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My TGF got her UK 6 month tourist visa at end of June in her brand new shiny passport...no other stamps or visas in it at this time

We got engaged in May08, having been together for 2.5 years & I'm down as her sponsor...

Now not looking too good between us & she's now choosing between me and a German guy I discovered she was seeing who she met in Feb08...and she's now applying for Schengen visa to visit him in Germany..."Want to see if I can get visa for other country as well"...nice!!

So she now has 2 sponsors in different countries....


  1. Should I notify British Embassy in BKK that I may no longer be her sponsor?
  2. Will the UK visa then be invalid?
  3. Should I notify the German Embassy in BKK of reasons given when applying for UK visa, including family & 2 wedding invites?
  4. Typically how long would it take to get German visa?
  5. What chances do you think she has of getting a German visa?

I assume she has to go for an interview at the German Embassy in BKK, would love to be a fly on the wall for that one!!

Obviously I'm pretty gutted as we'd been talking about her tip to UK for a year and despite the lies I still love her....still hope she'll see sense & dump the German & come visit me in UK...


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So she is shagging a german lad too, and you want to keep her in your life? :o

I think you know the answer, kick the bird in the arse and send her backing, not before you make the german lad know what she did too.


regardless of the Visa situation you should get rid of her,

would you want a GF to cheat on you if she lived in the same country as you???


This has to be a troll, no one can be this DIM (not very bright) to think of doing anything else but to kick this scamming woman to the curb. Cancel the sponsorship and get rid of the tramp. She's just checking to see who has the most money. :o

This has to be a troll, no one can be this DIM (not very bright) to think of doing anything else but to kick this scamming woman to the curb. Cancel the sponsorship and get rid of the tramp. She's just checking to see who has the most money. :o

Snakebite by name and by nature it seems.

You say he is a troll and then go on to give him advice, so your obviously not that sure he is a troll then are you?

That being the case engage your brain before insulting the guy, if he is genuine, which I suspect he is , your insults are just adding to his problems.

This situation is very common as you likely know, the guy know exactly what the problem is and he know's what he needs to do to remedy the situation, he is just comng to terms with the situation and seeking advice on the best route to use to remedy the situation in my view.

There but for the grace etc go you and I,

Roy Gsd

This has to be a troll, no one can be this DIM (not very bright) to think of doing anything else but to kick this scamming woman to the curb. Cancel the sponsorship and get rid of the tramp. She's just checking to see who has the most money. :o

Snakebite by name and by nature it seems.

You say he is a troll and then go on to give him advice, so your obviously not that sure he is a troll then are you?

That being the case engage your brain before insulting the guy, if he is genuine, which I suspect he is , your insults are just adding to his problems.

This situation is very common as you likely know, the guy know exactly what the problem is and he know's what he needs to do to remedy the situation, he is just comng to terms with the situation and seeking advice on the best route to use to remedy the situation in my view.

There but for the grace etc go you and I,

Roy Gsd

Thanks for the support Roy Gsd...this is not a troll, this is 100% genuine

I guess I know in my head what I should do but the heart is struggling especially when told by Thai & farang friends that she does love me but hates it when we fight which inevitably is over the German guy who can do no wrong even though she finally admitted the other night that he was wrong to chase her after she told him she was in love with me not him & wanted to marry me...

He makes her happy cos they don't fight our mutual friends tell me but she doesn't seem to see that he's the reason why we fight...which inevitably leads to another fight...damned if I do damned if I don't!!! Spoke yesterday & I said no more fighting

I told her that she won't get a German visa cos of the shiny new unused UK visa and the fact that the German embassy would question why she hasn't used the UK visa etc....her close relatives told her that she should go to UK with me & that if she didn't then they wouldn't let her go anywhere else...Mama was crying when I left the other day...

One reason for coming onto the forum was to see if I was right, will they grant her a visa?


any tips how to get the Visitor Visa for UK?

Apols, meant to say just be honest

I'm lucky in that I've a good steady background (call me a boring, nice guy if you like!!) and had plenty of invites from friends & family for "A" including a 21st & 2 weddings. Probably overdid it on the email support, I have a seperate folder in my email a/c for A's emails & added screen dump printouts showing the history back to early 2006, yep the old romantic in me has kept all our emails, guess nearest thing to love letters...

