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Anyone Have Hands On Experience With Frog Farming ?

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Hi Fruity hi all

funny old thing we have just started up a couple of ponds for catfish on a small scale in Phetchabun. Last week as we were at the fish suppliers for fry and fingerlings, we discussed diversifying and raising frogs too. They have frogs being raised to breeding age there, not an expert or anything but their bodies are about 2-3 inches across right now. Anyone know when the biological clock kicks in? I am working away from home at the moment but will look into it when I get home and keep you posted. Thanks for the links Lio

Interesting project

Good Luck


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  • 1 month later...
Same, same. Is Fruity still with TV?

I for one would like to start 'f'f'ing but since Fruity's gone there isn't anyone selling pairs of bullfrogs... I don't think.

It seems that fruity has disappeared from TV,hope nothing serious has overcome him.However Foreverford who also started a frog farm seems hesitant to reply to the posts.Maybe he can post some of his experiences regarding frog farming.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry to have been quiet for so long. BUSY!!

Likewise, sorry, if I haven't answered your PM.

I kind of got P'd off , having posted off ; AT MY EXPENSE, at least a dozen Frog rearing booklets, without one word of thanks!

The link to the article above is excellent & much better than the booklet, which is in Thai anyway.

I can still supply breeding stock to those interested & reiterrate what I have already said; i.e. You will make as much from FROGS as you want to. In other words; you will get out, exactly what you put in!

Cheers. Friuity

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Anybody knows the name of the booklet Fruity was talking about?

anyway I found some info on the net that may be can help somebody


and a site of a frog farm in Thailand:



That link is dead, I know you posted here a year ago, but do you think you can find that pdf document again, thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sorry to have been quiet for so long. BUSY!!

Likewise, sorry, if I haven't answered your PM.

I kind of got P'd off , having posted off ; AT MY EXPENSE, at least a dozen Frog rearing booklets, without one word of thanks!

The link to the article above is excellent & much better than the booklet, which is in Thai anyway.

I can still supply breeding stock to those interested & reiterrate what I have already said; i.e. You will make as much from FROGS as you want to. In other words; you will get out, exactly what you put in!

Cheers. Friuity

Hi Fruity, My G/F And i Live In Ra Si Sali, We Just Started Frog Farming In Small Way, But Need a Lot More Stock & Knowledge, Please Can You Send Me You Address So We Can Visit, Thanks DAZ ( [email protected] )

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Has anybody here received a breeding pair of frogs from Fruity? By reading this thread I got the impression that they were a superior type than the overage ones we see around the markets. But alas, all my attempts to contact Fruity have gone unanswered. I have no idea why, other then he is mad about other people taking advantage of him as he stated in his last post. Maybe my PM's didn't work, who knows?

Anyhow, I would like to get some frogs from Fruity's farm, so if there is anyone here that has some, preferable a breeding pair, please pm me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Has anybody here received a breeding pair of frogs from Fruity? By reading this thread I got the impression that they were a superior type than the overage ones we see around the markets. But alas, all my attempts to contact Fruity have gone unanswered. I have no idea why, other then he is mad about other people taking advantage of him as he stated in his last post. Maybe my PM's didn't work, who knows?

Anyhow, I would like to get some frogs from Fruity's farm, so if there is anyone here that has some, preferable a breeding pair, please pm me.

Hi There,

Sorry, if I've somehow missed your pm's. I rarely sign in to the site! To be honest, we haven't done a great deal with our frogs of late, due to other commitments. We have a pool full of tadpoles; literally thousands at present, their parents, having been allowed to do things as nature intended, with no management from us whatsoever. How these will proceed, remains to be seen?

If anyone wants any breeders, pm me & I will sign in more frequently; likewise, if you want a booklet, pm me your postage address.

I have the PDF article saved in docs; so if anyone wants it, I'll email it to you; providing my feeble connection allows!



