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My wifes cousin was murdered on Thursday night, June 26, close to Kham Sakae Saeng, near Nong Thai , Korat.

He was 18 years old.

My wife tells me he was attacked ,along with three of his friends, by a group of about ten young (teenagers) boys.

Apparently there was and argument about motorbikes and the larger group of kids really set about the smaller group.

Three of the smaller group are in comas and the wifes cousin was chopped on the back of the neck and died.

Does anyone know of this event and are willing to give me any info?

With sad thanks.


The family are devastated

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My wifes cousin was murdered on Thursday night, June 26, close to Kham Sakae Saeng, near Nong Thai , Korat.

He was 18 years old.

My wife tells me he was attacked ,along with three of his friends, by a group of about ten young (teenagers) boys.

Apparently there was and argument about motorbikes and the larger group of kids really set about the smaller group.

Three of the smaller group are in comas and the wifes cousin was chopped on the back of the neck and died.

Does anyone know of this event and are willing to give me any info?

With sad thanks.


The family are devastated

I have no info about this tragic event, but my condolences to you and your family! :o


He was an only son and great expectations were placed upon his shoulders.

I am not looking towards any kind of blame.

Only facts

This kind of act brings home the reality of how dangerous Thailand can be.

Saying that.........mass school shootings dont happen .....

Sign of the times

This kind of act brings home the reality of how dangerous Thailand can be.

I'm sorry but this kind of thing is a regular happening in London now. There have been 15 teenagers murdered in London this year so far. And probably a lot more that we do not hear about. Anyway, condolences, to the families of all those concerned.

This kind of act brings home the reality of how dangerous Thailand can be.

I'm sorry but this kind of thing is a regular happening in London now. There have been 15 teenagers murdered in London this year so far. And probably a lot more that we do not hear about. Anyway, condolences, to the families of all those concerned.

Yes you are quite right.


Soihok, I'm sorry for your families loss. It is unfortunate but I'm aware of many situations like this that have ended in the murder of young men and expats too. I have watched the level of violence increase every year since I have lived here. While that may be because I was not familiar with local culture and what was going on behind closed doors when I first arrived versus today when I have seen to much. There is no debate here or words that can help, sorry for your loss, thats about all I can say.


I've sent your message through friends living in this area. We live in Korat. Maybe, just MAYBE, they will reply and have more information.

Sorry about your lost and I offer my condoleances to you and your family. Sincerely.


I've sent your message through friends living in this area. We live in Korat. Maybe, just MAYBE, they will reply and have more information.

Sorry about your lost and I offer my condoleances to you and your family. Sincerely.



Sorry My last post was a mistake.

This is not a nice read A young Man in the prime of life

Please express condolances to all concerned From My Wife and Myself

I am sure if anyone on here can help thay will.

Very sad to read this.



I am so sorry to hear of your loss.It is a sad problem that we all face now throughout the world.Thailand is not the only country that is seeing an increase in crime.It is a sad state of reality.Why it is happening is anyones guess.All we can do is be as aware as possible of what is going on around us.And if you have the chance......KILL THE BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And if you have the chance......KILL THE BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

C'mon. You don't have all the facts. Yes, it's terrible and sad, but really, more killing is not the solution. Adolescent males do stupid things, particularly when they are hanging about in a pack. As the OP asks, it would be best to get the information first.


“I am so sorry to hear of your loss. It is a sad problem that we all face now throughout the world. Thailand is not the only country that is seeing an increase in crime. It is a sad state of reality. Why it is happening is anyone’s guess.” Is it really happening? I don’t know about Thailand, but most western countries are seeing a decrease in crime, it is just that the perception is that crime is increasing. I think this is because of all the new media outlets that have evolved in the past twenty or so years, CNN, FOX News, BBC World, etc. They all have to have content to report on and crime makes great content. Many cities also have more newspapers today than before; we must not forget the internet, without the internet we would not know about this terrible murder, my condolences are with you. A few years ago my wife had a first cousin who was murdered in Bangkok. We were in Canada at the time and my wife read about it on the online version of Thai Rath. She phoned her aunt (his mother) to express our condolences and she hadn’t even heard about it. An example of how the internet spread the news of the murder all over the world even before the poor guy’s own mother knew about it. Perhaps there was a lot more crime twenty or thirty years ago (the western statistics suggest this) and we just didn’t hear about it. Issangeorge


I´m truly sorry for your loss. My condolences to your family. This sort of thing is getting more and more common everywhere. Sometimes it seems that we´re on the verge of a complete disintegration of the civilised society with the US and Europe as forerunners in this tragic development.

