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Should I Tip Taxi Drivers In Bkk?


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I always tip because taxis in Thailand are still cheap they bring me where I wont I am happy with that

If the fare would be 80 baht I give them 100 I am not rich but I think they deserve a little tip considering

the traffic in BKK or else where. I hire a taxi in Perth it cost me about 120 baht just to get in to it.

The last time I took a taxi from the Perth airport to my place (about 15 km) I paid 35 AUD Stop complaining about taxis over here they are dirt cheap :o

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If you get into a taxi and the driver chats you up in English, run away, they always expect a BIG tip. In the hundreds of taxi rides I have taken the only time I tip is if it is a few baht to round up the meter or if the driver helps out with my groceries into the apartment then they get a 20. It's sorta like the Philippines, do they expect a tip, not really, if they do you give 20 pesos and it is considered a decent tip. If you are running in taxis and giving tips willy nilly then good one on ya. I take into account that I can take public transport for a fifth of the cost of a taxi, nearly all taxis run NGV, and they just got their rates officially raised. They don't need a tip and most don't expect one. Most times even when it is 5 or less baht the driver offers change.

Be smart, learn a little Thai, or give out charity, it's up to you.

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I'll tip them if they drive safely, don't try to sell me their chauffeur service, don't insist on a set amount including tolls then take a back road route etc etc.

Sometimes, in fact most times, I get a driver who is quiet, polite, takes me where I want to go without detour, helps me get my case out of the car and charges the meter amount + tolls + airport fee only. In that case, I'm prepared to tip rather generously. In fact I pay in total what it would cost had I just accepted the flat fee.

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I usually tip , but not a great amount - up to probably 50 baht on occasions, usually around 20 baht though. But if they've tried to extract the urine in some way then obviously not. No need to be excessive and none to be mean. There's a middle path that's better practiced between extremes.

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You'll never win any argument about tipping with people from North Amerika as they near invented tipping and screwed most of the world up with their ways. In fact, it has got so potty state side that you have people paying restaurants in order to work there for tips !

Back to Bangkok. I'll round up, most times I know where I am going and at least a couple of routes. I'll tip for service above and beyond but not for doing their job and let's get this straight, being a taxi driver is not like doing National Service where you have to do it each day or you go to jail. If you don't want to do it, then don't.

In Pattaya some people continually bleat on about how poor the baht bus drivers are. I've posted the maths here a couple of times already and they make a very healthy living. I actually know a taxi driver in Bangkok for about 6 years and he used to pay Bt500 a day for his car with his friend paying Bt500 for the other 12 hours. Now he owns the car and rents it out for 12 hours a day for Bt500, not Bt1000 as some quoted.

Whatever you do don't compare to "BACK HOME" we're talking Thailand here.

Do you screw things up by over tipping ? sure you do. Look at motorbikes and tik tuks, you agree a fare and when they drop you off they shout up "TIP". There job is to do what they do for the going rate.

Now fuel increases were used as a reason to seriously ramp up fares (and reduce mileage) but joe public forgot that they don't use petrol, they use gas and the cost per km has hardly changed !

I'll go to the next 10 or 20 baht usually. So 67 becomes 80 and not 70 but 53 would be 60. If he deviates and goes sight seeing (not something I get a lot of actually) then he's on basic wages or I'll just stop and get out.

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most drivers scare the crap out of me so if i manage to get to my destination without having a panic attack i will thank them and tip them.

things should be much better in new york

Regarding "expensive taxis in Bkk" just back from London 270 ThB from Barking Station to the Ibis Hotel Barking... it's may a 5 Min. brisk walk... :o

The meter showed 240 from On Nut to Samut Prakarn.... and tipped 20! :D

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most drivers scare the crap out of me so if i manage to get to my destination without having a panic attack i will thank them and tip them.

LMAO ! This is exactly what I do.

If I don't leave fingermarks in the headrest in front of me by the end of the trip - I give a tip.

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I almost always tip. I round up. usually only to the next 10 baht area . I do tip better at night ... maybe it is the scotch! (actually it isn't I just tip more at night based on thinking they get fewer fares) I am almost never in the tourist/farang areas.

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