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Has anybody here received a breeding pair of frogs from Fruity? By reading this thread I got the impression that they were a superior type than the overage ones we see around the markets. But alas, all my attempts to contact Fruity have gone unanswered. I have no idea why, other then he is mad about other people taking advantage of him as he stated in his last post. Maybe my PM's didn't work, who knows?

Anyhow, I would like to get some frogs from Fruity's farm, so if there is anyone here that has some, preferable a breeding pair, please pm me.

Hi There,

Sorry, if I've somehow missed your pm's. I rarely sign in to the site! To be honest, we haven't done a great deal with our frogs of late, due to other commitments. We have a pool full of tadpoles; literally thousands at present, their parents, having been allowed to do things as nature intended, with no management from us whatsoever. How these will proceed, remains to be seen?

If anyone wants any breeders, pm me & I will sign in more frequently; likewise, if you want a booklet, pm me your postage address.

I have the PDF article saved in docs; so if anyone wants it, I'll email it to you; providing my feeble connection allows!



Why Fruity you old so and so. How you been old buddy. Just responded to Issan Aussie about Ford Tractors (I know you remember seeing me doing about 35 kph in reverse and ripping at the same time) and hopefully we can all get together soon (before or after these rains). The Ford and I went sideways off that big levee road I built between the klong and the new lake I was digging out when you came by (road's twice as wide there now) and managed to hold on and with luck and a full throtle that dam_n thing didn't flip and the water wasn't a meter deep (over 5 meters deep now) so was able to ride it out and handle the nearly 150 trucks of dirt that were coming that morning to assist in the frog raising project that you suckered me into. a yuk yuk

Nothing like seeing the sun come up after that and knowing that if it weren't for Ford tractors I'd be nothing but fertilizer and compost. The truck drivers loved it and really did a good job for me after that. I can now bring big transport trucks in to where you parked. Put in a two meter by two meter klong completely around 3 sides of the farm (you saw the start of that also, with the smaller levee road next to it) so that's nearly a kilometer more for frog condo water-front sites. I'm going to make a lot of fat frenchmen with them eating organic frog legs til they are sick of them. To tell you the truth a good cat fish on a stick is mighty dang hard to beat for flavor too and this year I'm going to try to find some time to try to raise a few million of them. I'll need to build a railroad line out here just to haul it all. Wish me luck.

OOPPs did someone ask about raising Fruity's frogs? This will be our first anniversary of Fruity frogs (other info in the organic section on frog condo (nicknamed "the Hilton" by Fruity) construction and tons of other frog stuff). My sister-in-law and other ner-do-wells managed to murder thousands upon thousands of poor defenseless tadpoles with love, food (way too much at times), dirt (they like it someone said, they ate it they're dead---hey that rhymed see there is poetry in raising frogs) and who knows what all else. We started with a dozen breeding pairs (In Fruity count that is about 15 females and 20 males) and i bought another dozen males for the pot that night. Well by my sister-in-laws counting methods we consumed about 8 and the rest were snug in their condos. Simply delicious. We may have about 50-100 miscreant offspring from the bunch and the breeders are still happy and fat (some of the females are an easy half kilo). The truth be said, I haven't spent over 2 minutes with them (probably two more than you have spent Fruity) since the first two weeks. It's a daily job and very intensive to try to make a good paying business of it. we are completely set up for it and I'm looking at two to three years and a bunch of luck before i think we could make it a full time job for one person. It would be great but not an easy one to accomplish.

