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Step By Step To Lose Your Weight


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How can you permanent loss your weight and get smart?

Not only think about food and nutrient but also need to become healthy and good shape.

You should plan and do step by step to loss your weight.

If you are too much weight, in the first step you can use drug or supplement, but you have to be sure that it is a quality one and not effect to your daily life. Then continue to do exercise, not to much but for become the exercise in to your life style.

Concern about kind of food, your can eat carbohydrate, fat and protein but make it balance. Do not understand wrong about replace fruit to your meal because in real lot of sugar in fruit.

I never fat and will never fat any more because I did and continue do step by step like I explain above.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Concern about kind of food, your can eat carbohydrate, fat and protein but make it balance. Do not understand wrong about replace fruit to your meal because in real lot of sugar in fruit.


What ratios are you using for your carb/fat/protein?

I do low carb at times, but am now at a 60%/20%/20% or as close to it as I can get, due to the amount of cardio I am doing, plus my weight training 3 times a week. I find it gives me the energy to get through with it, but if I am doing less activity I drop the carbs down and take in more protein. Works for me quite well, nearly at goal weight now. I find it good to shake things up a bit, if I eat the same C/F/P ratios all the time I seem to lose momentum.

I average about 2000-2500 calories a day, depending on how much I have burned.

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I do the ratio for carb/fat/protein at 60-70%/20-25%/10-15%. I priority for kind of food for example, vegetables and fiber starch, polysacharide carbohydrate.

I do yoga 2 -3 times a week and do aerobic 1 -2 times a week. I take some supplement for sustained energy and mental clarity throughout the day. It help me to be fresh and have alot of energy the wholeday including when work out.

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