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Thai Girlfriend Coming To Uk On Tourist Visa, Any

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I have asked my Thai girlfriend to come to the UK for a holiday next April to June. Girlfriend is probably too strong a description, but it will do for the purposes of this discussion. I am really just looking for any words of advice. All will be appreciated.

Basically, I have been out to Thailand four times in the last year and I am due to go back early next year. I have a good job in the City and live in West London, so it certainly makes getting out there much easier. When I was out in July for two weeks, I spent 1 week with one girl, then changed for another girl with whom I stayed with for the final week. She is a good laugh, speaks English better than most and I quite enjoy her company. I have met her kids and family in Bangkok. Don't get the wrong impression, I wouldn't go so far as to say I love her, but I enjoy her company. She is also pretty open about most things with me, including customers (again, I am taking that with a pinch of salt)

I came back out to Thailand in October and spent some more time with her and her kids, although I did find time for a bit of R&R on the side!). She knows that I have seen other girls, but ######, she sees other men most nights!

Anyway to cut to the chase, I would like her to come over to London next year for 3 months, for a holiday. I can take some holidays, show her London, Europe etc. I was wondering if anyone had any similar experiences that they could enlighten me on, before I take the jump.

I have kept copies of our e-mails and can provide itemised phone bills. I can also provide bank statements, pay slips etc to show that I can support her. I was wondering if anyone had experiences of requesting a tourist visa in such a situation and experiences with the UK embassy in BKK.

Her sister will look after the kids and I will send out some money to support them while she is over here.

Do you think this will be sufficient to get a tourist visa?

My greatest fear is that she will get bored while I am at work(who didnt meet a bar girl that got bored easily), will feel the cold, will miss her children, will miss her family, will miss her thai food and finally will have to live with me for three months!!! I have spelled all this out to her in no uncertain terms and will do so again when I go back out. But, as you can imagine, I get the impression this isn't getting through to her. She only sees the bright lights of London! Again, does anyone have any experience of similar events.

Many thanks in advance.

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It may be difficult for your lady friend to get a tourist visa. Other than satisfying the visa officer that you can financially take care of and accommodate the applicant, he/she will have no interest in your circumstances. What matters is whether the applicant has a good enough reason to return to Thailand at the end of the holiday. Usually this means a "proper" job to go back to. However, it can help if the applicant has previously travelled outside of Thailand.

That's it in a nutshell based on the brief description of your lady friend's circumstances. Sorry to perhaps seem doomladen but it is difficult for ladies involved in less formal employment to get visit visas.


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Hi, I can't really add anything to what Scouser says, but I wonder if three months might not be a little long? Would the entry clearance officer at the embassy question whether you were really planning a simple holiday for her, or whether you both had an "ulterior" motive, such as your lady looking for work here? Three months would also be a heck of a long time if, for any reason, things didn't work out between you. I recently had my lady over for a two week holiday, and I was pleasantly surprised at how well she adapted. Remember, she can always phone and e-mail her friends back home if she gets homesick. My tee rak felt the cold sometimes, but she seemed surprised how easy it was to make Thai-style food. I only have a modest house out here in the sticks, but again she fitted in well; as someone once said to me, most Thai girls are used to sharing a room , so sharing a house is usually no problem. I'd say go for it. Remember what they say, you only really regret the things you don't do. Good luck.

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