Like so many things luck and experience are key factors. I think Fruity would tell you his frogs aren't anything too special just a net in a pond and at the right time of the year during breeding time you are going to have the young to keep segregated so the big don't eat the small to get less loss. As he did this year (sounds like nothing) he got 20 times the yield we did for the same amount of breeders in a completely uncontrolled situation (sis-in-law really did a good job getting us the ones she did and spendt a good amount of time and research doing it). So future frog farmer of the world I would recommend, as I think Fruity would, that you can start with any good source of bullfrogs (his didn't come imported from Paris) and have a go at it as you may end up with better stock than he has and then we can all buy and trade back and forth and start to try to create some super-breeders in the future. Forever Fords

Oh a little PS I ate one of the smaller (of the big) males a while ago and it tasted like cardboard. So don't think you are going to be eating any 1/2 kilo frogs. The younger and smaller frogs are juice dripping sweet and if you have been enjoying the ones you get at the market get there early in the morning and start buying the bigger ones and throw them in your water and see what happens when the rains come. Soon you can start to sex them and seperate them and get them together at the correct times for breeding ... or as Fruity says let nature do what it does best. Choke Dee gope gope

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Good to see you online Mr Foreverford:).....lol....Seeing you in action on that tractor reminded me of when one fast forwards a video & everything starts to whizz. Guess you can do in an hour, what your average Thai driver will do in a day! That back blade is really something.

Foreverfords Frog ' Hilton' is the best set up I've seen & anyone wanting to go into Frogs would be wise to pay this busy guy a visit.

As FF says, to do the job properly is VERY time consuming. Tadpoles are eaten by fledgling froglets, slightly bigger froglets are eaten by those slightly bigger than themselves & so on. Constant vigilance & somebody standing by with a little net to keep those of the same size together is required in the early stages especially. Eggs from the same batch do not all morph into tadpoles at the same time, similarly, growth rates vary in the froglets from the same batches.

Our frogs were all sourced from a very large commercial farm south of Bangkok & are the standard Bullfrog.

Regarding my pool full of tadpoles. Dawn, following my last post, happened to spot, what looked a bit like that fake photo of the Loch Ness monster swimming around in the pool. It was, of course a snake & it was 'knocking back' tadpoles as if there was no tomorrow:) I guess doing things the way nature intended will eventually produce a very poor result!.....mai pen rai:)

Why Fruity you old so and so. How you been old buddy. Just responded to Issan Aussie about Ford Tractors (I know you remember seeing me doing about 35 kph in reverse and ripping at the same time) and hopefully we can all get together soon (before or after these rains). The Ford and I went sideways off that big levee road I built between the klong and the new lake I was digging out when you came by (road's twice as wide there now) and managed to hold on and with luck and a full throtle that dam_n thing didn't flip and the water wasn't a meter deep (over 5 meters deep now) so was able to ride it out and handle the nearly 150 trucks of dirt that were coming that morning to assist in the frog raising project that you suckered me into. a yuk yuk

Nothing like seeing the sun come up after that and knowing that if it weren't for Ford tractors I'd be nothing but fertilizer and compost. The truck drivers loved it and really did a good job for me after that. I can now bring big transport trucks in to where you parked. Put in a two meter by two meter klong completely around 3 sides of the farm (you saw the start of that also, with the smaller levee road next to it) so that's nearly a kilometer more for frog condo water-front sites. I'm going to make a lot of fat frenchmen with them eating organic frog legs til they are sick of them. To tell you the truth a good cat fish on a stick is mighty dang hard to beat for flavor too and this year I'm going to try to find some time to try to raise a few million of them. I'll need to build a railroad line out here just to haul it all. Wish me luck.

OOPPs did someone ask about raising Fruity's frogs? This will be our first anniversary of Fruity frogs (other info in the organic section on frog condo (nicknamed "the Hilton" by Fruity) construction and tons of other frog stuff). My sister-in-law and other ner-do-wells managed to murder thousands upon thousands of poor defenseless tadpoles with love, food (way too much at times), dirt (they like it someone said, they ate it they're dead---hey that rhymed see there is poetry in raising frogs) and who knows what all else. We started with a dozen breeding pairs (In Fruity count that is about 15 females and 20 males) and i bought another dozen males for the pot that night. Well by my sister-in-laws counting methods we consumed about 8 and the rest were snug in their condos. Simply delicious. We may have about 50-100 miscreant offspring from the bunch and the breeders are still happy and fat (some of the females are an easy half kilo). The truth be said, I haven't spent over 2 minutes with them (probably two more than you have spent Fruity) since the first two weeks. It's a daily job and very intensive to try to make a good paying business of it. we are completely set up for it and I'm looking at two to three years and a bunch of luck before i think we could make it a full time job for one person. It would be great but not an easy one to accomplish.

