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Music At The Good View


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Apologies, clokwise, but a truth is beginning to dawn: you are evidently a discerning and knowledgeable musician with entirely different qualities as a gourmet! :o

hehe, I was actually being diplomatic, since I was not thrilled with the band I didn't want to totally dump on the place, which I don't think they deserve. But since I've been called out, here goes -- the food was actually not great, the wife was not pleased with the northern style green chile paste with her steamed fish. My dish was going to be bland anyway, so I can not attest to whether the food there is being toned down for the tourists, as others have claimed. But I have no problem to return and try different dishes and make a better assessment. As for the price ... pang mak loi! Most food and drinks were easily 2 to 3 times more than I would expect to pay locally. I'm not worth a million like gpdjohn, so it's gonna hurt if my wife lives up on her vow to take her entire extended family there during the holidays...

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There is a guy called 'Took' who plays late in the Brassiere, which he also owns and he is probably the best lead guitarist in Thailand. His backing band were also fantastic, so if you like Rock and Blues this is the bar to visit.

His rendition of Hendrix 'Voodoo Child was utterly amazing.

I have been to see Took at least four or five times over the last couple of years and like him very, very much. What he and the guys who play with him do, though, is very different from what the bands at The Good View that are the subject of this thread do. Musically more skillful and amazing, yes, but The Good View bands (wish I knew their names) have a pure pleasure and fun factor -- a kind of lightness -- that is very different and, for me at least, sometimes preferable to what can be a heavy and intense seriousness down the street at the Brasserie. Only sometimes, though.

It's a question of taste Rasseru. I belive that there are many good bands around Thailand and certainly in Bangkok. I also enjoy many kinds of music, but i was very impressed by the band at the Brasserie.

Cheers, Rick

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The wife and i went there last month following visits to the Riverside & Brassiere which in my opinion are much better for food and music than the Goodview. I was also amazed that the Goodview only sold Thai beer and had no selection of local beers such as Hieneken or Tiger.

There is a guy called 'Took' who plays late in the Brassiere, which he also owns and he is probably the best lead guitarist in Thailand. His backing band were also fantastic, so if you like Rock and Blues this is the bar to visit.

His rendition of Hendrix 'Voodoo Child was utterly amazing.

Cheers, Rick

Hieneken (Heineken) a Local beer? I always thought it is Dutch of origin

I think that he means brewed locally. I.e. cheap! :D

I am far from cheap Ulysses G. I just don't drink Chang or Singha because it tastes like 'horse piss' and is in fact cheaper than Heineken

Cheers, Rick

No insult intended. I just mean cheaper than imported beer and I drink Heineken too. :o

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The wife and i went there last month following visits to the Riverside & Brassiere which in my opinion are much better for food and music than the Goodview. I was also amazed that the Goodview only sold Thai beer and had no selection of local beers such as Hieneken or Tiger.

There is a guy called 'Took' who plays late in the Brassiere, which he also owns and he is probably the best lead guitarist in Thailand. His backing band were also fantastic, so if you like Rock and Blues this is the bar to visit.

His rendition of Hendrix 'Voodoo Child was utterly amazing.

Cheers, Rick

Hieneken (Heineken) a Local beer? I always thought it is Dutch of origin

I think that he means brewed locally. I.e. cheap! :D

I am far from cheap Ulysses G. I just don't drink Chang or Singha because it tastes like 'horse piss' and is in fact cheaper than Heineken

Cheers, Rick

No insult intended. I just mean cheaper than imported beer and I drink Heineken too. :o

None taken! I just don't really like Thai beers.

Cheers, Rick

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How is that German beer we talked about on this forum?

Drinkable? Still available?

I Hate heineken ( I am Dutch) Too sweet.

Do you mean Paulaner beer? Maybe spelled wrong again. If so yes it is available.

Cheers, Rick

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I just woke up with this thought in my head:

Most bands take requests. Request that they not play Hotel California.

Why is that......... I love Hotel California...........everytime I'm having a few (too many) beers and the song is played,......... I'm on the stage "singing" :o

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The wife and i went there last month following visits to the Riverside & Brassiere which in my opinion are much better for food and music than the Goodview. I was also amazed that the Goodview only sold Thai beer and had no selection of local beers such as Hieneken or Tiger.

There is a guy called 'Took' who plays late in the Brassiere, which he also owns and he is probably the best lead guitarist in Thailand. His backing band were also fantastic, so if you like Rock and Blues this is the bar to visit.

His rendition of Hendrix 'Voodoo Child was utterly amazing.

Cheers, Rick

Hieneken (Heineken) a Local beer? I always thought it is Dutch of origin

I think that he means brewed locally. I.e. cheap! :D

I am far from cheap Ulysses G. I just don't drink Chang or Singha because it tastes like 'horse piss' and is in fact cheaper than Heineken

Cheers, Rick

Well I don't drink Heineken cause I think it tastes like water :o

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How is that German beer we talked about on this forum?

