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Thai Army Chief Rules Out Possible Coup


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Thai army chief rules out possible coup

BANGKOK: -- Thailand's Army Commander-in-Chief Gen. Anupong Paochinda on Monday ruled out a possible military coup, saying he is confident it will not happen because it could neither benefit the country nor solve ongoing political problems.

Speaking of the anti-government People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) allegation that onetime classmates of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra planned to stage a coup, he said such an action would not be beneficial to the country.

At present, the Thai people have already suffered great hardship from the economic problems and unpredictable external factors such as surging oil prices. Any military putsch would not be helpful to the situation.

"I want to reiterate that the ongoing political turmoil should be solved by political means," the army chief said, "and think it can be addressed.

"Regarding news reports about a possible coup by his military classmates, I see no need to check it because I can't imagine who would dare to do that. I have repeatedly told commanders of all military units the army will perform duties according to the given assignment and role," he said.

Gen. Anupong pledged the military would give a priority to keeping the national interest and upholding the stability of the national, religious and monarchy institutions.

Should the principle be strictly complied with, he was confident it would bring peace to the Thai society and enable the country to weather the ongoing political crisis.

The political turmoil facing the country now could be solve through many existing political channels, he said, affirming that the army still belongs to the nation and people.

Asked whether there is an effort by politicians to make the public suspicious about the army's possible behind-the-scenes manoeuvering for political change, the army chief said he was neither aware of any nefarious activities nor is there anything for the army or himself to be embarrassed about.

--TNA 2008-07-08

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For clarity if anyone is unsure: The classmates of T would stage a 'counter-coup' (not technically, but to highlight from which side this comes, i.e. they would not be friends of PAD).

The above message is both an assuring [to the public] as it is a warning [to any military commanders plotting].

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There is a comment in a nation blog warning that a class ten coup which would consist of mechanized units would be opposed by units including air ones. Quite who the author was or what was meant or if it was just drunken bs who knows but....

Maybe we should hope things are worked out in other ways.

From: http://blog.nationmultimedia.com/ThaiTalk/2008/07/06/entry-1

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The main force proping up this government is the ridiculous right-wing antics of the militarist PAD.


But the stench of irony would be upon you if T's friends staged a coup and started going heavy on PAD. But since I think you lack the sense to recognize irony even if it bit [shot] you in the a**, let's hope for a peaceful resolution for a things.

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The main force proping up this government is the ridiculous right-wing antics of the militarist PAD.


But the stench of irony would be upon you if T's friends staged a coup and started going heavy on PAD. But since I think you lack the sense to recognize irony even if it bit [shot] you in the a**, let's hope for a peaceful resolution for a things.

Quite wrong again, Toodles! It would be wonderfully ironic if the PAD were mauled by a Thaksin-friendly coup! The only stench here is in the vindictiveness and aggressiveness of your axiolitic posts! I do share you're desire for peace.

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^ I'm presuming you meant to say axiological posts {pertaining to the concept of values/ethics etc.} as opposed to axiolitic, which refers to crystalline structures, such as is found in the rock Feldspar.


Edit to add chevron

Edited by A_Traveller
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The main force proping up this government is the ridiculous right-wing antics of the militarist PAD.


But the stench of irony would be upon you if T's friends staged a coup and started going heavy on PAD. But since I think you lack the sense to recognize irony even if it bit [shot] you in the a**, let's hope for a peaceful resolution for a things.

Quite wrong again, Toodles! It would be wonderfully ironic if the PAD were mauled by a Thaksin-friendly coup! The only stench here is in the vindictiveness and aggressiveness of your axiolitic posts! I do share you're desire for peace.

A Thaksin friendly coup would mean civil war. Actually the worst thing I can think of.

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