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Just Another Farang Thai Lady Story


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Hello All

Just thought I would tell you my story because so many have shared theirs on here, all I can say its rather funny.

Lad goes to Thailand on his way to Australia falls in love with the country and meets Thai girl, decides to leave Australia early to go back see the girl and spends amazing time all that etc etc etc think most of you know all that.

Get back to England split up with my girlfriend of seven years put my house up for sale and just concentrate on getting as much money as I can to go back for as long as possible. Speak to my lady nearly every day have a good feeling BUT well in the knowledge that im not stupid and never to trust her completely so no sending money even though she never asked for it, the only thing I bought her was a laptop (£150) which I sent over with a friend when he went to Thai.

Four months down the line all seeming to go ok except for the last 4 weeks where I was becoming a bit suspicious as I naturally I am. One thing in life I have learnt over my past 27 years is never to trust anyone as I don trust myself sometimes. Well moving on and we were talking online and I could tell something was wrong as she was very upset and crying a lot, eventually I got it out of her that she had seen another man which did <deleted> my head a bit but had a sneaky suspicion she was talking to someone before I met and left her in Thai the last time so was not a huge shock. Ok I said to myself not the worse thing in the world as to be fair I have been no saint back in England and slept with a few girls whilst I have been back but meant nothing as I was just p1ssed up and you know what most of us lads are like. So I just called it even in my head and just see where it goes from here because to be fair I have grown close to her and cannt just shut off any feelings I had.

Ok here goes the shocking part, a week after she told me I was still a bit suspicious and knew there was still something wrong and just general chit chat we got to the subject of England and that she had been to England which I thought was strange as she said she had never been before so two and two together she had been to see this guy in England whilst been my 'girlfriend'. Now my head is spinning a bit and finish talking to her as home time at work was upon me. Get home to find a long email from her saying she loves me and know she has done bad and knows its over between us BUT also is CURRENTLY in England now and not too far away from me. Hahahahaha (can only laugh really)

Not sure if im allowed to post the email on here but its abousloylt crazy, and to be honest not sure what to do. As I have been chatting to her most of the day while at work it is obvious she is on her own while he is at work and thinking would it be wise to go see her? Not sure why she told me all this as she could have got away with not telling me anything of the other man or that she is not England so just trying to read in-between the lines.

I have already booked my flights to go back to Thailand and will have enough money to live on for 4 years out their comfortably and all as I can say she has blown her chance and there is always a bright side that I can now have the freedom of finding a new girlfriend. Just have to say that im sold glad my nature is never to trust anyone as it could have been a hel_l of a lot worse and I think anyone in a similar situation should take note because even meeting all their family and spending long periods of time does not win their respect.

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Why don't you just drop her and enjoy the chase of finding another in Thailand. But suggest if you want one long term don't pick her up from a bar. Perhaps one of the better hotels or resorts, they seem to have a nice selection and even speak reasonable english. Good Luck and happy hunting.

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I came to Thailand at 26 with allot less money then you are now. Forget about the hoes for a moment and think well about what you will do for sustainable income. Get with a good business brokerage and set up something that you can put the money into that you can live off of and then eventually off load for a profit or at least not a loss while you enjoy all the fun stuff Thailand has too offer. I would advise living in Pattaya. Its not nearly as good now with all these russians there, but its still a great cheap place to play boy it for awhile and enjoy yourself.

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Strewth. There's one born every minute.

Go on, son! You know you want to. Go and shaft her while her boyfriend is at work.

Beats me why you can't see it. She doesn't love this guy. She's only opening her legs to be near you. What a sacrifice. Quick. Marry her first chance you get.

With your morality you deserve each other.

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...I could tell something was wrong as she was very upset and crying a lot...
You clearly have keenly honed senses. :o
...have enough money to live on for 4 years out their...
I doubt it'll last 1. But you could always become an English teacher. :D
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Dealing with romance in Thailand is like dealing with 'too good to miss investments.' If something is too good to be true, it generally isnt.

The same applies here. I've always thought that if a girl is too easy to catch (be they bargirls or not), then there is something wrong. It is not in the Thai way for a woman to be pushy, flirty, teasing or 'easy', so anyone who manages to find one on a 2 week holiday is, basically, asking for trouble.

