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Any Voip Pros Have A Dial Plan They Recommend For Thailand?


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I've been looking all over the VoIP forums for a Thai dial plan but I can't find anything. My dial plan for my US provider is:


but that would not work properly for Thailand. My initial thoughts are: (Let me know if you notice any errors)

  • Numbers beginning with '1' have a maximum length of 4 digits. Emergency numbers like 191, etc. are 3 and then lots of the food delivery numbers are 4 digits. Therefore, if a dialed number begins with '1' then the ATA should start the call immediately after the 4th digit. I think all numbers beginning with '11' are 4-digit but I'm not positive (though not all 4 digit numbers begin with '11') It would probably be wise to convert 911 to 191 in the dialplan as well
  • All other calls must begin with 0
  • 011 for international calls... allow up to 14 digits total? (including 011) not sure
  • 08 calls must be 10 digits and should dial after the 10th digit
  • 0x calls not beginning with 08 should dial after the 9th digit

Surely someone has created a great dial plan for Thailand, right? I'm planning to use my own VoIP ATA with a Thai company but they don't provide any assistance because they want all customers to use their Softphone. The only dialplan i have found so far is for the X-Lite softphone and it uses a different format and seems strangely simplistic anyway:


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