She asked me last year not to give er false hope which I never did, stupid me didn't ask her not to give me false hope in return...

Biggest problem with the German guy is that A's friends had told him about problems A & I had so he was well warned on what pitfalls to avoid...basically he's been a dishonourable little s#it but she can't see that and I get criticised for slagging him off..."He never say bad things about you"...well he can't cos I'm not the one who's been trying to split us up!

will they grant her a visa?

Probably - but why should you care now? Sounds like you're well rid of her. Leave her for the German.

My TGF got her UK 6 month tourist visa at end of June in her brand new shiny passport...no other stamps or visas in it at this time

We got engaged in May08, having been together for 2.5 years & I'm down as her sponsor...

Now not looking too good between us & she's now choosing between me and a German guy I discovered she was seeing who she met in Feb08...and she's now applying for Schengen visa to visit him in Germany..."Want to see if I can get visa for other country as well"...nice!!

So she now has 2 sponsors in different countries....


  1. Should I notify British Embassy in BKK that I may no longer be her sponsor?
  2. Will the UK visa then be invalid?
  3. Should I notify the German Embassy in BKK of reasons given when applying for UK visa, including family & 2 wedding invites?
  4. Typically how long would it take to get German visa?
  5. What chances do you think she has of getting a German visa?

I assume she has to go for an interview at the German Embassy in BKK, would love to be a fly on the wall for that one!!

Obviously I'm pretty gutted as we'd been talking about her tip to UK for a year and despite the lies I still love her....still hope she'll see sense & dump the German & come visit me in UK...


Hi Phomthai,

As you have known the lady for over 2 years you will have spent some time in thailand and therfore must be well aware that you are not the first and will not be the last guy to find themselves in this situation.

Over that period I am sure you have invested a great deal of time effort and money in this lady, unfortunately your investment has not paid off, you cannot get back your time or money but you can regain some respect for yourself and rebuild your confidence if you wish to.

Naturally you are gutted, who wouldnt be in your situation.

I am sure that you know already that the german may well be the last of a long line for all you know, and with respect she does not deserve any further consideration.

You trusted her and she betrayed that trust over a lengthy period, and even had the german guy before and during the time you were planning your engagement and that relationship is still ongoing.

I am sure that the fact that you dont want to have to tell your friends and family that this woman has taken you for a fool is partly the reason you are still hoping the matter can be resolved if the german walks away, but you know full well that you will never be able to trust her again and for that reason you should consider youself fortunate that it happen now rather than a year or two down the line.

The last part of your posting," still hope she will see sense and dump the german guy and visit me in the uk" is just foolish pride.

You must have asked yourself many times why she has done this? I have no doubt that the answer to that is because she is confident that you will put up with whatever shit she throws at you, and with respect, she is not far off the mark.

You have been around thai people long enough to now that " loss of face and respect" is very important to most Thai people,

this lady clearly is no lady, neither is she typical of most Thai ladies, if she was she would not have treated you this way.

I will answer your questions on the basis that you know quite well that you have no realistic future wih this lady and are looking for the best way to walk away with some dignity and perhaps some satisfaction that she will likely have some difficulty in gaining admission to the UK or the Schengen Countries in the future.

Dont feel bad about it, think of it as part of the healing process .

Q1. Should I notify the UK Embassy that I may no longer be her sponsor?

MAY no longer be her sponsor? Alerting the Embassy to the possibility and leaving the door open so you can close it at a later date if she doent come back to you is frankly rediculous.

A. You should write a letter to the Head of the Visa Section simply saying that you no longer have a relationship with this lady and accordingly you are withdrawing your sponsorship as she will not be visiting the UK for the reasons set out in her application. Write and Post the letter by recorded delivery ( or thai equivelent) TODAY and FAX OR E-MAIL A COPY

to the Head of the Visa Section TODAY.

Q2. Will the UK Visa then still be valid?

A. If you withdraw as her sponsor then it will almost certainly be cancelled, if you write MAY not then it could possibly go either way, but I strongly suspect they would cancel it due to the uncertainty.

