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Shop Girls In Samui

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Well, thank you Mark Wolfe for injecting a bit of sense into what is essentially, a nonsense topic here.

No, highdiver, you are wrong to assume that your opinions are indeed fact, old joke it may be, but that doesn't make it fact and it isn't fact just because you think so.

And to go back to your original rather ridiculous scenario about having sex with someone for a million dollars even tho happily married. the answer is no. I would not. money is not the be all and end all of my life. And I do know Thai women who feel the same. So, there you go, you are wrong.

One woman I know, divorced from her husband raising a small son (yes the husband pays child support but he doesn't earn much) came to work at our place, cleaning rooms, working in the kitchen. A thai woman with a western boyfriend came to stay at our place and told our staff member she should get a western boyfriend and he would take care of her. She became very offended and said she would rather work for her living. And she was by no means well off but never as desperate as that.

So, I guess it may just be that the only people you know place money above self-respect, but I know people who don't. That still does not make your little joke "fact".

What a ridiculous argument here. btw

Well good for her SBK, good for her..

It's just a shame millions of her fellow Countrywomen & Men don't think the same as she does as, i believe, the Country could be a much better place for Foreigners if they didn't..

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Well, thank you Mark Wolfe for injecting a bit of sense into what is essentially, a nonsense topic here.

No, highdiver, you are wrong to assume that your opinions are indeed fact, old joke it may be, but that doesn't make it fact and it isn't fact just because you think so.

SBK my apologies if I offended you in any way..

while i may disagree with you. I don believe you are wrong. you are entitled to your opinion as I to mine. and i never said that this opinion is a fact.

i noted this old joke in response to the many previous posts on this thread criticizing Shop girls and local girls for the fact that they are willing and making a choice to sell themselves...

I appose the criticism about this and was to trying to make a point that anyone would sell for the right price and the girls discussed above are no different in that aspect. or as mark wolf had pointed out very clearly.

"The tag line isn't about how smart you are to enhance your existence via money (the million), it is about the fact that a person would sell themselves at all, regardless of the price.


I still maintain the position that all people(apart from the exceptions :o ) will sell them selves if given the right price and "price" is not just necessarily money.

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while i may disagree with you. I don believe you are wrong. you are entitled to your opinion as I to mine. and i never said that this opinion is a fact.

Guess I misunderstood this part of your post then :

sorry there SBK but i beg to differ.. that joke is very old very offensive but very true for the whole human race...unfortunately.

for the right price everyone woman and man will sell themselves.


Never mind, you think what you want to think, I'll think what I want. As you said we are all entitled to our opinions.

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You guys are missing the point.

The "joke" is about ethics and morals. The tag line isn't about how smart you are to enhance your existence via money (the million), it is about the fact that a person would sell themselves at all, regardless of the price.

Hmmm. many good points here. I met my G/F via the bar scene and at some point later she said "how many bar fines have you had". My considered response was "sex is only a number, what is your score in the last 12 months ?". I "won" by a considerable margin, which matters not a flying fart.

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Ive not read the entire thread, but just the last few posts, and some of the points draw my attention :o

I think you need to make some distinction between those (men or women) that will sleep with strangers for money. some of them CHOOSE to do it, as a job (for whatever reason - easier to make more money than other skills they have, or in some cases they do feel there is no other option left to them - no education, parents in debt, coerced by the loan shark, or sold off or tricked into going overseas, and cant find other recourse. some of this latter group may later on choose to continue. so be it. thats their choice of profession.

now as to your other point about, everyone has a price (including non monetary), I can accept that argument in some form, but it is certainly not ok to suggest that someone who NEEDS to engage in sexual acts with someone for their very SURVIVAL, or the SURVIVAL of their family should be labelled 'sl*ts' or any other such derogatory terms (personally to me even those that choose to do it as a profession should not be labelled. as Ive always said, paying for sex speaks more about the buyer than the seller)

and yes, I do know of people who would refuse money in exchange for sex (and no they are not rich). but if you add a twist to that general scenario and said, ohh would they do it for their survival (eg. their baby is in critical condition, a guy says have sex with me and I will save your child is totally different to...have sex with me and I will give you a million dollars so you can buy some prada/gucci/diamonds/luxury car/blah blah/ products)

you cant group the first scenario under the 'everyone has a price' tag. the difference is they DID NOT intend to be in the market.

cheers .... from another woman who is certainly NOT in the market.

