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Your Best Holiday Ever


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Portugal. Really lovely country, people not trying to rip you off each step you take, no tuk-tuk crap, good beer, EXCELLENT wine, pukka food. I and the ex spent 5 weeks travelling around the whole country and, apart from a hellhole called Serpa on the spanish border (explains a lot :o ), we couldn't fault any of it.

Then what are you doing here :D

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Portugal. Really lovely country, people not trying to rip you off each step you take, no tuk-tuk crap, good beer, EXCELLENT wine, pukka food. I and the ex spent 5 weeks travelling around the whole country and, apart from a hellhole called Serpa on the spanish border (explains a lot :o ), we couldn't fault any of it.

Then what are you doing here :D

It's in the ESU (EuroSovietUnion) and, therefore, subject to crap politics like everywhere else in that red tape-plagued continent. I went there in '96. People who've been since then have remarked on the creeping change. I think I'd like to return but have a feeling that it may disappoint me and ruin the lovely memories I have of it. Memories that I'd like to keep. Still: y'never know what's around the corner.

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If we're saying best holiday, it would have to be Disneyworld.

(but you have to go with your kids. and they have to be the right age to be "into" Mickey Mouse. - i.e. old enough to understand what's going on, but not old enough to complain about it.)

Went this summer in July (so left before the hurricanes), and the kids thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Thailand still number one , but there's a few close ones.

My Parent's house at the foot of Ben Nevis in Roy Bridge.

My Sister's House in Vermont on the shores of Lake St. Catherine.

My Cousin's House near Table Mountain.

My Future House ( already built) in Ban Nok

Makes my current pile in Oxfordshire look crap , especially the view from the Lounge.... :o

Seriously my second fave place is Samosir Island in Sumatra , probably ruined these days....

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I inherited an ambulance from my dad, he'd converted it into a camper van with shower, double bed, toilet, cooker....very cosy. I took it along with a world of mind alterants on a one man surfing trip around Cornwall - best thing was driving in the cab with the door slid open (on runners, see?) I'm easily pleased. Was my best holiday ever.

Best place I've been? A toss up between Tijuana in Mexico or Angeles City in the Phillipines.

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Oz and Nz. Awsome. the US. do desire to go there.

Maybe Vegas . though. just to see if its as mad as it looks on TV.

Timeline's a good book! Film <deleted> though wasn't it?

US is good if you have a car, especially the western third around the Rockies. Bought a car in LA, drove around 28 states, and then sold her in Toronto (actually on the border to the yank customs guy checking it for drugs). Highlights were: driving through Yosemite NP; Death Valley NP; Vegas OK - but three nights enough, unless you've got deep pockets; Monument Valley in Utah gorgeous; South Dakota and Montana also amazing. Key West also good, but didn't think much of New York, although not a big city fan. Driving around Canada pretty amazing also and better roads.

The Luge in Rotorua is fantastic, eh? Did you do the Tongariro National Park walk, near Lake Taupo? When you went to Cape Reinga, did you go with Kiwi Experience? If so, was the Maori guy, Wally, driving? What a character! Nearly bought a place in Bluff, in the south - dirt cheap. Was going to throw it on the credit card but no estate agents open on Sundays.

Know what you mean about lying in a swag and watching the heavens - awesome. Just don't get the show of stars in Thailand unfortunately due to dust and humidity.

Oh well, great memories. May go back to Oz someday and by a big bike and rip round the country once again...

Jakr. Timeline movie is ###### <deleted>. Books Ok though.

When i went to Cape Reinga. I bought a cheap car 880NZ dollars in Whangarai. Cruised round both islands for 2 months and sold it again back in Auckland for 700.

Wasn't impressed with Bluff. Thought it was a bit boring. Nothing going on.

I'm off to live in Oz again in a 2006 as i got residence. Will be back here after a few years. Will defo do the backpacking through oz again as there is a lot i havent seen. the missus will love it. Maybe i'll buy a camper and do that.

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Seeing as i started this thread. I thought i would post my 400th post here. I think i'll have a beer.

Anyway back to topic. Table Mountain in SA was beautiful. Also a place called Hermanus near Cape Town. Well worth the visit!

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Oz and Nz. Awsome. the US. do desire to go there.

Maybe Vegas . though. just to see if its as mad as it looks on TV.

Timeline's a good book! Film <deleted> though wasn't it?

US is good if you have a car, especially the western third around the Rockies. Bought a car in LA, drove around 28 states, and then sold her in Toronto (actually on the border to the yank customs guy checking it for drugs). Highlights were: driving through Yosemite NP; Death Valley NP; Vegas OK - but three nights enough, unless you've got deep pockets; Monument Valley in Utah gorgeous; South Dakota and Montana also amazing. Key West also good, but didn't think much of New York, although not a big city fan. Driving around Canada pretty amazing also and better roads.