Q3. Should I notify the German Embassy of reasons given when applying for uk visa i.e. visiting your family and friends?

YES I would write a letter to the Head of the Visa Section of the German Embassy confiming your identity and contact details advising them that you understand that this lady is in the process of applying for a Schengen Visa to visit this man in Germany and ask that they take particular care to note that you have obtained a UK Visa for her based on your longstanding relationship with her which due to her taking up with the german guy in February of this year you have ended your relationship with her and advised the UK Visa Section that you have withdrawn as her Sponsor.

As a consequence you expect her UK Visa to be withdrawn due to this change of circumstances and you request them to fully consider the recently obtained and soon to be cancelled UK Visa for the purposes of her application for a Schengen Visa. Also enclose a copy of your letter to the UK Visa Section for their consideration and reference.

Again send the letter by recorded delivery TODAY, and FAX /EMAIL a copy to the head of the German Visa Section TODAY.

Q4. How Long would it take to get a Schengen Visa from the German Embassy?

A. My Thai wife was issued with a Shengen Visa by the German Embassy in BKK the day after she applied for it, based upon her Spouse Visa from the UK Visa Section in BKK which was granted a few days earlier.

Q5. If this lady is prepared to claim she wants to have the visa to accompany you on holiday/business in Germany then I suspect she will get it fairly easily. Why risk putting the german on the appliation form when she has only known him a short time and dont forget the German Visa process has just been tightened up. In her position I expect her to show the uk visa to support her application and use you again to get it.

I would not automatically assume she will have to attend an interview, if she presents the same information/evidence that was presented in order to obtain her UK Visa there is no reason to believe that information along with the UK visa approval would not be accepted without the need for an interview.

I am sorry for the length of this reply but you need to make you mind up NOW, in your position I would do as I have set out above and most imortantly I would not pre-warn her of my intentions or discuss it with anyone else that may know both of you for that matter.

I m sure she is full of herself at the moment and been boasting and showing her UK visa to all her freinds and family, in your position I would take some satisfaction if she were to get on a plane tot he uk only to be turned back when she arrives!

Alternatively she might just let it lapse and go to renew it at a later date and that would be equally satisfying.

Ofcouse you could let her profit from taking the P out of you and quite possibly others as well?

Whatever you do do it Now.


Roy gsd :o:D


Thanks for the support Roy Gsd...this is not a troll, this is 100% genuine

I guess I know in my head what I should do but the heart is struggling especially when told by Thai & farang friends that she does love me but hates it when we fight which inevitably is over the German guy who can do no wrong even though she finally admitted the other night that he was wrong to chase her after she told him she was in love with me not him & wanted to marry me...

He makes her happy cos they don't fight our mutual friends tell me but she doesn't seem to see that he's the reason why we fight...which inevitably leads to another fight...damned if I do damned if I don't!!! Spoke yesterday & I said no more fighting

I told her that she won't get a German visa cos of the shiny new unused UK visa and the fact that the German embassy would question why she hasn't used the UK visa etc....her close relatives told her that she should go to UK with me & that if she didn't then they wouldn't let her go anywhere else...Mama was crying when I left the other day...

One reason for coming onto the forum was to see if I was right, will they grant her a visa?


Sorry mate but you need to close your ears to her and her friends and family, step back and look at the bigger picture.

You argue with her so she consider's that entitles her to cheat on you?

You say you argue most about the german guy, personally I think you need to drop him out of the equasion, she is blaming him for chasing her, utter bulshit and both you and her know it.

So every time some guy takes a shine to her she blames you for arguing with her and cheats on you again, is that what you want from your future wife? Because that my friend is what you have got and she is loving all the attention and drama and she has no respect for you, Wolfgang ( if thats his name?) the german, her family or herself.

I dont mean to e harsh old son but Mama might well hav ebeen crying when you left the other day but she will be all smiles when Wolfgang (or whatever his name is?) or his replacement shows up.

The tears are because of being discovered not for your suffering, I rather suspect that you have been a source of revenue to the family for some time now and if so that will be sorely missed.

She tells you that she has told the german he is wrong to chase her and she has told him that she loves you and wants to marry you, well you know she does not love you enough to stop cheating on you, she may want to marry you for the wrong reasons.

