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American, Thai Woman Arrested With 'ice', Ecstasy Pills


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If you dont like the laws leave the country

Thinking that way will only hinder development in this country.

You're not going to get many sympathetic ears for legalizing/decriminalizing a hard drug like meth.

I'm speaking in a much broader way.

Of course Meth is a disgusting drug and the pushers should be locked up for life, but I don't see the point of putting potheads behind bars or giving MDMA users a twenty-year sentence for being caught with a couple of pills.

In a more general sense, if the Thai people hear what other people have to say then maybe they will hopefully get their heads out of their asses and act like a modern nation.

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In a more general sense, if the Thai people hear what other people have to say then maybe they will hopefully get their heads out of their asses and act like a modern nation.

You mean Thailand could be just like the countries we chose to leave ? :o

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I'm speaking in a much broader way.

Of course Meth is a disgusting drug and the pushers should be locked up for life, but I don't see the point of putting potheads behind bars or giving MDMA users a twenty-year sentence for being caught with a couple of pills.

In a more general sense, if the Thai people hear what other people have to say then maybe they will hopefully get their heads out of their asses and act like a modern nation.

Well, laws are laws.. Either like em or lump em coz there nothing u can do about them. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime as they say.. :o 0% sympathy for Meth Dealers / Casual MDMA users or Potheads for that matter, they all know what might happen if they get caught and taking or selling these drugs is THEIR own choice, no one else's. Play with fire and you might get burnt, simple as.

Edited by TopDogger
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I'm speaking in a much broader way.

Of course Meth is a disgusting drug and the pushers should be locked up for life, but I don't see the point of putting potheads behind bars or giving MDMA users a twenty-year sentence for being caught with a couple of pills.

In a more general sense, if the Thai people hear what other people have to say then maybe they will hopefully get their heads out of their asses and act like a modern nation.

Well, laws are laws.. Either like em or lump em coz there nothing u can do about them. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime as they say.. :o 0% sympathy for Meth Dealers / Casual MDMA users or Potheads for that matter, they all know what might happen if they get caught and taking or selling these drugs is THEIR own choice, no one else's. Play with fire and you might get burnt, simple as.

What's more of a burden on the state? Having a pothead living in his own home and spending money on munchies or a pothead in a prison that costs money to guard and feed the prisoners?

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'Trust me, giving up smoking tobacco is about 1,000 times more difficult than giving up smoking pot. The latter usually only involves removing oneself from the social situation in which it is smoked. No cravings, very easy. Tobacco, on the other hand, is a completely different story.'

sorry but it's not, it is quite easy if you are armed with the right information, a bit of willpower and an ability to break a habit not an addiction (nicotene is totally out of your system after a few days max as is pot it's the habit that is killing you) if people didn't keep getting told it is difficult by profit orientated nicotene patch companies they would stand a much better chance. I was a 20 a day benson and hedges smoker and quit a gazillion times and restarted. Once i had the ammo to stop forever i've never looked back.

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I'm speaking in a much broader way.

Of course Meth is a disgusting drug and the pushers should be locked up for life, but I don't see the point of putting potheads behind bars or giving MDMA users a twenty-year sentence for being caught with a couple of pills.

In a more general sense, if the Thai people hear what other people have to say then maybe they will hopefully get their heads out of their asses and act like a modern nation.

Well, laws are laws.. Either like em or lump em coz there nothing u can do about them. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime as they say.. :o 0% sympathy for Meth Dealers / Casual MDMA users or Potheads for that matter, they all know what might happen if they get caught and taking or selling these drugs is THEIR own choice, no one else's. Play with fire and you might get burnt, simple as.

What's more of a burden on the state? Having a pothead living in his own home and spending money on munchies or a pothead in a prison that costs money to guard and feed the prisoners?

How often to Thai Pot heads get locked up??!?!? To my knowledge its about a 500 baht fine (even if taken to court) and a slap on the wrist.