The Luge in Rotorua is fantastic, eh? Did you do the Tongariro National Park walk, near Lake Taupo? When you went to Cape Reinga, did you go with Kiwi Experience? If so, was the Maori guy, Wally, driving? What a character! Nearly bought a place in Bluff, in the south - dirt cheap. Was going to throw it on the credit card but no estate agents open on Sundays.

Know what you mean about lying in a swag and watching the heavens - awesome. Just don't get the show of stars in Thailand unfortunately due to dust and humidity.

Oh well, great memories. May go back to Oz someday and by a big bike and rip round the country once again...

Jakr. Timeline movie is ###### <deleted>. Books Ok though.

When i went to Cape Reinga. I bought a cheap car 880NZ dollars in Whangarai. Cruised round both islands for 2 months and sold it again back in Auckland for 700.

Wasn't impressed with Bluff. Thought it was a bit boring. Nothing going on.

I'm off to live in Oz again in a 2006 as i got residence. Will be back here after a few years. Will defo do the backpacking through oz again as there is a lot i havent seen. the missus will love it. Maybe i'll buy a camper and do that.

Me and a mate bought a '78 Celica in Dorkland off a Jap for 750 bucks. Broke down on the bridge 20 minutes later (bastard!). F.ucked around with the wiring a bit and it went fine after that. Spent three months around both islands and sold it back in Dorkland for 700.

I agree, Bluff really boring, but the house and land was only a 1000 bucks. Wouldn't live there, just sit on it a bit then offload the bugger.

You should have a look at the west coast of Oz, if you haven't done it already.

Going on about all these exotic places - Magaluf's a laugh and some excellent bars.

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Me and a mate bought a '78 Celica in Dorkland off a Jap for 750 bucks. Broke down on the bridge 20 minutes later (bastard!). F.ucked around with the wiring a bit and it went fine after that. Spent three months around both islands and sold it back in Dorkland for 700.

I agree, Bluff really boring, but the house and land was only a 1000 bucks. Wouldn't live there, just sit on it a bit then offload the bugger.

You should have a look at the west coast of Oz, if you haven't done it already.

Going on about all these exotic places - Magaluf's a laugh and some excellent bars.

Stayed in Hawera at a friends place for a few days. I agree its nice there. Though a lot of farmland. Mount Taranaki is beautiful. Theres a lot o Maori history arond there. Got stoned and went to a museum in f@@@ shit i cant remember the name. But its a good sized town near Hawera.

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In '81 I hitch-hiked around Europe for 3 weeks with no planned route. Got as far as northern Italy before heading up to the northern part of Germany. Took in a lot of countries and places, saw some beautiful scenery and met some great and kind people.

Went back to England cos I had tickets to see Bob Dylan in Birmingham then signed on again, cashed my giro and went back for another two weeks of hitching getting as far as northern Spain.

In '89 I had to take 10 lieu days off work so I booked a return flight to Sweden. Didn't know where to go or where to stay so I just hired a car and just drove around Sweden and Norway seeing where roads took me.

In '90 I came to Thailand for two weeks, went back home for two months and decided not to go to Egypt but returned here instead. Been holidaying here ever since. Even when I was working doing marketing for language schools, everyday was like a holiday.

All the countries that I've been to, including SE Asia and Saipan, have something good going for them whether it's scenery, culture or the people themselves. But Thailand does it for me. A bad day in Thailand is still better than a good day in England. My best holiday by far. :o

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There seems to be a few people you have travelled alot and some who maybe havent. This is why i started this thread. Maybe for some. Thailand is paradise. To a point i agree. But if you havent been anywhere except Thaialnd, Spain or Greece or even maybe France. Do you feel you have missed out? Do you have no desire to try a whole new country or continent? Are you too old and not up for a new advernture? Just a thought.

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What have you done on your travels that you have never done before. Maybe it was swimming with sharks or dolphins. Bungy jumping in Nz. Flying in a helicopter in the grand cannion. For me it was a tandem parachute jump in NZ. Totally amazing buzz. Havent done it since. But i intend doing it when i'm back in Oz. Maybe even do the training to do a solo. So what about everyone else?

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For me, what makes a good holiday is being able to learn about a new culture, good food, friendly people, in a place that's safe and not too expensive.

I've had holidays in Thailand, Bali, Mauritius, Budapest, Amsterdam and around most of Australia. Only Thailand and Budapest really met my criteria (Oz only missed out because I'm Australian and hence the "cultural learning" aspect was lacking!). But Thailand probably has the edge because of the shopping.

The best holiday I ever had was last year when I went island-hopping around Krabi for 10 days with my husband and 8 of our best mates, followed by a week in Bangkok, shopping, doing Thai cooking classes and drinking Mekhong. Railei Beach still sticks in my mind as the most beautiful place on earth. *sigh*

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Went to Japan in 2002 for the world cup, liked it so much i stayed on for an extra six weeks after my plane left, i couldnt realy afford to do it but i did.

One thing is for sure, if i could afford to live in Tokyo and have as good a life as i have here in Bangkok then i would be there now. For me it is the most amazing city on earth but just to expensive.

