be one of those old timer that just like complain just about anything, but that's okay though. Everyone has different point of view.<br />
<br /><br /><br />


Agreed then you should stop flaming/judging people. take a good look in the mirror, scary huh? Unless your blind, figuratively speaking of course...


Tycoon is Thai and he asked nicely not to talk Crab AKA Crap about Thai girls. It was a very sensible request. I'm not taking sides at all on this one. But I do know a lot of Thai people who object to that kind of talk. Not everyone is a taxi driver asking do you like Thailand for boom boom. Tycoon, understand old expats as well. They are very immature but a lot have good souls.

Thai land is very attractive in a mysterious nitrous way!!

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Phuket in '88 was wonderful. First massage. Wow! Holiday Inn. Wow! Beaches and sunshine and great food. Wow! Scenery and people. Wow! 6 people on a motorbike, no helmets. Wow! 70 year old fathers with 20 year old lovers and no-one bats an eye. Wow! Snake shows and Thai boxing and elephant rides and those stunning smiles. Wow!

Bangkok in '06 was different. Dirty, polluted yet still a rich and colourful experience. Pattaya was shocking. Incredibly beautiful women and they all want me! Love for sale. Only $200 per month. Wow!

Samui and Krabi and Chiang Mai and Hua Hin. Wow!

Now? I've had to escape. Not from Thais but foreigners. Mostly, the tattoed, beer bellied, &lt;deleted&gt;, &lt;deleted&gt;, &lt;deleted&gt; brigade. Ignorant, violent and degenerate even away from home.

I've travelled to more than 50 countries, most recently through 12 European countries in a van. Just threw a futon in the back and took off. Fantastic.

There is something sterile about ordered societies with everything clean and perfect. Like German cities and French countryside. In cities, where everyone stops, like pavlov's dogs, when they see a red light and not a car in sight. Hong Kong and Singapore the same. Too sanitised and regulated for me.

Although initially shocked by some of the squalor in Bangkok, I spent two years there before tiring of the pollution and overweight, tattooed 'farangs' (not thais) propositioning my girlfriend or stripping her visually in front of me. Men who have long forgotten what the word decency means.

Whether in India, Cambodia, South America or Thailand I generally find the problem is not the locals but the foreigners. The locals would greet me with beaming smiles. The foreigners would look away or have a kind of defensive look about them. If I smiled they would be startled or even offended. Curious.

I remember an acronym when I was first in Asia... FILTH... 'Failed In London, Tried Hong Kong.' Guess that sums up a lot of foreigners. Sex tourists and misfits (like me). Ex-pats are generally the same wherever you go. Bar flies constantly bemoaning the ungrateful wife who took them for everything. Drunken losers finding consolation with other losers (Hick!) or in Thailand screwing yet another whore, devoid of any love or spiritual connection, just emptying of the sac.

One aspect some foreigners fail to grasp. You can travel the world, yet you still take take yourself with you. The distractions of new surroundings and a new girlfriend offer only temporary reprieve from yourself. If your a miserable fart in Blighty, chances are you will be a miserable fart anywhere.

I enjoy the company of the Thai people and am always grateful that they allow me to stay as a guest in their country. At least, when I walk down the street I don't have to wonder whether some young thug is going to greet me with 'What you ferkin' lookin' at'... taking savage delight in kicking my teeth in.

I've had my share of misfortune but it wasn't anyone's fault but my own. I'm not desperately poor but remind myself that the happiest people I have ever met around the world are the poorest. It's why I was able to walk away from all the materialism without batting an eye. Best decision I ever made.

First impressions are lasting impressions.

Thank you Thailand.

Great post,thats what gives thailand its magic.I certainy was happy in the uk but chose to retire early and i am very happy here and would never go back to the uk to live.

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What i like more than anything here is i have so many friends,both thai and farang and many many ladies working the bars greet me with respect and ask about my gf and step son with a real honesty.With living here for quite a few years you see the good,bad and ugly but wouldnt swap it for the world.

old timer??? immature????? unhappy.

wrong,wrong wrong.

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<br />
TYCOON<br />are you from bk by any chance,and dont worry about me,i have a nice house,car,motorbike a beautiful inteligent lady and all the money i need to live for the next 100 years.now go away little man and spout bad words to somebody else. <br />BY THE WAY MODERATOR WAKE UP,THIS IS FLAMING.
<br /><br /><br />Bratpack<br />I wish you well. Your words alreadys tell us what kind of a man you are. Must be one of those old timer that just like complain just about anything, but that's okay though. Everyone has different point of view.<br />
<br /><br /><br />


Agreed then you should stop flaming/judging people. take a good look in the mirror, scary huh? Unless your blind, figuratively speaking of course...


Tycoon is Thai and he asked nicely not to talk Crab AKA Crap about Thai girls. It was a very sensible request. I'm not taking sides at all on this one. But I do know a lot of Thai people who object to that kind of talk. Not everyone is a taxi driver asking do you like Thailand for boom boom. Tycoon, understand old expats as well. They are very immature but a lot have good souls.


Thai land is very attractive in a mysterious nitrous way!!


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1983 - Should have been a 2 weeks package deal, I finished up stranded in Chiang Mai instead of Bangkok, I'll never know why because

I had communication difficulties with the locals.

It rained non stop for three days and I was so bored I hired a Kawasaki 1000 when the rain stopped and did a grand tour of Thailand,

got to know a lovely Cambodian lady and all was fine until after 7 weeks the MIB found me and informed me politely that I'd overstayed

and that the man wanted his bike back.

So I had to leave but I was soon back, found my lady and married her (actually before my divorce in England was through) and lived

happily there in the north for over six years until she died.

After that I kind of went off LOS and didn't go back for 10 years but now I manage on average two trips a year.

With all its warts and frustrations, I still always have a lot of fun and a good cheap chill out there.

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