Like so many things luck and experience are key factors. I think Fruity would tell you his frogs aren't anything too special just a net in a pond and at the right time of the year during breeding time you are going to have the young to keep segregated so the big don't eat the small to get less loss. As he did this year (sounds like nothing) he got 20 times the yield we did for the same amount of breeders in a completely uncontrolled situation (sis-in-law really did a good job getting us the ones she did and spendt a good amount of time and research doing it). So future frog farmer of the world I would recommend, as I think Fruity would, that you can start with any good source of bullfrogs (his didn't come imported from Paris) and have a go at it as you may end up with better stock than he has and then we can all buy and trade back and forth and start to try to create some super-breeders in the future. Forever Fords

Oh a little PS I ate one of the smaller (of the big) males a while ago and it tasted like cardboard. So don't think you are going to be eating any 1/2 kilo frogs. The younger and smaller frogs are juice dripping sweet and if you have been enjoying the ones you get at the market get there early in the morning and start buying the bigger ones and throw them in your water and see what happens when the rains come. Soon you can start to sex them and seperate them and get them together at the correct times for breeding ... or as Fruity says let nature do what it does best. Choke Dee gope gope

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Has anybody here received a breeding pair of frogs from Fruity? By reading this thread I got the impression that they were a superior type than the overage ones we see around the markets. But alas, all my attempts to contact Fruity have gone unanswered. I have no idea why, other then he is mad about other people taking advantage of him as he stated in his last post. Maybe my PM's didn't work, who knows?

Anyhow, I would like to get some frogs from Fruity's farm, so if there is anyone here that has some, preferable a breeding pair, please pm me.

Hi There,

Sorry, if I've somehow missed your pm's. I rarely sign in to the site! To be honest, we haven't done a great deal with our frogs of late, due to other commitments. We have a pool full of tadpoles; literally thousands at present, their parents, having been allowed to do things as nature intended, with no management from us whatsoever. How these will proceed, remains to be seen?

If anyone wants any breeders, pm me & I will sign in more frequently; likewise, if you want a booklet, pm me your postage address.

I have the PDF article saved in docs; so if anyone wants it, I'll email it to you; providing my feeble connection allows!



Hi Fruity, My G/F And i Live In Ra Si Sali, We Just Started Frog Farming In Small Way, But Need a Lot More Stock & Knowledge, Please Can You Send Me Your Address So We Can Visit,Our Address Is.. Yanisa Bunchom & Daz Whiteley,24/1 M.8, Kung, Silalad, Si Sa Ket, 33160.. Thanks DAZ.. ( [email protected] )

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  • 2 months later...
Has anybody here received a breeding pair of frogs from Fruity? By reading this thread I got the impression that they were a superior type than the overage ones we see around the markets. But alas, all my attempts to contact Fruity have gone unanswered. I have no idea why, other then he is mad about other people taking advantage of him as he stated in his last post. Maybe my PM's didn't work, who knows?

Anyhow, I would like to get some frogs from Fruity's farm, so if there is anyone here that has some, preferable a breeding pair, please pm me.

Hi There,

Sorry, if I've somehow missed your pm's. I rarely sign in to the site! To be honest, we haven't done a great deal with our frogs of late, due to other commitments. We have a pool full of tadpoles; literally thousands at present, their parents, having been allowed to do things as nature intended, with no management from us whatsoever. How these will proceed, remains to be seen?

If anyone wants any breeders, pm me & I will sign in more frequently; likewise, if you want a booklet, pm me your postage address.

I have the PDF article saved in docs; so if anyone wants it, I'll email it to you; providing my feeble connection allows!



oops I guess I missed this response, sorry

I'll PM for the book, thanks

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