Drinkable? Still available?

I Hate heineken ( I am Dutch) Too sweet.

Me too, and I 'm of Dutch desent.

I'd rather drink Amstel if any of thier product ( they do own and brew Heineken do they not now??)

My choice would be a Dommelisch, a fine Limburg beer. But of course, each village has it's own brew..my fam is from Neer and Melick and they drink ANYTHING!! :o:D:D:D


I couldn't imagine any Thai band playing anything from the Cranberries! Scary!!!

I had a good laugh last night when they broke into YMCA by the Village People. :D

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I couldn't imagine any Thai band playing anything from the Cranberries! Scary!!!

I had a good laugh last night when they broke into YMCA by the Village People. :o


we really don't need to know where u were hanging out at last night. :D really, its ok.


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Was kinda expensive, but what the heck..I'm retired and worth over a million.

Many of us were, until the sub-prime collapse, the market still is in the toilet,

Oh well, it's just a number, though my entourage has not been as attentive,

... yeah waiter, can I cash a third party out of state check,... :o:D

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Might be my particular tastes but a good Filipino band will leave the majority of Thai bands for dead, and their pronunciation of English words is way way better as well.

You can travel to heaps of places (outside the realm) and will find Filipino bands but only rarely will you find a Thai band.

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Especially you, from Limburg, SHOULD know the difference between limburg and Brabant. I am from Tilburg.

Hey, I said I was of Dutch desent, not that I was from NL.

First generation American in my family.

Ja, I should have known better, since I have been into Brabant ( both in NL and Belgium) and have ran the Brabant Marathon twice.

John B Goode,

I found the same thing with Vietnamese bands numerous years ago. They would pull up in a duce and a half, flop down the tailgate and rock out.

Some were of American/British quality at that time. Some of 'em. Not all.

"Allighty...let's Lock 'n Loll''

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Hey, I said I was of Dutch desent . . .

Yes, you did, and on the chance that any untrained and impressionable minds are reading this thread and would prefer to learn decent spelling, I will point out that you meant to say, both then and now, that you are of Dutch descent. :o

'Blinky Bill'

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...thank god they haven't heard or like "Stairway to heaven"

I hate that one too.

Surely not....you can't have heard the Rolf Harris version then :o

Well I had never heard the Rolf Harris version, crikey, I didn't even know he was still alive. But now thanks to ThaiPauly and YouTube, I can die a happy man having heard the inimitable Mr Harris singing his version of that classic song. I am usually not at a loss for words, but I just can't seem to find the words that would be permitted to thank ThaiPauly sufficiently.

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...thank god they haven't heard or like "Stairway to heaven"

I hate that one too.

Surely not....you can't have heard the Rolf Harris version then :o

Well I had never heard the Rolf Harris version, crikey, I didn't even know he was still alive. But now thanks to ThaiPauly and YouTube, I can die a happy man having heard the inimitable Mr Harris singing his version of that classic song. I am usually not at a loss for words, but I just can't seem to find the words that would be permitted to thank ThaiPauly sufficiently.

Oh MY GOD!!! :D:D

I just listened/saw it also on YouTube.

" All together now.."

"How does that you blokes feel? "

See...I knew smokin' crack could make ya do weird things.

What a mind altering experience, for sure...

I WILL NEVER be the same again.

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. . . . . there was no playing of Hotel California any of the times I was there, so I didn't have to suffer through that. I'd advise a little generosity on that front, though, as both bands get and play a lot of audience requests. I have trouble imagining that they would choose of their own accord to play that particular tune. . . . .

I take it back! I went yet again to The Good View last night, and they played Hotel California and I had a moment of enlightenment when I realized: hey, you know, that's a dam_n good song. :o

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It is a great song, but vastly overplayed! :o

Expressed differently, I suppose, the problem is that the song is heard too often by some. Not a problem in my case. It had been years since I had heard it last.

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It is a great song, but vastly overplayed! :o

Expressed differently, I suppose, the problem is that the song is heard too often by some. Not a problem in my case. It had been years since I had heard it last.

Lucky man you are. :D

It IS a good song, but it was overplayed for years to the point of me never wanting to hear it again.

It had subsided for several years in the U.S. and when I first came to Thailand some years ago, it was being played everywhere.

Advance a few more years, now here in CM...

I hear it played in every venue I have been into ( haven't heard it at Tusker's as of yet, but with a Thai staff...I'm sure it's coming :D )

Like Jeffrey Labowski once said..."Ah man, I hate the fcukin' Eagles"

But still could listen to the James Gang anyday. :D

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