Sorry to be harsh but one thing for sure the german has read her far better than you have to date, he wasnt wrong for chasing her, ( and I doubt he needed to) no is a small word yet she canot say no that is clear, dont feel sorry for her she dont deserve one more moment of your time.

As for the fmily saying that if she dont come with you to the uk they wont let her go anywhere else, another bit of nonsense, it hasnt put her off from thinking about going to germany with this guy has it? Therfore she will continue to do exactly what she wants to do and when she wants to do it and more relevant with whom she wants to do it with , now and in the future.

The german is nothing to do with this problem, the problem is she is up fo rit and if it wasnt the german it would likely have been someone else, treat it as a life experience nnot a nice one I am sure but in time you will look back and realise what a

good job you didnt bring her to the uk where she could cause you much more damage with your friends and family.

I would get the letter off today and get out of town for a week or two, i fnot longer, change your phone number and ignore all attempts by friends to mediate, its far too late for that.

As the risk of stating the obvious, beautifu ladies are like bus's in Thailand, another three or more will be along shortly.

Its likely been a rough 12 months or so for you so chill out, enjoy the scenery and more importantly enjoy your life

rather than allowing "no marks" to spoil it for you.

Good Luck

Roy gsd :o:D


Brit has it in a nutshell, she's telling the same STORY (ie LIES) to both of you. If you can't grab this concept, then you are truly dim. How many "SPONSORS" does she need?

roygsd, If I had a lady that I was engaged to and she was "trying" to go see ANOTHER guy before we even got married, I would kick her to the curb and say good bye. Now if you can't understand this concept, then you must be as dim as the OP or the most naive person in the world and the OP as well.

Brit has it in a nutshell, she's telling the same STORY (ie LIES) to both of you. If you can't grab this concept, then you are truly dim. How many "SPONSORS" does she need?

roygsd, If I had a lady that I was engaged to and she was "trying" to go see ANOTHER guy before we even got married, I would kick her to the curb and say good bye. Now if you can't understand this concept, then you must be as dim as the OP or the most naive person in the world and the OP as well.


I dont think anyone could or would disagree with you that the lady is not worth bothering with, not so sure the " kick her to the curb and say goodbye" is exacty what you meant?. Goodbye and a few chosen words would be sufficient for most people.

In any event If you have looked at my responses to this posting you can be in no doubt that I have advised the O/P to ditch her TODAY and I have also given him food for thought on how to gain some measure of satisfaction which will more than wipe the smile off her face and possibly for many years to come at that.

No reasonable person could fail to understand your concept of ditching her, what I fail to understand is why you would coose to insult the guy and add to his troubles by calling him dim?

I dont think the guy is dim or nieve at all, he is trying to come to terms with the loss of something he valued and trusted as well as facing the prospect of having to deal with the likely snide remarks ( jokes if you like) of friends who he persuaded to invite her to their weddings and also his family and work mates.

The guy has apparently been with her for two and a half years, and during that time has fought his way through all the "ting tong", "Cookie" and thai bride jibes and worse I expect, he knows what to expect when they get the news back home.

I certainly wouldnt want to be in his shoes and neither I suspect would anybody else.

His head must be well and truly f..ked up at the minute, he has always known what he should do, putting it into practice is just taking him a bit of time to get his head around it thats all.

As for you thinking I am dim and or nieve well I dont have a problem with that, I gave up worrying about what people think of me long before I left school and thats a long long time ago.

Roy gsd

The guy has apparently been with her for two and a half years, and during that time has fought his way through all the "ting tong", "Cookie" and thai bride jibes and worse I expect,

I can relate to that one, thanks a lot little britain!!

I Really have to learn how to deal with this one, because it really gets to me when people say that one.

The guy has apparently been with her for two and a half years, and during that time has fought his way through all the "ting tong", "Cookie" and thai bride jibes and worse I expect,

I can relate to that one, thanks a lot little britain!!

I Really have to learn how to deal with this one, because it really gets to me when people say that one.

