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Percentage Of Farangs In Thailand Who Are Here For Sex?


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Please, I mean this most seriously. I am an amateur sociologist and have published often on sociological subjects. So why people do what they do fascinates me.

I have often heard that 10% of all tourists to Thailand are sex tourists. I am not so sure that number is valid, but be that as it may. However, I have long been under the impression that most farangs living in Thailand are here either because of work or are here because they married a Thai national, and living with him or her in Thailand is preferable for cost-of-living or other reasons than living back at home.

But from casual reading of the posts, it seems that no matter the subject, many posters make either sexual comments or refer to the bar scene, bar girls, etc.

There are a lot of women who post here, and despite threads in the women's forum like the beach boy thread, I can't imagine that too many women come to Thailand for sex. I may be stereotyping here, I know, but I just can't see it.

For the men who regulary post and continually refer to sex, are these men who came here and live here for that, or are they here for other reasons but take advantage of the sexual opportunities? Or could they be just making comments without regard to their actual lifestyles?

And when I read the cynicism of many posters who seem to dislike everything about Thailand, I wonder what keeps them here. At the risk of unsubstantiated conjecture, could it be the relatively easy access to sex with younger women?

I have met expats all over the world and in countries where sex is not readily available. But most places do not have the numbers of expats that exist in Thailand.

I am not castigating anyone here. I am just genuinely curious. And while I know I can't get any firm scientifically valid answers here, I would love to hear thoughts, comments, opinions, and reasons people have on the subject.

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I can't say it any better than this, as Peter Theroux (son of the famous author Paul Theroux) talks about his motivations for living in Egypt:

Does anyone with a nonprofit interest in a foreign land not owe it largely to the sexual pull of the culture and people?

Peter Theroux from Sandstorms: Days and Nights in Arabia

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I dont think this is a troll. It's a very valid question.

Frankly, the 10% of tourists are sex tourist figure seems far too light. I'd put it closer to 25% but could be wrong.

As for UG's throwaway line, I'm sure it's meant to be tongue in cheek. I'd say there are literally thousands of people here in expat roles for career reasons; the fact they don't post on TV doesnt mean they don't exist. My entire building is inhabited by farangs - mostly embassy people with families.

There are also tens of thousands of people like me living here with their wife or gf - does that mean we are here for sex too?

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Please, I mean this most seriously. I am an amateur sociologist and have published often on sociological subjects. So why people do what they do fascinates me.

I have often heard that 10% of all tourists to Thailand are sex tourists. I am not so sure that number is valid, but be that as it may. However, I have long been under the impression that most farangs living in Thailand are here either because of work or are here because they married a Thai national, and living with him or her in Thailand is preferable for cost-of-living or other reasons than living back at home.

But from casual reading of the posts, it seems that no matter the subject, many posters make either sexual comments or refer to the bar scene, bar girls, etc.

There are a lot of women who post here, and despite threads in the women's forum like the beach boy thread, I can't imagine that too many women come to Thailand for sex. I may be stereotyping here, I know, but I just can't see it.

For the men who regulary post and continually refer to sex, are these men who came here and live here for that, or are they here for other reasons but take advantage of the sexual opportunities? Or could they be just making comments without regard to their actual lifestyles?

And when I read the cynicism of many posters who seem to dislike everything about Thailand, I wonder what keeps them here. At the risk of unsubstantiated conjecture, could it be the relatively easy access to sex with younger women?

I have met expats all over the world and in countries where sex is not readily available. But most places do not have the numbers of expats that exist in Thailand.

I am not castigating anyone here. I am just genuinely curious. And while I know I can't get any firm scientifically valid answers here, I would love to hear thoughts, comments, opinions, and reasons people have on the subject.

I think a better question would be "what percentage of bar girls from the North East have sex with farangs just for money"?

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I can't say it any better than this, as Peter Theroux (son of the famous author Paul Theroux) talks about his motivations for living in Egypt:
Does anyone with a nonprofit interest in a foreign land not owe it largely to the sexual pull of the culture and people?

Peter Theroux from Sandstorms: Days and Nights in Arabia

Utter utter nonsense.

Refugees? Emigres? Foreigners living in Germany?

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Bendix, note the without profit motive aspect. Of course refugees would choose to go ANYWHERE decent except where they are running from. This is about people of some means making a free will choice and specifically choosing a specific country and people that attracts them. Obviously this has nothing to with you, the self described rapist of cheap Thai labor for profit. Also, in the context of the quote, sexual pull can be taken literally or abstractly, such as a strong attraction to a culture. There is much more to the sex drive and its power over humans than the genitals.

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Aren't most single blokes up for sex where ever they are? Can't just single Thailand out & make it out to be the red light destination of SE Asia. If I was single and took a trip to Paris or Havana or Timbuktoo, I'd spend just as much time thinking about &/or trying to get some as I would in Thailand.