(and Im sure for those that already have a partner/spouse, that adds to the determination to not put themselves in the market just for the 'fun' of it)

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Ive not read the entire thread, but just the last few posts, and some of the points draw my attention :o

I think you need to make some distinction between those (men or women) that will sleep with strangers for money. some of them CHOOSE to do it, as a job (for whatever reason - easier to make more money than other skills they have, or in some cases they do feel there is no other option left to them - no education, parents in debt, coerced by the loan shark, or sold off or tricked into going overseas, and cant find other recourse. some of this latter group may later on choose to continue. so be it. thats their choice of profession.

now as to your other point about, everyone has a price (including non monetary), I can accept that argument in some form, but it is certainly not ok to suggest that someone who NEEDS to engage in sexual acts with someone for their very SURVIVAL, or the SURVIVAL of their family should be labelled 'sl*ts' or any other such derogatory terms (personally to me even those that choose to do it as a profession should not be labelled. as Ive always said, paying for sex speaks more about the buyer than the seller)

and yes, I do know of people who would refuse money in exchange for sex (and no they are not rich). but if you add a twist to that general scenario and said, ohh would they do it for their survival (eg. their baby is in critical condition, a guy says have sex with me and I will save your child is totally different to...have sex with me and I will give you a million dollars so you can buy some prada/gucci/diamonds/luxury car/blah blah/ products)

you cant group the first scenario under the 'everyone has a price' tag. the difference is they DID NOT intend to be in the market.

cheers .... from another woman who is certainly NOT in the market.

(and Im sure for those that already have a partner/spouse, that adds to the determination to not put themselves in the market just for the 'fun' of it)

totally agree with you.

and if you read my posts i never labeled anyone as a Sl*t.. and i totally appose the use of this phrase.

but at the end of the day.. what ever the reason or causes may be and for what purpose.or intent to be or not be on the market, everyone has a price...

one would do it for a new "prada" one would do it to save life... the reasons may very but its still a sale...and everyone has a price. some would do it as you said for money other will do it for other benefits, perks or (god forbid)basic survival...but its still a price.

how many women who are married had sex with their legal spouses even when they did not feel like it??? why did they do it? was it not for a price?? (not money)

and its not just about sex.. i know many people who sold themselves for gain and it wasn't just sex.. it could be a job, a political position, a better living, keeping the relations, and even social status.. this is not money yet it is a price..

one could argue that sex is not like other things but that's a whole different debate.

As such and with in the context of this thread i find the ridicule and patronizing of Thai girls who for what ever reason are selling them selves for short time sex or for a marriage for a price.... to be patronizing and double standards..

don't put those girls down as everyone has sold or will sell something for a price...that will contradict the "self respect" the way they were bought up etc....

SBK remarked before about "self respect". and this is what its all about.

where we defer is that she claims that she will never loose her self respect... where as i claim that in certain situation (and not just sex) everyone will make a sale to make a gain even if they loose their self respect for the gain and in such a case they will have a price.

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And to go back to your original rather ridiculous scenario about having sex with someone for a million dollars even tho happily married. the answer is no. I would not. money is not the be all and end all of my life. And I do know Thai women who feel the same.

Not for a million dollars? Have you ever asked them that specific question or are you just guessing? On the flip side, what would their husbands think if they found out that their wife turned down that million dollars? Sorry, not trying to start a fight, just a little skeptical. I understand (mostly from reading this forum) that money is VERY important to Thais.

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No, I never bothered to ask her if she would for a million dollars because there is really no point in debating a point like this, it is nonsensical. You can't know what you will do in any given situation but you can know what kind of person you are. I never asked her what her price was because it is a very offensive question and I liked and respected this woman.

Frankly, it is more important to me to treat people with respect and decency than assume they are all out for something. I live with myself better that way.

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