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What is the OP yapping about, he stated that he didnot really trust her from the beginning, he has not been a saint, but expects her to be one??

" Speak to my lady nearly every day have a good feeling BUT well in the knowledge that im not stupid and never to trust her completely so no sending money even though she never asked for it, the only thing I bought her was a laptop (£150) which I sent over with a friend when he went to Thai."

You got what you asked for.

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Get back to England split up with my girlfriend of seven years put my house up for sale and just concentrate on getting as much money as I can to go back for as long as possible.

I have already booked my flights to go back to Thailand and will have enough money to live on for 4 years out their comfortably and all as I can say she has blown her chance and there is always a bright side that I can now have the freedom of finding a new girlfriend.

Did you sell your house and, if so, are the proceeds included in your four year survival package?

If so you should seriously consider Huey's advice and on top of that leave a "lifeboat" fund in a bank back in the UK in case it all goes t1ts up in Thailand so you'll have at least a bit to get by on when you go back.

Don't know what your profession is but at 27 you are approaching you peak earnings potential. You should be looking at maximising your earnings in the UK putting aside as much as you can and keeping an eye out for opportunities anywhere in S.E. Asia. Although what Huey says is perfectly feasible and has been done you have to ask yourself "what are the chances of me making a go of starting and running a business in a foriegn country?" What experience do you have of such a venture bearing in mind that the odds are stacked even more against you on foriegn soil? It can, and has been done but the country is littered with the detritus of the failures bitterly railing against anybody and everything especially Thai.

btw if you are going to think of doing business in Thailand I would not suggest you live in Pattaya but I would suggest you spend time looking through ThaiVisa with respect to visas and work permits. You can't just pitch up at Suvarnabhumi and set up a shop selling rice to Thailand. :o

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post the email mate, love to read it. make sure you strip out her address though.

as for seeing her again, you absolutely must!!

call her over, shag her senseless and then kiss her good bye. there is nothing like closure.

Edited by t.s
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I have already booked my flights to go back to Thailand and will have enough money to live on for 4 years out their comfortably and all as I can say she has blown her chance and there is always a bright side that I can now have the freedom of finding a new girlfriend. Just have to say that im sold glad my nature is never to trust anyone as it could have been a hel_l of a lot worse and I think anyone in a similar situation should take note because even meeting all their family and spending long periods of time does not win their respect.

But she has her chance with whoever it is in England that is willing to go to the expense and trouble of flying her over here.

People slag these girls off but most of them only want stability in their lives, and go to extreme measures to get it, if had been brought up in absolute poverty im sure id whatever it took never to go back.

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Cheers for all the replies, few harsh ones in there. Funny though...

You only live once so just have to give everything a try. Lesson learnt will just enjoy the next few years, im not worried about creating that nest egg in life as you can never take it with you when you die but at the same time im going to let anyone else get their hands on it.

By the way she is binned for all those who want to know the outcome.

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I have already booked my flights to go back to Thailand and will have enough money to live on for 4 years out their comfortably and all as I can say she has blown her chance and there is always a bright side that I can now have the freedom of finding a new girlfriend. Just have to say that im sold glad my nature is never to trust anyone as it could have been a hel_l of a lot worse and I think anyone in a similar situation should take note because even meeting all their family and spending long periods of time does not win their respect.

But she has her chance with whoever it is in England that is willing to go to the expense and trouble of flying her over here.

People slag these girls off but most of them only want stability in their lives, and go to extreme measures to get it, if had been brought up in absolute poverty im sure id whatever it took never to go back.

Look man, YOU might bend over for what ever guy presented the best "Stability" package had you been in her shoes (assuming she was from a poor back ground and not just a pro-hooker) However just because someone is poor dose NOT mean they lack morals and integrity. And it dose certainly not mean that they will sell their azz to anyone with a buck that comes along.