I dont watch big brother show but I did happen to see it when the Thai lady arrived in the house, pissed me right off, Heard Jonathan Ross on the radio lst saturday morning taking the P out of thai brides and after getting the laugh making a half step back from his comments. Love to see him in a Thai restaurant just after he finished his grub, dont think he would risk eating in a Thai restaurant after that!

If you ridicued people from other countries like they do Thais the race relations boad would be up in arms.

The bald bloke in little britain has just separated from his gay partener who he "married 18 months ago, be great if it turned out he run off with a thai ladyboy wouldnt it!

Roy gsd

The guy has apparently been with her for two and a half years, and during that time has fought his way through all the "ting tong", "Cookie" and thai bride jibes and worse I expect,

I can relate to that one, thanks a lot little britain!!

I Really have to learn how to deal with this one, because it really gets to me when people say that one.

I dont watch big brother show but I did happen to see it when the Thai lady arrived in the house, pissed me right off, Heard Jonathan Ross on the radio lst saturday morning taking the P out of thai brides and after getting the laugh making a half step back from his comments. Love to see him in a Thai restaurant just after he finished his grub, dont think he would risk eating in a Thai restaurant after that!

If you ridicued people from other countries like they do Thais the race relations boad would be up in arms.

The bald bloke in little britain has just separated from his gay partener who he "married 18 months ago, be great if it turned out he run off with a thai ladyboy wouldnt it!

Roy gsd

Exactly, you mention any other country there would be up roar and riots.

Yeah there is a Thai girl in BB what makes me laugh is when i hear people say "oh i love Ping Pong from Big Brother, I really want her to win it",

They like her on the show, but still streo type her.

Would be funny if his BF did do that, but i dont think it would ever take away the stereotyping so many Brits do, you can tell on there face when you mention Thai, and Girl/woman in the same sentance, the usual, oh she is a prostitute, she is a ladyboy,she only wants you for a visa, etc etc

But what can we do?? When its people from our country that glamourise it to some extent.


Exactly, you mention any other country there would be up roar and riots.

Yeah there is a Thai girl in BB what makes me laugh is when i hear people say "oh i love Ping Pong from Big Brother, I really want her to win it",

They like her on the show, but still streo type her.

Would be funny if his BF did do that, but i dont think it would ever take away the stereotyping so many Brits do, you can tell on there face when you mention Thai, and Girl/woman in the same sentance, the usual, oh she is a prostitute, she is a ladyboy,she only wants you for a visa, etc etc

But what can we do?? When its people from our country that glamourise it to some extent.

When I had one joker ask how much did I pay for my wife I told him he had made a mistake and explained I wasnt his father.......... odd when the lads start laughing at him he didnt find it funny,,,,,the clowns :Ddont like it back do they.

On another occasion I got my mate to shit in some stuck up cows handbag on night after listening to her snide "funny" jokes, wish I had a camera when she got to her car, after the penny dropped that it wasnt just the keys she had in her hand

for some reason she suddenly lost her sense of humour.............. whilst on the other hand me and my mate were on the verge of needing an ambulance we laughed so much. A terrible thing to do I know, but as I have been called a terrible person many times in my life and I might add unjustly on a few occasion's I simply have to accept the fact that shit happens and get on with it.

Roy gsd :o


Kick her to the curb means to get rid of her, not do any physical damage to the trollop. He's been dating this woman for 2 years and finds out she's been seeing another guy and how long has this been going on? For this woman to come out and say this to the guy is mind boggling. For him to ask others what he should do after this fact is what makes me think he's dim or at the very least, naive or just another TROLL.

He also states that he is a sponsor for her and from what I read, so is the German, how much are these two guys giving her as her sponsor? Are there any more guys sending her money? He's most likely spent quite a bit and now he needs to write it off as just bad judgment and get on with his life. It may be hard for him but in life, SHIT happens. Maybe he can get your friend to go see her and shit in her purse also.


I am sure it could be arranged, however I think my route will give the guy more satisfaction and will give her plenty to worry about should she ever seek to obtain either a UK or schengen visa in the future, which given the present facts appears to be is what she prizes.

There is more than one way to skin a cat, an in my experience hitting someone in the pocket or taking away their toys leaves a lasting bitter taste,which often lasts for years.