Also love Shanghai and Beiging but if you have money and plenty of it then Tokyo is the dogs <deleted>.

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The mountains in Nepal and North India are awesome!

Met HH The Daila Lama in his residence - awsesome!

Nothing in all Thailand has come close to those experiences.

Cheap, opium and marijuana sold by the government!(legally) in a couple of Indian States.

Mongolia, Tibet are next on my list.

I had great holidays in Spain, Sri Lanka, Iceland, Holland, Oz, NZ, Indonesia, China, even had a good one in England of all places!

Venezuela and other South American countries are on the list too, maybe Canada.

I wonder why all the old retired codgers, and younger ones don't reside in India. I certainly would if it weren't for my family here.

The woman are more beatiful there too, in my opinion.

Why am I in Thailand? Work, unfortunately. :o

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I wonder why all the old retired codgers, and younger ones don't reside in India. I certainly would if it weren't for my family here.

The woman are more beatiful there too, in my opinion.

My parents built a house in Goa about 4 years ago after my dad retiered, they spend 6-8 months a year there and the rest of the time between England and various other countries.

They love India and say that the best thing that could have happend to them was the sale of the country cottage in the lake district falling through which was the prompt they needed for a drastic change of plans.


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I wonder why all the old retired codgers, and younger ones don't reside in India. I certainly would if it weren't for my family here.

The woman are more beatiful there too, in my opinion.

Is this truelly what you believe? I think Thai women are more beautiful. But then again, i havent been to India. So what would i know?

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India and Nepal are beautiful, and the women are gorgeous too. I stayed in the mountains up in Nepal, where a local farmer was trying to encourage me to marry his 17 yr old daughter, persuasion was a carrier bag full of some of the strongest dope I have ever had. :D

Can't complain about Goa either, although a bit further South in Palolem, I stayed with an Indian family, fished everyday with a bamboo cane in the sea, and they sent their 18 yr old virgin daughter into my room to bathe me everyday, suffice to say, she wasn't a virgin when I left. :D

In fact, sitting here, social life on the computer, miserable Thai gf in the bedroom (all pi55ed off coz she see a pic of Anne Ohara on my computer), 1am closing, I'm kinda wondering why I did leave. :o

India is a stunning country, scenery that would leave Thailand for dead, it's a pity it's not a bit more liveable.

Ok, back to the thread. I would say Cornwall with my family was the best holidays I had, every year at a farmhouse, I really loved it. Though maybe I just miss holidays with the family! :D

Reading your posts is a bit of an inspiration to me, coz outside of Holland, India and Thailand and a few neigbouring countries I haven't travelled much, I just got stuck here. I really need to get up, <deleted> this country off for a bit and go S. America, Europe, China, Japan and all the tonnes of other places I'm missing.

An older mate of mine who has travelled and lived a fair few places round the world said that Bangkok/Thailand is a trap, you move here and it's hard to get out once your in. After some years, I gotta admit it's true for me.

I heard Japanese birds were proper goers during the world cup time as well! :D

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Reading your posts is a bit of an inspiration to me, coz outside of Holland, India and Thailand and a few neigbouring countries I haven't travelled much, I just got stuck here. I really need to get up, <deleted> this country off for a bit and go S. America, Europe, China, Japan and all the tonnes of other places I'm missing.

An older mate of mine who has travelled and lived a fair few places round the world said that Bangkok/Thailand is a trap, you move here and it's hard to get out once your in. After some years, I gotta admit it's true for me.

I heard Japanese birds were proper goers during the world cup time as well! tongue.gif

Do it man. Just do it. I've got itchy feet too. But i enjoy my job here. But i'm leaving again 2006 to go to Oz. Save some money and then maybe goto Canada.

Oh. To be on the road again and no worries of going to work the next day.

I've got a gf but i'd still love to goto Japan.

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Best vacation of all was definitely Thailand, if for no other reason, it lasted for six months. But outside of that, favorite had to be spending the summer in Poland with my son. Dozens of relatives everywhere, none of which we had ever met before, but all incredibly hospitable, wanting us to stay with them, and eager to feed us new and unusual foods (and you thought some of the Thai foods are strange?). Whenever we would embark by train to another town, inevitably some old white haired woman named Busha ("grandma") would appear out of nowhere and give us a bag of food (fatty sausages, bread with lard, etc.) to take with us. Loved the food, but discovered there are only two basic food groups in the Polish diet: pig fat, and vodka. Got a kick out of the accordion-playing busker who learned that I was American, and always good for a few zlotys in his tip jar--he would immediately stop playing his polka music when he saw me coming down the street and start playing "Yankee Doodle."

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So far I would say it's New Zealand! (used to live there for almost 3 years and had travelled basically every nook and cranny)

I was amazed by the God's creation when I first stepped on the South Island, trust me, the scenery is unbelieavable and undescribable.

I particularly like Invercargill, absolute tranquility!

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