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Bendix, note the without profit motive aspect. Of course refugees would choose to go ANYWHERE decent except where they are running from. This is about people of some means making a free will choice and specifically choosing a specific country and people that attracts them. Obviously this has nothing to with you, the self described rapist of cheap Thai labor for profit. Also, in the context of the quote, sexual pull can be taken literally or abstractly, such as a strong attraction to a culture. There is much more to the sex drive and its power over humans than the genitals.

oh, right . . . literally or abstractly. Now i get it. Of course, how stupid of me. I thought sexual meant . well, sexual.

In other words, the quote is completely meaningless as in the sense that the great charlatan Freud ascribed sexual feelings to every freaking motive.

It could be as simple as people living in a different country because . . well . . .they just like it?

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when I was younger pretty much everywhere I was having a large amount of sex.

But I didn't go to those places for it specifically, it was just a side benefit of being young, educated, affluent and rediculously good looking.

Now as I age gracefully with my Bobby Charlton combover and tan slacks with matching polyester cardigan, I can't help but feel that any old coot (or young) being forced to live here because they were so desparate as to have to constantly avail themselves of the same prostitutes and slappers readily available around the world must be sad indeed.

For the other half who choose to take advantage of the loose morals of some here and perhaps engage in fornication or frolicks without money changing hands, again one could find far richer pickings in virtually any western city where most clubs provide an ample array of heady entertainment, with a focus on more head, less ment.

So that brings us back to the sad sacks who come here just for the sex. Judging by lower Sukhumvit, it would seem almost like the entire city is on the pull for sad looking Isaan single mothers at the Thermae; however with the benefit of statistics we can conclude that element of the farang community would be first off at least aged 18 and male for the most part - this rules out probably 40-50% of the total farang population. yes, there are some women here getting jiggy for sure, but few women would base themselves anywhere in the world for the sole reason to get laid; it isn't like it is hard for a woman to shag anywhere in the world - they are the gatekeeper. Men are the keymaster, or something to that effect.

Of the expat community, I would guess something like more than 1/2 have career reasons, spouse reasons or similar for being here (I have several lawyer friends, teachers, architects, designers and marketing/finance friends for whom Thailand is a step ahead rather than a step back - from countries such as Australia, New Zealand, etc).*

If pressed, perhaps 10-20% at the most.

The other 80-90% are still having sex no doubt. But that isn't why they came here. Well, of course the sex is why they came, but that's because most normal people come with sex.

It's just the frigid hot slags that don't come with sex who are the sorry ones who aren't coming for sex, and that group coincidentally are the same group who turn me down for sex too. What a sad lot they are.

As for people coming here for non profitable reasons, if non financial one can simply look to the thousands of Scandanavian couples descending on Jomtien each Thai winter, to escape their foul climate. Peter Theroux sounds like a moron under such circumstances (actually his quote is completely moronic anyhow under any circumstances, despite his father; surely he can do better than to say, please listen to me, as my dad is Paul Theroux??? What a claim to literary fame indeed).

* edit, obviously it goes without saying that anywhere is better than Australia....land of XXXX beer and joustin' sticks. It's what ya do with it.

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For the men who regulary post and continually refer to sex, 1are these men who came here and live here for that, 2or are they here for other reasons but take advantage of the sexual opportunities? 3Or could they be just making comments without regard to their actual lifestyles?

1 50% are here for the sex

2 50% are here for other reasons but enjoy the sex (and 99% of them actively sought a job here for the sex)

3 100% are talking from personal experience of the sex

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For the men who regulary post and continually refer to sex, 1are these men who came here and live here for that, 2or are they here for other reasons but take advantage of the sexual opportunities? 3Or could they be just making comments without regard to their actual lifestyles?

1 50% are here for the sex

2 50% are here for other reasons but enjoy the sex (and 99% of them actively sought a job here for the sex)

3 100% are talking from personal experience of the sex

You live in Pattaya. As such, your opinion can obviously be ignored as it skews the sample of other, more sensible, members.

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when I was younger pretty much everywhere I was having a large amount of sex.

But I didn't go to those places for it specifically, it was just a side benefit of being young, educated, affluent and rediculously good looking.

This is an excellent example of one of those liars that I was refering to in the beginning of the thread. :o

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But from casual reading of the posts, it seems that no matter the subject, many posters make either sexual comments or refer to the bar scene, bar girls, etc.

And when I read the cynicism of many posters who seem to dislike everything about Thailand, I wonder what keeps them here. At the risk of unsubstantiated conjecture, could it be the relatively easy access to sex with younger women?

To start with I do not think that on TV there are many posters make either sexual comments or refer to bar scene etc.