Perfect real life exsample; I was in Iraq a few months back driving with my friend in the north. The north is predominantly Kurdish, not Arab, and safe for the most part. Anyway we got into a car accident with a 1985? Toyota filled with about 8 people, men, women, kids, everyone crying and upset. Fortunetly the only one hurt was the father, his face was covered in Blood from were shards of glass tore into it. The car was not so badly damaged, however the passenger side mirror was gone, most of it in this guy's face :o My friend (a Iraqi Arab) Jumped out and helped him immediatly. We had a first aid kit in the back and some water and my buddy had him cleaned up in no time. All the while I was looking at the car and the passengers. They had to have been absolutly dirt poor and I mean really dirt poor that car was probably their most expensive possession. In the end my friend wanted to pay him something for the car window and to take him to the hospital. The injured man ADAMANTLY refused 1 single penny...and I mean ADAMANTLY, my friend took out like $500 and begged him to take it, begged him to allow us to take them to the hospital. He refused and said "Hemduahllah" (Thank God) I'm ok and it was a accident, to take money for you over this is sinful.

Most Kurds hate Arabs too, and this guy REALLY needed the money yet his dignity was more valuable. He is not alone, their are poor people all over the world that still value their self respect more than a couple of bucks. Don't buy into every sob story a hoe gives you. Thats why I told him to go to Pattaya so he can run through a bunch and be better equipped to recognize a respectable woman when ever he wants to go that route.

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Quite an amazing story really.

Not because of how the lady spinned it.

And not because this is just another Farang Thai lady story.

The amazing part is actually because the OP is more or less telling everyone that he is as naive as they come.

OP chatted the whole day with this lady. And that after he tells us he received a crazy e-mail from her.

The OP wants to display this crazy e-mail, but keep forgetting he at the same time displays himself as well.

As one of the other members here correctly stated, "You both sound very well suited".

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Quite an amazing story really.

Not because of how the lady spinned it.

And not because this is just another Farang Thai lady story.

The amazing part is actually because the OP is more or less telling everyone that he is as naive as they come.

So the OP is new to Thailand and believed what some young lady told him, at least it hasnt cost him anymoney to learn a lesson, i bet thats more then what can said be for most the old fools on here.

PS. My lesson was free, she was being sponsored by someone for the 3 months i was with her and im still in touch as a friend 3 years later. I was naive to it all aswell despite going to LOS 4 times before i met her as i never really spent much time in the girly bars. Now i do go to these bars and am hardened to their scams it isnt quite so much fun.

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Four years in Thailand will pass very quickly. If you waste all your money you will have many years to regret it, unless of course you do a Pattaya bungee jump first. It is possible to make a good life here in Thailand, but it means not coming here in holiday mode and treating things seriously.

You must remember there is an almost endless supply of people with the same hopes as you and most will fail.

Edited by garro
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I would advise living in Pattaya. Its not nearly as good now with all these russians there, but its still a great cheap place to play boy it for awhile and enjoy yourself.

If you hang in Pattaya, you'll be spending a lot more than most other places in Thailand, and the chances of finding any gal other than a bargirl are about nil.

as for the OP's story: she sounds a bit more honest than most. She could have taken you for a lot more if she'd been more conniving. Sounds like she only mentioned the other Brit and being in England - because she couldn't avoid mentioning it anymore. My guess is she might have dangled an option to the OP, something like "dis man, he say he pay my family bt.500k, ......but if you (OP) really to love me, and pay more, den I go wid you." I've heard that one recently - from easily duped farang friends - or perhaps they should be categorized as 'too eager for their own good."

As lascivious and lovely as your Thai gal appeared to be, she's basically just another passing fanny. There are literally tens of thousands - and they're particularly easy to pick up wherever retired farang hang out - because they and their little sisters know; to hook up with one or more farang is almost guaranteed big fat security for them and their immediate families.

Play the field. Don't be a victim. Chalk up your recent imbroglio to experience. Enjoy the hunt. They actually don't mind playing around, despite what they say.

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Come on Rodders from Cheshire...you know what you have to do.

Go visit the girl, print out her email to you and drop it in her "other" Cheshire man's letterbox with a note of your mobile number so he can call you. You have been saved from the jaws of hel_l, make sure the "other" guy is saved too.

If we farang networked as well as these little Thai bar-girl angels, we'd all be better off.

Cheers Rick


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As Delboy would say, "Rodney, you plonker!"

Hope you learn the lesson, and keep your wits about you when you move here. You'll have plenty of "friends" who''ll help you spend your cash.

Edited by mrtoad
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