Roy Gsd


I am sure it could be arranged, however I think my route will give the guy more satisfaction and will give her plenty to worry about should she ever seek to obtain either a UK or schengen visa in the future, which given the present facts appears to be is what she prizes.

There is more than one way to skin a cat, an in my experience hitting someone in the pocket or taking away their toys leaves a lasting bitter taste,which often lasts for years.

Roy Gsd

Roy has given very sound advice on this matter.

The Op is in that awkward situation at the moment where his heart is still pining and in love. Haven't we all been there before at some time over a woman?

Always hard to accept good advice in that situation.

I feel for the OP but urge him to do what Roy has said and do it soonest. Later, when your heart is healed, you will smile and be happy that you have sought your revenge.


Thanks to everyone for your comments & support

I'm back in the UK, A's still in Thai

My head & heart are in conflict mode and I'm not one to rush a decision so will take my time

As with most things in life it's not all black & white. You guys have the condensed version, A & I know the full facts

I just have to work it out in my head & heart

Once again many thanks for the support. Roy your words have meant the most to me, thank you


Oh boy - we don't understand only A and I do? Well care to enlighten us on what BS she may be spouting now..... :o

Listen we've all been there in some form or fashion mate, TRUST is the foundation in any successful relationship. She can't be trusted, so time to move on. By continuing to ignore the situation, will only make things worse in the end. Chalk it up to experience and cut your losses.

A & I know the full facts

I thought asking advice, meant everyone else should too?

I just have to work it out in my head & heart

Follow your head, no follow your heart, aww shucks follow both, maybe the twain shall meet.


So she is shagging a german lad too, and you want to keep her in your life? :o

I think you know the answer, kick the bird in the arse and send her backing, not before you make the german lad know what she did too.

Piss 'er off......as fast as you can. Leave her for Klaus.


OK folks quick update....

Thought I'd sound her out on what she wanted...clear Mama's debts & buy land, total cost 750k baht (ouch!!) If I do that she promised she'd come to the UK, hang on though what guarantee do I have that she'd come over?

  • "I have to trust you"
  • "OK no problem you can trust me"
  • "I think not honey, you have history of lies & cheating, deal is this you come to UK then I'll clear Mama's debts and we'll sort out the land" (this was something we'd been discussing doing in future anyway)

Rejected for no real reason...so yes was only in it for the money, no intention of coming to UK

So Leo (let's call the German that...) is welcome to Pun, which we all know is Thai for a Granny Smith fruit.....

Now where'd I put the email addresses & phone nos. for British & German embassys in Bangers....???? Oh and I won't tell her that, would love to see her get her visa & try to enter Germany only to be put back on next plane to Thai....lovely!!

OK folks quick update....

Thought I'd sound her out on what she wanted...clear Mama's debts & buy land, total cost 750k baht (ouch!!) If I do that she promised she'd come to the UK, hang on though what guarantee do I have that she'd come over?

  • "I have to trust you"
  • "OK no problem you can trust me"
  • "I think not honey, you have history of lies & cheating, deal is this you come to UK then I'll clear Mama's debts and we'll sort out the land" (this was something we'd been discussing doing in future anyway)

Rejected for no real reason...so yes was only in it for the money, no intention of coming to UK

So Leo (let's call the German that...) is welcome to Pun, which we all know is Thai for a Granny Smith fruit.....

Now where'd I put the email addresses & phone nos. for British & German embassys in Bangers....???? Oh and I won't tell her that, would love to see her get her visa & try to enter Germany only to be put back on next plane to Thai....lovely!!

I'm sure it doesn't feel like it but her cheating is the best thing that could have happened to you. If you had married her in the UK you would have been paying for it for the rest of your life.

And no offense, but you sound like a patsy for even negotiating with her that if she only came to the UK you'd pay her mother's debts!

I have a near certainty that this particular girl over played her hand, but the next one will suck you financially dry.

BTW. This girl doesn't like you. You should know this. She really really doesn't like you at all, never mind lacking respect, she thinks you're a piece of sh!t


Well at least she now has a little more experience in sucking a guy in, I feel sorry for the German now, she just got better at the game. Bullet dodged, move on, move up, life's like that!!

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