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Clearly they forgot that only the Thai police force and their appointed agents control the sale of all drugs in Thailand. Trying to muscle in on their territory was always going to fail. And a whitey as well. He would have been an enormous blip on the cops radar screan.

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it didn't mention a proposed sentence, but it may wind up severe.

The amount was very small and obviously for personal use.

In what world are 30 Es personal use?

In England Ecstacy pills arent a strong as they used to be and the street value is about 1 pound, hence you need 5 to get a decent effect, if there was a group of friends these would get eaten in one night no problem.

He does sound as if he's some small time dealer and is in a world of sh7t for it, i watched "The Real Bangkok Hilton" last night locking someone up for years on end for ecstacy is uncivilised.

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I'm one of those who believe drug use is over-penalized in SE Asia. Am not saying it's ok to use drugs, but instead that the punishment should coincide with the gravity of the crime - in this case, the crime appears to be a middle aged man doing drugs on his own - and stupidly agreeing to sell a tiny bit to someone else.

Over-penalized? So this chap sells a 'tiny bit' to someone else and does NOT get caught. That was easy he thinks, so he buys a bit more than he uses on a regular basis and sells a bit more than he uses on a regular basis. He's no longer a user then is he? Now you tell me that this guy needs to be punished any less than anyone else who uses or deals illegal drugs. No wait, I can't be convinced so better you try and tell the parents of some kid who has just OD'd or died through buying a 'tiny bit' from your friend that he really isn't such a bad guy.

The grand scheme of things is always to catch the big dealer, the 'mother lode'... at least that's the popular Hollywood take on it. Every single piece of nasty dogshite user or dealer that you manage to scrape off the shoe of society is a bonus IMHO

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What's more of a burden on the state? Having a pothead living in his own home and spending money on munchies or a pothead in a prison that costs money to guard and feed the prisoners?

The answer is clearly better utlization of prison labor. Perhaps a good start would be putting them to work building up a better road and railway system for the 3 southern provinces.


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Smoking pot is addictive as one sees everywhere,you ask a guy or lady to stop and they say its only recreational.

Sorta like watching Television and eating junkfood(both of which are arguably worse for ones health than smoking pot).

all three kind of go together though, dont they?

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I'm one of those who believe drug use is over-penalized in SE Asia. Am not saying it's ok to use drugs, but instead that the punishment should coincide with the gravity of the crime - in this case, the crime appears to be a middle aged man doing drugs on his own - and stupidly agreeing to sell a tiny bit to someone else.

Over-penalized? So this chap sells a 'tiny bit' to someone else and does NOT get caught. That was easy he thinks, so he buys a bit more than he uses on a regular basis and sells a bit more than he uses on a regular basis. He's no longer a user then is he? Now you tell me that this guy needs to be punished any less than anyone else who uses or deals illegal drugs. No wait, I can't be convinced so better you try and tell the parents of some kid who has just OD'd or died through buying a 'tiny bit' from your friend that he really isn't such a bad guy.

The grand scheme of things is always to catch the big dealer, the 'mother lode'... at least that's the popular Hollywood take on it. Every single piece of nasty dogshite user or dealer that you manage to scrape off the shoe of society is a bonus IMHO

spoken like someone well over 50, my grandfather favoured the same argument.

i dont recall reading he sold to children, could you show me where it said that?.

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I think some of you are missing the point.Drugs in Thailand are causing robberies,murders,muggings and even the police are involved.This is not just about the individual its about a major problem caused by taking drugs.

All over the world this is happening and i say life in jail for drug sellers and help for drug addicts.Smoking pot is addictive as one sees everywhere,you ask a guy or lady to stop and they say its only recreational.

Total bull

you ignoramus, where did you find that gem?

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30 pills sounds a bit more than personal usage to me.....

in my past i have tried a few chemicals but just dont need them anymore.

as i am about having kids now my mindset is changing...

any drugs and drugdealers out of society is better for my offspring ,,,

though i dont think the death penalty should be issued, that would be too severe..

but a wee jail visit may wake the lad up.

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