I´m truly sorry for your loss. My condolences to your family. This sort of thing is getting more and more common everywhere. Sometimes it seems that we´re on the verge of a complete disintegration of the civilised society with the US and Europe as forerunners in this tragic development.

A bit of an over-reaction don't you think ?


What I meant by my last post was to protect yourself and family right away.If attacked go into KILL mode to protect you and your families life.


Thanks to every one who has replied.

Does any one have any info on the actual event?

The attackers have since been arrested and are all teenagers.

The three guys in hospital are recovering from injuries sustained from being attacked with a large knife or machette, one lad has lost his nose and one has lost the use of his arm.

Any info would be welcomed.


Very sorry to hear your news and your family loss. You could maybe post an appeal in a local newspaper such as the Korat post or one of the other Korat forums which may have people closer to your area and maybe have more information. What are the national newspapers saying on this incident have they reported on this yet and would you be able to contact the investigating assigned police on this matter through your wife to see what they have to say on matters.


Just to add another little bit to this thread. I do feel safer walking about in Thailand than almost any other country I have ever lived. Most big cities in Europe nowit is quite dangerous to walk alone after dark, and even more so if you are a woman or a child. And America:We won't even venture down that road.


I agree that in Thailand specifically, and in Asia generally, there isn't much to worry about. In the last few years I've wandered around several cities in Thailand, Indonesia, China, India, Malaysia, Singapore, at different times of the day and night and in different emotional states (yes that includes being p1ssed- up at 2-3 in the morning) and nothing has happened to me, or near me.

Where I disagree is that IMHO in Western Europe things are much the same and we are a lot safer than we believe, provided people act in a respectful manner (do unto others etc etc) and don't go looking for trouble. I've only had good experiences in a number of large cities in the UK, Holland, France etc in the evenings / wee hours.

One example: people have often stated that Glasgow is a rough place, but I've only ever had good times and happy memories of that city, day and night, drunk and sober, suburbs and dodgy schemes, ditto Edingburgh, Aberdeen, Portsmouth, Peterbrough, Middlesbrough etc etc.

People that talk about a disintegration of civilised society are well wide of the mark and proably need to get out more.

“I am so sorry to hear of your loss. It is a sad problem that we all face now throughout the world. Thailand is not the only country that is seeing an increase in crime. It is a sad state of reality. Why it is happening is anyone’s guess.” Is it really happening? I don’t know about Thailand, but most western countries are seeing a decrease in crime, it is just that the perception is that crime is increasing. I think this is because of all the new media outlets that have evolved in the past twenty or so years, CNN, FOX News, BBC World, etc. They all have to have content to report on and crime makes great content. Many cities also have more newspapers today than before; we must not forget the internet, without the internet we would not know about this terrible murder, my condolences are with you. A few years ago my wife had a first cousin who was murdered in Bangkok. We were in Canada at the time and my wife read about it on the online version of Thai Rath. She phoned her aunt (his mother) to express our condolences and she hadn’t even heard about it. An example of how the internet spread the news of the murder all over the world even before the poor guy’s own mother knew about it. Perhaps there was a lot more crime twenty or thirty years ago (the western statistics suggest this) and we just didn’t hear about it. Issangeorge

So young. So sad. It is a world-wide problem, and I'm only referring to the violence among youth today. Before, there was always teen violence, but rarely did it involve death. I'm not sure where the total lack of respect for human life comes from, but part of it is definitely what you say above. Maybe all the violence on video games contributes. Obviously, there is a lot of anger among youth today, but there always was. Maybe it is worse in the US. You read in the papers or see on the news how 100's are killed everyday in Afghanistan and Iraq. Maybe they're all just getting immune to it.

I think I read where they caught the kids who did it. That part can turn out to be just as sad.

I do feel safer here in Thailand than at home, but it doesn't make me feel any better.


Just eating my breakfast and listening to the UK local news here and 20 mins drive from my home two teenagers one 13 one 14 set poured fuel over another teenager and set him a light. He has over 40% burns to the body and critical in hospital. This is a problem all over the world now. Knife and Gun crimes are seriously on the rise here in UK and the government are losing the battle to bring this under control.


I'm sorry but I just do not believe this is true. I think it is more a problem of perception brought on by (amongst other things) headline grabbing by the right-wing press and an opposition desperate to get into power at the earliest opportunity. These numbers are from the UK gov website:

  • The number of overall offences involving firearms fell by 13% in 2006/07 compared to the previous year.

  • Firearms were involved in 566 serious or fatal injuries in 2006/07, compared to 645 the previous year - a drop of 12%.