Secondly I think it is simply wrong that many posters dislike everything about Thailand. If you stay here you will know by yourself that some things just drive you crazy from time to time, because of the lack of organization and common sense. Nothing serious about it.

Rgds Moo9

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when I was younger pretty much everywhere I was having a large amount of sex.

But I didn't go to those places for it specifically, it was just a side benefit of being young, educated, affluent and rediculously good looking.

This is an excellent example of one of those liars that I was refering to in the beginning of the thread. :D

what, I go snowboarding in USA for training in the summer season and score a few girlies along the way and suddenly I am going for the girlies???! NO CHANCE. Tricks ain't nuttin but beeotches and hos or however that women's rights track goes. hel_l, last trip to Tahoe, I had to turn away this fairly hot trampy looking girl because the forecast was good for the next day.

Life for me at least, is not about sex, that is just something that is a side benefit but not taken when it interferes with work, snowboarding, sailing, windsurfing, trout fishing or writing malarky on Thai visa. A man has to have priorities.

Working as a model, a side benefit is the women, and goodness knows there were a lot of them but believe me, I went to Singapore, HK etc for the work; women no women made no difference to me - I GOTZ ta GetZ pAiD. If dem slags wanna piece of dis, den who be me to turn em away innit?

And as proof de jour, I don't know a single person that would claim to go to national Park New Zealand for the women!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, now with the era of my zip up leather hush puppies, those days are a long long time ago :o

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You obviously don't know steveromagnino, UG.

I've been with him when people have literally stopped him in the street and asked to take his photo. True story. dam_n prettyboys . .

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You obviously don't know steveromagnino, UG.

I've been with him when people have literally stopped him in the street and asked to take his photo. True story. dam_n prettyboys . .

yeah, but that was before, now they stop me in the street for sex. But obviously, I am not there for that.

I am just a streetwalker. It is a noble profession I am told with a rich history, second only to some other profession which I assume to be er, professional cave digger maybe?

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Please, I mean this most seriously. I am an amateur sociologist and have published often on sociological subjects......

What a load of rubbish, if that were true you would understand men on this PLANET are here for sex, not just the ones coming to Thailand.


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Please, I mean this most seriously. I am an amateur sociologist and have published often on sociological subjects......

What a load of rubbish, if that were true you would understand men on this PLANET are here for sex, not just the ones coming to Thailand.


I agree this is a very trollish thread.

I give it another half an hour before it really de-generates and gets binned. :o

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You obviously don't know steveromagnino, UG.

I've been with him when people have literally stopped him in the street and asked to take his photo. True story. dam_n prettyboys . .

Ladyboys on walking street don't count mate, geez

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Please, I mean this most seriously. I am an amateur sociologist and have published often on sociological subjects......

What a load of rubbish, if that were true you would understand men on this PLANET are here for sex, not just the ones coming to Thailand.


I agree this is a very trollish thread.

I give it another half an hour before it really de-generates and gets binned. :o

Oh well, three accusations of being a troll. A first for me, but so be it.

We can have threads on cheating on wives and infidelty, but this is somehow worse?

soundman--yes, much of what men and women do have sex as a reason. But sex is available in expats' home countries, and there are other countries around the world where sex is blatantly available. This is not unique to Thailand. But as a Thai forum, my question is valid, I believe.

It is one thing to come to Thailand for business, for example, and pursue sex just as a person would pursue it in Costa Rica, the US, the Philppines. Germany, or anywhere. But how many people (I am assuming men) specifically come here to live because of that?

Once again, this is nto a criticism, but the more I read others' posts, the more I think my initial assumptions were wrong.

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Aside from their smaller size, the main reason why bonobo chimps are classed as a sub-species of Chimps is their constant preoccupation with sex. :o

Darn, why didn't I get to that "nick" before you! :D

Very true. But you forgot that they are also non-violent unlike theri larger cousins.

(and they are much uglier, some people contend!)

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You obviously don't know steveromagnino, UG.

I've been with him when people have literally stopped him in the street and asked to take his photo. True story. dam_n prettyboys . .

Ladyboys on walking street don't count mate, geez

walking street in Pattaya?

Please, it will be a cold day in Pattaya before I walk there again. Last time, I was almost mobbed by Thai women throwing themselves at me.

I never realised I was so handsum until that evening. I honestly can say I am probably the best looking person ever that walked such a street, judging by the popular response i received.

BKKJames - incidentally, having previously been a recognised one of Bangkok's 15 most eligible bachelors in some trashy tabloid, I can assure you that I am indeed, or at least was, almost improbably good looking to the point most people assume I am gay. I think I acheived similar glory at some point in some trashy throwaway in Singapore.

Which I am not.

Not that there is anything wrong with it.

Some of my best friends are gay.

But anyheeow, to talk of walking street, one would think it was for walking. It isn't. It is for running. For your life.

I love it!

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