  • The number of armed robberies involving guns dropped by 3%

  • There were 13% fewer serious and fatal injuries related to gun crimes in 2006/07.

  • The number of reported crimes involving imitation guns dropped by 15% in 2006/07.

  • The number of reported crimes involving air guns dropped by 15% in 2006/07 over 2005/6.

  • Therefore I find it very hard to accept that the fabric of western civilisation is collapsing around us, no matter what some people would like us to believe.

I'm sorry but I just do not believe this is true. I think it is more a problem of perception brought on by (amongst other things) headline grabbing by the right-wing press and an opposition desperate to get into power at the earliest opportunity. These numbers are from the UK gov website:
  • The number of overall offences involving firearms fell by 13% in 2006/07 compared to the previous year.

  • Firearms were involved in 566 serious or fatal injuries in 2006/07, compared to 645 the previous year - a drop of 12%.

  • The number of armed robberies involving guns dropped by 3%

  • There were 13% fewer serious and fatal injuries related to gun crimes in 2006/07.

  • The number of reported crimes involving imitation guns dropped by 15% in 2006/07.

  • The number of reported crimes involving air guns dropped by 15% in 2006/07 over 2005/6.

  • Therefore I find it very hard to accept that the fabric of western civilisation is collapsing around us, no matter what some people would like us to believe.

The above figures dont suprise me. The UK police are too busy catching motorists to deal with 'call outs' involving criminals.





I would just like to up date this post on the current situation.

The boy was cremated a week ago , his Mum is in bits understandably, the other victims have been discharged from Hospital.

The boys Mum has spent most of last week in and out of the police station while the attackers have all been realeased.

We are talking murder here.

I understand that there is a family member of an employee of the police involved in the crime.

The police in Kham Sakae Saeng have become ignorant and unhelpful.After all the poor woman hasn,t got the means to make them listen.

Amazing Thailand.

A member of my family has taken the case to the Korat police and we all hope that they will listen.

I find it all very sad and especially when corruption lifts its head up high and laughs.

A member of my family has taken the case to the Korat police and we all hope that they will listen.

I find it all very sad and especially when corruption lifts its head up high and laughs.

Good luck with that, but don't get your hopes up...... unfortunately, past history from personal experience states that nothing will happen, I hope it does, and fingers crossed for it.

In reality, the poor young lad is just going to become another tick on the statistic sheet, rest his soul.

  • 2 weeks later...
My wifes cousin was murdered on Thursday night, June 26, close to Kham Sakae Saeng, near Nong Thai , Korat.

He was 18 years old.

My wife tells me he was attacked ,along with three of his friends, by a group of about ten young (teenagers) boys.

Apparently there was and argument about motorbikes and the larger group of kids really set about the smaller group.

Three of the smaller group are in comas and the wifes cousin was chopped on the back of the neck and died.

Does anyone know of this event and are willing to give me any info?

With sad thanks.


The family are devastated

22 July 2008

Someone in the immediate family can obtain a formal police report of the incident and go from there. That is, read it and if holes are present get a lawyer and follow up. Usually, as you know, blood money will be offered and accepted.


Thanks for the reply.

As you suggested, a member of the family is now dealing with it but it seems all very slow.

The Mother is looking for compensation also, although there is not much chance of anything coming her way at the moment.

Police are still showing no interest.

I would just like to up date this post on the current situation.

The boy was cremated a week ago , his Mum is in bits understandably, the other victims have been discharged from Hospital.

The boys Mum has spent most of last week in and out of the police station while the attackers have all been realeased.

We are talking murder here.

I understand that there is a family member of an employee of the police involved in the crime.

The police in Kham Sakae Saeng have become ignorant and unhelpful.After all the poor woman hasn,t got the means to make them listen.

Amazing Thailand.

A member of my family has taken the case to the Korat police and we all hope that they will listen.

I find it all very sad and especially when corruption lifts its head up high and laughs.

The police here normally protect themselves or their family members in cases like this - irrespective of what due process should dictate.

Pai and Kanchanaburi are good examples of the police protecting themselves - despite being obviously in the wrong.

Gang war fare whether it's Third Road - Pattaya - rival schools stalking and attacking each other after school with machetes - or other is all too common here.

Thailand is an extremely violent country despite what the TAT may want you to believe.

A shocking case.


I would just like to up date this post on the current situation.

You may or may not listen to me, I speak from personal experience.

Have the mother write an urgent letter to police headquarters in BKK , explain her case and complain about local police inaction in her case.

If you are sure about local police relatives being involved write that as well.

She will get action in 36 hours or so. Local police will not be happy and pursue her to write back and say all is well , do not do it.

Good luck

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